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Everything posted by Wullie

  1. Where abouts are you? I think I've still got some I swapped out lying in the hut.
  2. I know the feeling, it's the little niggly, hard to find things that get under your skin.
  3. That does make it awkward. Can you get hold of another lead to replace the floppy one? Doesn't need to be Corrado specific as long as you can get it on to check. A bit more cost effective than buying a full set just in hope it what the problem is.
  4. Always one for the simple things, have you tried a different battery/jump start?
  5. Start the engine and pull the leads one at a time. The engine will run rougher or stall if the lead is OK. If no change that is the cylinder that is causing the problem. If that happens try swapping two leads over and if the problem goes with the lead then the lead is at fault. If the fault stays where it was then swap over the plugs. If the fault still remains with the original cylinder then pull the injector from it and check the spray pattern, if that's OK then it's time to dig deeper. Next logical step would be a compression test. From what you have said above I would tend to go for a duff lead.
  6. Yep, that's Sideways Steves car, thread here. http://direct.the-corrado.net/showthread.php?57202-My-Nugget-Yellow-Valver-Ongoing-Restoration-Project
  7. :scratch:Looks more like suspension failure than something intentional
  8. Should have said it's hard core porno poetry with live models for visual stimulus.
  9. Bugger, I'm working in the morning and doing poetry workshops in the afternoon. Never mind, I retire (again) at Christmas so should be free for anything in the New Year.
  10. Now there's honesty. While some may mock, others just say what should be said
  11. I tried some of these Sent from A & E
  12. Will try to get to wherever is decided but this is a busy time for me.
  13. I like this description, unfortunately only the last part applies to me. arriving in comfort with a smile on their faces
  14. Which was a licenced version of the Junkers Jumo engine so full circle I think
  15. Wullie

    Help !!!!!!!

    Look forward to this. Have been meaning to make up a loom for ages but cautious as my electrical skills are minimal.
  16. It looks more like a Corrado front end stuck on a Passat Estate. Me no like.
  17. Wullie

    Passat handles

    As far as I'm aware you would just need the handle from the appropriate year of Passat as to get them to work required swapping the actual lock mechanism from the Passat as well due to the different striker arm design. No further modification should be required if you are doing a straight swap. Get thee to ye olde scrap yard. ---------- Post added at 11:46 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:39 AM ----------
  18. It's a Corrado! A vehicle which carries a contagion, buy one and you are infected and compulsively spend money on it, weep when it's broken and have breakdowns when you sell them followed by an uncontrollable impulse to find another one. In my humble opinion "Sports Car" is a generic term for a quicker than average car of it's period, some with a low slung design others "sports", or faster, versions of standard production models. For example the Wolseley 1500 was a four seater family car while the Riley one point five was the exact same car but with a different badge and an extra carburettor and was classed as the "Sports" version. When I was a kid any open topped vehicle was a sports car. I suppose you have to define sport first and sport suggests competition therefore a sports car should be a car that is used in competition which kind of rules out any vehicle that is only used on public roads. The following are from the Wikipedia definition of a sports car. A sports car is a small, usually two seat, two door automobile designed for high speed driving and maneuverability.[1] Sports cars have been either spartan or luxurious, but good handling, minimum weight, and high performance are requisite A car may be a sporting automobile without being a sports car. Performance modifications of regular, production cars, such as sport compacts, sports sedans, muscle cars, hot hatches and the like, generally are not considered sports cars, yet share traits common to sports cars. They are sometimes called "sports cars" for marketing purposes for increased advertising and promotional purposes.[5] Performance cars of all configurations are grouped as Sports and Grand tourer cars or, occasionally, as performance cars. I would class the Corrado as a Sports Coupe.
  19. That works with non-bonded glass if you remove the trim/locking strip from the seal then ease it out while lifting the seal from inside. It WON'T work with a bonded screen.
  20. Dammit! 193k but I have to work Sunday.
  21. Being from Paisley where we have (An undeserved) reputation for being somewhat penny pinching I hung about the local Autoglass and asked one of the fitters if he did "homers" as I needed to get rid of some rust at the seal. He did. £10 out and £10 to put it back in. Might be worth a try.
  22. Remove the interior door pull by prising off the cover and undoing the two screws revealed. Remove the inner door handle surround by sliding it (I think) rearwards. Pop off the triangular plastic at the front of the glass on the inside. Unscrew the door lock pin. Remove the door card retaining screws, (Another I think) two on the rear edge of the door, one on the front edge of the door and the inevitable hidden one behind the speaker cover. You will have to remove the speaker cover to get to it. Ease the top edge of the door card fro the strip along the top of the door and lift it free of the three clips that secure it at the bottom. The door card just sits in these. Have a peek down the back of the card and unplug any electrical connections. Think it's only the window switch as Banan0r says. When replacing the card the locking pin rod can be a bugger to get back through the hole. I use a bit of plastic tubing to help guide it into place. If I've missed anything someone will be along to fill in the gap. Have fun. Edit - I'll need to learn to type faster as Critical Mass just got in in front of me.
  23. Should have said to point the injector into a jar or bottle. Fine spray of petrol flying about the engine bay is not a good idea.
  24. I assume it runs OK when warm. Possible cause is the cold start injector. I found the easiest way to check is to take it off, 2 allen bolts, then get someone to crank the engine. When cold it should produce a nice even spray, when warm it doesn't.
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