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Everything posted by dirtytorque

  1. what he said /\.... can't you just use a long power bar on it ? Or is the nut too awkward to get at??
  2. sorry,the guys a pr!ck. It wasn't even his car. He took it without owners permission,so the story reports anyway.
  3. I think if she said that to me, I would have gone back to my car and got the Fist-to-Teeth serial adapter out of the glove box. That's the way it is these days on Great Schittain's roads. People are just cnuts, the lot of them. They don't know how to use roundabouts. They create gaps for themselves on motorways. They drive out in front of you and EXPECT you to give way to THEM, even though it's your right of way. They pull over in stupid feckin places to 'legally' talk on the phone. They do 40mph in a 60 and 40mph in a 30. They close up gaps or speed up to stop you overtaking on single lanes. If it were legal I'd happily kill all these morons to death with a small collection of hell fires.....and then I'd kill them again with an MP5 just to make sure. LOL... fella maybe you should see someone about these homicidal thoughts?!!
  4. dirtytorque

    G60 Hoses

    ahh, I see. yeah,not too bad. just dismantled it and gave it a bit of a clean. Concentrating on the bottom end at the mo,but I have run out of money. :( probably best that u bought those hoses. :)
  5. hmm,fascinating stuff. I'll do some more reading. thnks. Good luck with the build looking forward to seeing how it all pans out.
  6. I'm just beggining to look into MS. Were you using MS for fuel and spark? I was just wondering how knock sensing is handled. I'm really sorry to hijack your post like this but it seems a relevant time to ask. cheers.
  7. dirtytorque

    G60 Hoses

    if Dan dosn't want them then I'd be interested. Obviously Dan has 1st dibs :)
  8. Had a look under the car but I guess you can't just undo the sump bots as two of them are obscured by the transmission housing!!? thnks in advance.
  9. I did think that, but are the crank, intermediate shaft and camshaft pulleys the same as the 9A? Lol,you have me doubting my own mind now. Yes I have relied on this information to build a 2 litre block which is basically the same as 9A(Appart from the pistons :wink: ) ,by borrowing parts from an ABF block. To sumarise crank pulley for kr,9a,abf = 027 105 263 B intermediate pulley for kr,9a = 027 109 111 G intermediate shaft for 9a,abf = 053 115 017 C Gear thingy that goes on the end of the drive shaft on the oil pump for 9a,abf =053 115 027 A Hope this helps. You can call your local dealer and check all this if you like. I got this info from etka. p.s Obviously your block will not have the same deck height as a 9a though..... Not sure what implictions that may have. :? ta.
  10. the ABF is also a "tall block",so I would say yes.
  11. If your oil pressure in genereal is fine and your feed/return lines are in good health and not leaking etc then your charger will be getting the oil it needs. Have I mis-intupreted your thread,did you have it idling the the return line diss'd off ?
  12. what state of tune was that in then mate? Had you had head work carried out on it?
  13. :shock: I know i don't know you or anything but this is one of the threads that i have been following with interest..Just a bit shocked that just as you were getting it up on its feet you want to sell... ah well if its not making you happy anymore...
  14. Don't sell. Don't make me come up there..... :)
  15. hi 16vg60. These are the bits I have so far.. 3a block,using the 3a crank and pistons(modified). abf intermediate pulley. abf oil pump,gear. abf crank pulley. kr head(Maybe flowed money permitting), kr exhaust manifold. sciroccco inlet manifold. I measured the audi 3a head and it had a volume of 32 cc. The kr head had a volume of 45 cc. With the extra capacity in the head,compression should be about 8.5.Maybe a bit less with the valve reliefs cut out. :? So Similar setup to your turbo 16v I guess just retaining the supercharger for now. I would like to have it finished for next summer,but we will see... :)
  16. nice one, I stripped and de-greased my 3a block 2day.I think i'll paint mine black. So have you got everything that you need then?
  17. maybe the wires came out of said box behind where it was mounted and thus you can't see them leaving it?????? stick vag-com on it anyway just to be sure ?? Can't hurt.
  18. I have a 92 g60.I used vag-com on mine.I guess that dosn't really help riley. :scratch: Folk on here have checked the resistance of the speed sensors to make sure they are ok.They are frequent causes of abs faults.Thats what the problem was on mine.
  19. ..oh. what like they have been cut?
  20. get a vag-com on it mate if u havn't already :)
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