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Everything posted by Wullie

  1. Bummer, I thought this said medication.
  2. Fully charged battery?
  3. Well that link was an entertaining read. Makes me think that creative writing is alive and well. However it did make me wonder, what exactly is considered a "mod" given they talk about wheels, exhausts and even stickers? My car was supplied with alloy wheels, so if I change them for a different set but the same size is that a mod? Similarly with exhausts. I had dificulty sourcing a standard exhaust so got a stainless system, the idea being that I wouldn't have to worry about replacing it. Now is that also a mod. God I'm getting confused. I always assumed my car was standard. Oh wait, I've taken the bump strips off the sides. Am I in trouble? :scratch:
  4. Ditto, though "She who sccasionaly gets obeyed" calls it that Fecking Thing." I assume it's meant as a term of endearment as she frequently uses fecking when describing me.
  5. Work gave her a present today. She got promoted to the internal car park, end bay. Well away from the visitors and reversing lorries. For some strange reason she also has decided to stop draining the battery every few days. A self repairing Corrado???
  6. http://www.vwheritage.com/vw_act_vwclassicParts.search_classicSearchText_191419523C_lang_EN_country_GB.htm
  7. Hmm, not that I know of, The most common powder is actually sodium bicarbonate aka baking soda, which is pretty innocuous in itself. There are however other powders used and one or two of these have a carcinogenic rating taken in combination with flow enhancers etc of 0.01 ppm. Powder is not exactly the most efficient of fire extinguishants as it relies a lot on the CO2 used to discharge the powder as an initial extinguising medium and the powder only to inhibit further ignition by absorbing and cooling the flammable substance involved. If an extinguisher was dangerous to health it would be banned as were for example CBF (Chlorobromodiflueroethane) Wullie Me, Graduate, Institute of Fire Engineers. The worst thing about powder is the bleedin mess it leaves behind which can be a pain in the A**se to get rid of. If it's dry hoover it up, or, as in most cases when used on an engine, pressure wash it away.
  8. 22nd Birthday for my little angel. Took her for a batter round the back lanes of Renfrewshire, a big drink of V-Power then to bed. She has to be up early tomorrow to take me to work. Aaaaw!!!
  9. Wullie

    Corrado maf

    Not sure if the 9a is the same setup but on the KR if the vacuum feed to the rear of the clock is blocked or disconnected it will cause the 99.9 reading.
  10. Party time tonight, the Corrado is 22 today! :cheers: Took it for a carefull calculated run around the lanes and a couple of runs around the street to get it exactly on 198,000. It's going to bed early though after a small refreshment. It is getting on a bit and has to get up early to go to work. It is still a daily after all.
  11. Love it, you sound like the perfect Corrado owner. Slightly mad! :bonk:
  12. Happy New Year one and all. May fortune favour your footsteps and your Corrado's develop reliability. Now to the serious bit, raises glass of 18 yr old Dewars single malt, Slainte mhath :dance:
  13. Basically. Mark the distributor position so you can get it back in the correct position and remove it carefully, ensuring you don't rotate the rotor arm. Put a dab of tippex or the like on the key that locates the distributor on the end of the camshaft and the distributor body so everything can be properly lined up when refitting. I "jet washed" the inside with WD 40 using the little straw that comes with it then gently dried it with paper towelling then allowed it to sit for a while in a warm place to allow it to dry off. Note:- This will only clean out the existing muck in the distributor and not cure the fault which is normally the O-ring on the distributor shaft that has given up the ghost. There is an external seal, green to seal the dizzy against the head but I don't think that would allow oil inside the dizzy. The other seal is on the shaft inside the dizzy and required a strip down to get to it. That seal as far as I remember is no longer available. Anyhoo, give it a good clean, stick it back on and see what happens.
  14. Indeed you have every right to disagree. I was considering recent threads about laying up a car and the steps that were recommended and used that as a comparison. It is entirely the owners choice, mollycoddle or abandon. There are also the number of post starting "My car has been off the road and now...wont start, running rough etc My choice is daily use. Others may have what are virtually show cars only that would disagree with me. Such is life and is what makes it interesting.
  15. Mine is, and has been a daily since I got it. My point of view is that cars are made to be driven and short of driving into things or stupidly abusing it is better for the car. Consider for a moment what you have to do to lay up a car for six months compared to putting petrol in it and driving it.
  16. Oil in the distributor can cause your problem if enough gets in. Mine just died while driving a long time ago. and tracked the problem to this. Carefully mark its position so you can replace it correctly, take it off and give it a damn good clean. If after cleaning it runs OK you can either strip the dizzy and replace the internal seal or replace it with a new or non leaky one.
  17. http://www.carbuzz.com/news/2012/4/22/New-BMW-M5-Totaled-on-Autobahn-Going-186mph-7708464/
  18. The Hobbit. Need to forget I devoured the books as I kept thinking "What's he doing there?" 8/10. Will need to go back again I thnk to really get into the movie, not my thinking head.
  19. Come on mate. The guys (and Gals, sorry Wendy etc) on this forum are the best bunch of people you will ever meet. There is a warped and friendly sense of humour involved. A bit like Volkswagen who produced the best car on Earth then denied all knowlwdge of it. I know, I have been on the recieving end of on more than one occasion and accept it as it is. I'm getting a bit long in the tooth and even that chat up line, though seemingly good at the time, was a bit careworn. As was angels falling. God my father used that one.
  20. PMSL reading through this. Ah, when I was a young and callow fellow.
  21. There's only one thing that counts or matters today, everyone should reflect on it and how one man changed the world as we know it many, many, many years ago the world gave birth to the man who'd do the most important thing any of us would ever know. Invent Pigs in Blankets! I don't know who you were but you made Happy Bacon!
  22. A Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year to one and all. :x-mas:
  23. Wullie


    Without the man from the Gates of Hell their would be posts all over the place. Sometimes a bit of redirection is required. Lights outside. Hmm, that may just be exterior.
  24. I'd probably get lost for a week in a place like that. The last time I ended up with two Citroen Light 15's and spent the next two years making one good one. I only went along with a mate who needed a lift with some parts for a Riley.
  25. Thanks for the replys guys, except perhaps the first one about a broken down one. I have always fancied the Scimitar and the "technology" or lack of it electronic wise is something I have a better understanding of compared to more modern cars and I am a compulsive footerer. It won't be happening for several months yet anyway so I'll have time to do a bit more in depth investigation. Surprisingly She who won't keep her trap shut quite likes them but is, as yet, unaware the Corrado will be staying. Bill, your brothers car sounds really interesting. Would it be OK to get in touch with you nearer the time re his contact details. I visit Pitternweem every year for the Arts Festival. Worlds a small place.
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