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Everything posted by Wullie

  1. That is brilliant. Buy yourself a beer on me you clever little Sony.
  2. Never!! I use mine on a daily basis which I think reduces the inclination to think about getting rid of it. Removes the moneypit in the garage that doesn't get used feeling plus keeps it in better running condition.
  3. She didn't go to Uni, probably just used that as an excuse to get away from the pratt.
  4. And as soon as it's in a hose will pop and the whole lot trundle down the gutter. Corrado's eh!
  5. http://the-corrado.net/showthread.php?52325-1-8-16v-vacuum-pipes-diagram&highlight=%2Bvacuum+%2Bhoses Diagram of hoses in this thread.
  6. Never really had the urge to get another car since getting the Corrado. I rarely drive anything else except the wifes Zsara Picasso when I'm moving bulky things. Having said that I did miss my Polo 1.3 Formel E with Auto Stop/Start. The look on folks faces when you told them the engine was voice controlled was priceless. Pull up, slip it into neutral and say "Engine Stop" and it did, then into gear and say "Engine Start" and away it would go. OK a bit childish but I liked it.
  7. Maybe just plain old air is the answer. http://uk.finance.yahoo.com/news/liquid-air-could-fuel-future-035017019.html
  8. Brilliant. I'm pretty sure they are all the same. If you could PM me your address I'll get a Postal Order out to you.
  9. Bump for a window regulater, it's a bugger trying to go in and out of car parks.
  10. Possible niche market, The half mile long extenson lead.
  11. Thanks for the offer Easypops, will see what transpires. Anybody got one?
  12. As above, the whole electric assembly. The wire broke on mine. Payment would be by Postal Order as I'm a penniless poet and not allowed plastic cards, except my bus pass.
  13. Done, looks like they have a narrow lead at the moment. Could they arrange a bacon wedding cake?
  14. Not a pink oboe I'm afraid but a Sheridan acoustic guitar. Sang a load of folk songs and some pre Dylan anti war stuff. One woman said it was a change from all the "Rocky, shouty squeely stuff". Chucked in some poetry and the money kept flowing in. Maybe just try it out on nice days to save up for the new Audi Quattro thingy. Mind you tonight I was paid £35 and free wine for reading my poetry for 5 minutes, now if I could do that 40 hours a week that would be around £1500 a week and a constant state of inebriation.
  15. Lost a bet today and as a result had to busk outside the local centre for 15 minutes. Made just under a tenner in that time. Now that equates to about forty quid an hour which is more than I get for a six hour day. Tempted to try it part time to see if that's an accurate figure.
  16. Ah well, I'l just have to work till I'm 116, working overtime every spare minute. Probably got more chance of winning the lottery. Would have liked one though. Wonder if they would give a geriatric pauper a test drive, even out of sympathy.
  17. Two questions. Will it make it into production? Will I win the Lottery before it does?
  18. I see the expected happened. Welcome Ham Joint Us.
  19. Wullie


    I thought he was taller than that.
  20. Wullie


    Had to do a double take in my local last night. [ATTACH=CONFIG]69499[/ATTACH] Apparently it's to let people know that they can book their dinners now but WTF
  21. Used every day since I got it. Overall it has cost less than she who (thinks she) must be obeyed's various forms of transport in the 14 years I have owned it.
  22. I felt quite angry at this comment when I first read it having been a fireman for twenty nine and a half years. Didn't complete my thirty due to getting slightly blown up and retired on medical. I am still 25% disabled as a result of that, have a wonky ankle and some other problems from other "events". However, I know that at least 28 people are alive and well because of my, and my crews actions. That strike resulted in firemens wages being indexed to the 'upper quarter' of 'industrial workers' wages. Note that this is not tradesmen or management wages. Then I thought about the ages of of members on here and decided that you were talking about the 2002-3 strike, not the 1977 one that I was involved in. I was not involved in that strike because I was retired by then, however by that time the wage agreement had been eroded, the dispute was not only about wages but went much deeper than that. If memory seves me the figure for the pay rise was 40%, however a Government think tank proposed a rise of 50%, well above any other proposals from other bodies. consulted. A major part of the dispute was about other things one of which was that less firemen were needed at night so they would close stations that might not be needed, reduce the number of full time firemen and replace them with part timers, etc, etc, etc. Google it, most of it's there. As for soldiers etc only recieving one third of a firemans pay I honestly have no idea. What was a soldiers pay, did they get housing at reduced rates for their families etc. As I say I don't know and cannot really comment on that. After the 77 strike there was a common ground between the soldiers, airmen and sailors who were involved, firemen agreed that the didn't fancy doing the militarys job, and the military returned the compliment. I'm just in from the pub and rant over. Awaits flak
  23. I run about a mile every morning. If I'm going into town I walk, it's about two miles. If I'm having a drink I walk, being a canny Scot I hate paying for taxis and it's a well known fact that skin is waterproof. I was unwell, damaged ligament due to doing stupid things, and couldn't do it for a month and ended up almost 12 stone so excercise plays a part in it. As for "genetic" fatties, it's probably down more to the parents feeding the kids excessive portions of crap food, McDonalds and the like rather than some genetic deficiency though I do agree it may affect some. I find it hard to believe that the horrendous amount of overweight people are all suffering from a genetic problem rather than just being idle greedy feckers. Any how, keep eating bacon, your killer curries and keep the exercise up. You know it's good for you. (Wonders what a bacon curry sandwich would taste like.)
  24. Well I love my bacon rolls. I used to worry about diet, calories, cholesterol, you name it until I realised I was eating by spreadsheet. I decided that it would be far better to enjoy life and eat whatever I wanted. I keep myself reasonably fit and don't have any major health problems except Reynouds phenomenon which is more of a nuisance than an ilness. I must confess to being somewhat sceptical about a lot of the so called genetic stuff that is bandied about and think that in a lot of cases it is more the result of a poor lifestyle. I watch genetically obese/big boned people downing a snack that would feed a family of three. I assume that the genetic side of that is that they are just fat greedy ba**ards. I'm 65, eat what I want (in sensible quantities), smoke, drink ale, wine, and whisky. At the same time I keep myself fit and have weighed ten and a half stone since I was 19. So come on Sunderland. Have a nice big bacon sarnie and wash it down with a nice ale and then go for a nice walk. I'm sure you will survive.
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