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Everything posted by dirtytorque

  1. Lookin good. U should put some original bbs shoes on her. That would look luuurvly. I want to go that way myself but I have break issues. :(
  2. missed this thread somehow. Looks schweet. :salute:
  3. No need for allen bolts. I don't understand why they would do that. :scratch:
  4. He is under contract to pay u £960. thats bad form. :censored: He is under contract to pay you the agreed amount. I'd go second chance offer to the next bidder if he is pi$$ing u about.
  5. Hello. Also the compression ratio will be too high in the jetta engine for FI so you will have to address that too. :salute:
  6. schrick 268/276 split duration.
  7. in drewiee99 last picture the bottom left corner is the power steering pump. The water pump is above it. In simple terms the bottom most pump on a g60 engine is the powersteering. The water pump is above it and sits directly behind the supercharger bracket.
  8. you don't need to take the water pump off?? Its hard to explain but it really is a case of getting underneath and having a good look and the securing bolts on the unit and undoing them. Take your time and have a good look at how it is secured unitl the penny drops.
  9. if your not enjoying it take a break for a while.. btw I liked the yellow lights.I really did,but it looks even better now.Lean mean and clean. 8)
  10. Did you take those plugs out once the engine had warmed up properly?
  11. under the gear lever. a 2x 2 type connector. Only gives ABS fault codes tho.
  12. So just clear away an area around any damaged stuff and then re-apply? I don't have to clear the whole underside of the car? Sorry if question seems dumb.
  13. Nice work. I see the experience with MS is paying off with the loom skills. :) Looks like you shouldn't get any Gremlins.
  14. fixed problem with break lights staying on all the time and fitted and bled new slave cylinder. pics for kicks.
  15. :lol: this thread is pure comedy. Kind regards Rupert.
  16. lol yeah bury it sing a a hymn and move on. For some things i don't mind using GSF but i'd always buy standard new VAG parts for a cam tensioner. good luck with the build.
  17. Did you not read what I wrote? I said I think they look gash so don't apologise :lol: yeah,but it is ok for you to say that coz it's your car. I felt bad saying that your wheels look a bit Michael Knight. :) Anyway will lookk forward to seeing what you do with it. [shameless plug] I might have some 15" Borbet C's for sale soon. I think they would look great on your car [/shamless plug] :thumbleft:
  18. Personally i don't like the alloys.They're a bit much.Sorry just my opinion. Liking sponge bob tho. :)
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