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Everything posted by Wullie

  1. Was looking for this and found this Now I'm confused cos I like both.
  2. Thank you Critical. I was feeling a bit sheepish.
  3. OK, meamug. Just sat in the chair and did it. Seemed a good idea at the time.
  4. Fired off my text to win the Jag. Anybody else or am I the only mug
  5. That gets too complicated for me, all this on line stuff. Sat at the PC for ages last night wandering about killing things. Didn't get to bed till about 3 am:bonk:. Just keep it at the version I've got just now then see what happens. I also bought The Bard's tale which I might try later. According to the blurb on the back the hero is driven by carnal rather than noble pursuits and is interested in coin and cleavage. :scratch: Sounds interesting.
  6. I was at a fete on Saturday and bought Diablo 2. Must get it loaded and see if my quid was worth it. Sounds like it might well be.
  7. Cat seems to like it. That's serious approval
  8. Lancia Theta if I remember correctly. Possibly something like 8.32 relating to the Ferrari engine it had. A 3 box design saloon that went like sh*t off a shovel, round about 1985.
  9. Thought it would be third time lucky, but between the government stealing my money and boredom I have gone back to work. One day I'll succeed. Even the Corrado failed me by not missing a beat. Bl**dy car.
  10. Wullie


    Testing everyone to see how much confusion she can create. seems to be working!
  11. Indeed it was me. Steeleye Span up full on the stereo and in a world of my own. Didn't see you though.
  12. Worth checking all the hoses, as you have bypassed the charger. One may have slipped loose or have a massive air leak.
  13. Are you talking about a Corrado? Cause that would be a bit of an oxymoron, the words Corrado and cheap in the same sentence. Now you've got one enjoy it, they should be classed as some form of mental disorder, Corradoitis.
  14. On Line shop here. http://wordclock.co/ £139 + P&P.
  15. Intriguing. Wish I had the knowledge to do something like that. Gave a like to his facebook page.
  16. This might help http://wiki.the-corrado.net/re_tumbing_locks.html Getting slow. Just noticed the reply above
  17. Probably teaching my granny to suck eggs, but bear in mind there are two TDC's. One on the exhaust stroke and one on the firing stroke.
  18. Dead man walking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. Wullie

    new owner

    Welcome to the forum, another one not a million miles away. Don't have a dog but got a nuclear powered cat :bonk: [ATTACH=CONFIG]57961[/ATTACH]
  20. All you need now is one of those 3d printer thingys and you could be in the Corrado model business.
  21. Wullie

    16v crank pulley

    Bolt WN 903 670 01 £2.77 Intriguingly called a socket on the invoice Sprocket W027 105 263 B £23.38 Got a little discount on these. I had the same problem, see here http://direct.the-corrado.net/showthread.php?55045-Fate-tempted-and-it-retaliated/page2&highlight=%2Bfate+%2Btempted
  22. Went into the petrol station today to put in some juice. As above, a guy filling a 4x4 and a row of nice shiny new jerry cans. The old couple in an ancient Micra used the pump before me, he kept trying to get more in when the cut out stopped it. When I got to the pump after he was finished he had managed to put £2.38 worth of petrol in his car. Gobsmacked was not the word. Saw that sales of jerrycans have jumped by 4000% in the past couple of days.
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