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Everything posted by Jon_vr6

  1. If you can afford to get the head work done then do it, as while its all apart you might aswell get it done.
  2. Jon_vr6

    Ignition switch

    Did you enjoy getting the screw out?
  3. Finally got time to put up that i spotted a mystic blue corrado storm at Costco near trafford centre on 23/12/15 reg was N150 EUG
  4. Haha i can see my abs light shine through the gap.
  5. I think it bows slightly with age mine does too.
  6. Thats awesome of you mate. Yeah drop me a PM mate when your ready, safe journey tomorrow mate.
  7. Cheers Robert and Tom. Rob if its easier to just post them off to me then ill cover postage etc. (i know as everyone else christmas time your busy). And im in no rush for them whenever you get round to it mate.
  8. Hi Tom, on the black bootlid trim covers there are screw in type clips that hold it on im missing 3 on mine do you have any hanging around you'd be willing to part with? Cheers Jon
  9. Yeah watch 4/5/6 and then go watch the new one
  10. You can get universal kits off ebay how good they are i dont know.
  11. Id go genuine about 30 quid. dont bother with a metal one not worth it when the drain plug on it fails.
  12. You prob did but worth double checking since you damaged the o ring.
  13. If it was still a tight fit after cleaning it up, id say you didnt clean it enough. Clean it till its smooth all the way around.
  14. Google should help you out i dont know off hand.
  15. Usually the relays on the headlight loom get rusty so might be worth taking them off the loom spraying some electrical contact cleaner and pushing back in.
  16. Does yours have an uprated headlight loom installed?
  17. Jon_vr6


    Congrats always a relief to pass.
  18. No worries i got mine through vw when mine went only to find there was one on ebay 70 quid cheaper.
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