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Everything posted by Jamie

  1. Saw a dark coloured (green possibly) M plate on the M40 around 8 this morning. Think it had a red rear badge as well. Saw one in shepperton last week again dark one with reg ending CCC
  2. Anyone tried HICs breakdown cover?
  3. I drove past a middle aged woman in my lorry on Monday who had her skirt pulled up to her thighs and her blouse undone to the waist...
  4. I can see it Dave - Leather Steering Wheel Ideal For A Retrim £15?
  5. Clare as in Co. Clare? It would depend entirely on condition and what I'd be getting. Tbh if the cloth is what I'm thinking, I only need the fronts. Can you PM some pics and a detailed description?
  6. I may be interested in these depending on price and condition. Whereabouts in London are you?
  7. Yep had it a few times. Last summer I had a very attractive erm... "mature" lady in a white A4 convertible pull alongside me on the M25 and give me a wave :)
  8. Had exactly the same problem - tried 3 motors and two switch panels before I gave up and ended up swapping the cassette for a MKIII Golf one. Been fine ever since.
  9. Just the general brushing past, fingers all over bodywork, kids playing chase round cars etc. really winds me up. I know it's not the end of the world and I sound like a right narky sod but I just think, as Jim says, it shows a complete lack of respect for the work people put into building show cars. Can't understand how no-one spotted your Corrado when it wasn't actually there DG...
  10. Had a nice catch up with Edd and he said yep he will try and get a Corrado done. Funnily enough they're looking to buy a flash red 93 VR6 on RHs :lol: As I said on the Wheels Day thread - I've known Edd for the best part of 25 years and chatting with him with people coming and asking for his autograph is such a strange feeling. The nice thing is he is exactly the same Edd I met all those years ago and the "fame" hasn't changed him one little bit.
  11. Well a 45 minute journey took me 3 hours so by the time I got there I was stuck out in with the general public, which bearing in mind how some people were treating the show cars I'm actually glad I wasn't in the main area. On the plus side I had a nice chat with Edd and he said yes they will do a Corrado and it will probably be a flash red 93 VR6 on RH ZW1s ;) :lol: I must say its a really weird thing chatting to someone you have known pretty much all your life and having people keep coming up and asking for a photo and his autograph :)
  12. King Brennys tricky reds :)
  13. Never even realised there was a football forum on here! Come on Tony, you've done what was needed - give King Brennys tricky reds an easy ride now :lol:
  14. Just out of interest - why you asking if you already own them and aren't selling? :confused:
  15. Let us know you get on with this will ya Kempy? Mines doing the same and it didn't used to bother me but since it's been pointed out it's bugging me....
  16. I'd say between £800-1000 for the manifold and £250-300 for the cams so you're about right. This is purely based on what I've seen items sell for while I've been looking. Would be very interested in the cams myself just bad timing :(
  17. Hmmmmm... When I emailed Opie and asked their advice on gear oil they recommended (and I bought) the 75-90 Multi Vehicle
  18. Yep I'll definitely be there and hopefully in the Corrado :)
  19. Oh yeah I agree mate - was just commenting on the Baron of Bristols only other pair shout. But then again after posting he probably means in 5x100 stud pattern. Although I would imagine 4 x 100 would be pretty rare in itself :)
  20. There's a MKII for sale on E38 on 17" Borbets...
  21. This is a great setup and an absolute screaming bargain of a price. Those Genesis amps are just amazing (I run two in my daily). If anyone wants this but doesn't want the sub enclosure I'd be very, very interested. Btw Tomi may be worth getting it up on Talkaudio
  22. I wouldn't get your hopes up too much chaps - Mike Brewer has a very slight problem with the definition of the words "truth" and "reality". I'm not saying it'll never happen but just don't get too excited
  23. Hahaha mental. Glad you've got a happy ending though
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