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Everything posted by Jamie

  1. Yep nailing the VR through the tunnels was just awesome. Got back last night and I'm on a serious comedown. Few more pics off my phone as haven't got round to sorting the ones off my camera yet. Can't wait til next year...
  2. Thanks Supercharged. I'm not normally a photo sort of person but took loads over there. Every time you think you've seen the best car you will ever see, something else comes along that blows it away! I'll stick some more up in the Worthersee thread in a bit. Yeah after doing a bit more reading I'm starting to think stem seals Sean. They're still a bit of a mission to do though aren't they? I really did have a fantastic time and I can't recommend going enough :)
  3. Got back last night - was absolutely awesome. 2344 miles, 6 countries (nearly 7) and the car performed brilliantly there and back with only one minor problem when the throttle cable came away from the pedal assembly. Clipped it back on and carried on. Got 34mpg on the way there and 36 on the way back. Would probably have been better but I couldn't help myself nailing it through the tunnels (which sounded AMAZING) and having to stop every 50-60 miles to refill my mates MKIIs coolant. Only downside is the car is burning oil now :( Done about a litre and a half and is putting out a bit of blue smoke if I nail it then let off. So it looks like either a rebuild or transplant is on the cards... Can't wait til next year :lol: My personal Car Of The Week
  4. Arrived here about 7 this evening - my mates MKII has blown the head gasket so we've had to stop every 50 miles to top him up :( What an amazing drive though...
  5. Yeah I first decided I wanted one in 1992, finally got round to it twenty years later! Nope never been before but again - been wanting to go for years and years and finally got round to it now I'm too old to do it :lol: You probably won't have seen my car out and about much, it every rarely leaves the garage although hopefully that will all be changing as from this year See you around then :)
  6. We're going 17-24th StoneJag. If you see us come and say hello :)
  7. Thanks for the kind comments :) Will chuck a few pictures up in here but there will be plenty on my Instagram if you want to have a look - @___jamie___ As much as I like my Corrado I've got to be honest - I would be hard pressed to choose which of the three to take home (not to mention the ABF'd MKI that's not in the picture) if I had the choice. Both the MKII and the Scirocco are really, really sweet cars. The unit belongs to my friend Chris (the Scirocco owner) who is a very decent type of chap and is kind enough to open it up for us to use when we need it. He needs to buy a kettle though :lol:
  8. Spent the day sprucing up ready for Worthersee :) And a quick one of my mates sorting their cars ready to go
  9. Haha yeah sorry forgot to say I was trying to open it. Anyway all sorted - StueyB's advice was spot on! Took the engine out, rubbed a crayon on the zip and eased it back and that was it - job done.
  10. The triangles in there, I want to get it out. Cheers for the advice I'll work my way through them :)
  11. Anybody got any ideas on how to free this off? Tried WD40, silicon and PTFE lubricant sprays and the thing is jammed solid. I don't want to tug it so hard the clip comes off but I just can't get it to budge...
  12. Jamie

    RS 301's

    There was a NOS set on E38 end of last year I think still in the boxes for £2200. I have to say though if I had the money I would snap them straight up. I will get a set eventually and I know full well when I do I will have to pay more for them than I paid for the car but they are the most perfectly ageless wheel around. Stunning!
  13. Unless they've done a shed load of work to them - they're shagged! My mate bought them a few months back for his MKII and was gutted at the condition when they turned up, so sold them straight on.
  14. Haha - mines been laid up pretty much since August last year, done about 100 miles since I pulled it out of the garage and will be driving it 900 miles on its first proper outing :)
  15. Ron you have to get the tyre removed to split the rim mate. It's nigh on impossible (if at all) to cut through the rim sealant with the tyre on and 100% impossible to reseal the rim with the tyre on. It's pretty easy though - get the tyre off, whip all the bolts out, run a Stanley knife round the sealant then gently knock the rim off with a rubber mallet and use a flap wheel or similar clean both surfaces. Rebuilding you have two options - build the rim then seal once it's built or (the way I have always done it) run a small bead of sealant round both surfaces, build the rim and smooth it, then wait for that to go off and run a second bead. This is the way I've always done it and never had a problem with leaking rims :)
  16. This is all good news - heading off to Austria in mine in just under two weeks. Nervous. As. Hell.
  17. Sorry bit of a misunderstanding - I know I said I only needed the fronts but obviously I'd buy the whole lot :). Any chance of some pics and a price?
  18. Jamie

    Cheap Recaros

    I'm tempered to have a bid, drive it to the end of his road, rip the interior out and leave the rest there :lol:
  19. Yep I've been there but not for about 25 years :lol: It is an absolutely beautiful city and the thing that really stuck out for me was how immaculately clean it was. As for what to do I can't help you there really - I was over there for my sisters wedding. The WWII submarine base is worth a visit if you're into that sort of thing. PM Mawrick - pretty sure he lives in Bergen.
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