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Everything posted by Wullie

  1. See that Alex, now you've volunteered to be eaten by lions everyone wants to come! :dance: :joker2:
  2. But think of the pictures the others would get of you being eaten.
  3. I'm in a chair in erm, in erm, that's where I am. I'm in chair in Paisley.
  4. Check the bonnet release cable is'nt too tightly adjusted and preventing the latches too fully close
  5. Well done indeed Alex, you worked hard for this one.
  6. I'm 65 in December and have no intention yet of getting rid of the Corrado. Spent most of last week lying in the drive getting it ready for it's MOT which it passed today. Age is a mind game, just keep your mind about 25.
  7. NO! I only obey when it suits me. Do the snivelling wreck act the rest of the time.
  8. The moneypit passed it's MOT today, much to she who must be obeyed's dissapointment. "When will you get rid of that and get something sensible". "Never". quothe I. Exit she who must be obeyed muttering about divorcve etc.
  9. According to this there should be a few more http://direct.the-corrado.net/showthread.php?10315-What-colour-is-yer-Corrado&highlight=Poll
  10. Probably this week, doing the dread pre MOT stuff which always involves some part which won't come apart.
  11. At least it's working now, and now you can do a proper job and know it's done right.
  12. Two threads down :cheers: http://direct.the-corrado.net/showthread.php?57637-Central-locking-and-electric-windows-just-died/page2
  13. Why did the theme from "The Good, The Bad and the Ugly just spring into my head?
  14. There'a place in Renfrew down near the ferry called Chameleon Coating I think do powder coating. May be worth a call.
  15. Fitted new rear disks, pads and bearings. In an attempt to out think the car I bought a set of Irwins and new caliper frame bolts as they are notorious. Everything unbolted like a dream using the allen socket and I was finished in a couple of hours. Now got new unused set of Irwins. Bleedin car got me again.
  16. According to this there are a few more hiding out there http://direct.the-corrado.net/showthread.php?10315-What-colour-is-yer-Corrado
  17. Frequent the Last Post more often now, better selection of ales and only half the price. Corrado stays at home though cos she's teetotal and doesn't approve of beer.
  18. Gotcha! I have been known to frequent the Craig Dhu which must only be a stones throw away. I'm over the other side of town close to Aldi's and extremely convenient for JR Volkswagen. Good place for repairs and advice. My only problem with Jim is getting the bill off him.
  19. Marbled black and Piano (high gloss) black are available. Check the colour samples near the bottom of the advert
  20. Wullie

    Clutch issues

    On the 1.8 16v there is an additional bleed nipple just after the master cylinder which needs bleeding as well. Air gathers at the high point of the piping and this is too clear that.
  21. If you suspect the headgasket it may be worth redoing the compression test and comparing it to your previous results. Might give you a pointer. As it's quick to do you could also remove the cold start valve while the engine is cold (leave the electrical connection on), get someone to crank the engine and see if you get a spray of fuel from it. Do it into a bottle as it chucks out a lot of fuel. If it sprays it's working, if not sommat wrong.
  22. It's not just the drive belt that needs tightening? It screeches like a banshee even if it's just a bit slack.
  23. Noticed the pic of a Sebring centre cap, how much, and do you have 2 perchance.
  24. Watched "Pandorum" the other night. Intriguing movie that kept a tension moving till the twist ending. Say 85/100
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