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Everything posted by Wullie

  1. I'll get out the WD40 and practise my wiggling :)
  2. Went to do some work on the car today and when I went to take the injectors out they only pulled so far then stopped. On closer inspection the large O ring is slipping out of the groove on the injector and sticking in the manifold then when the small O ring reaches it the whole caboodle sticks there. Should I just give it a good yank and chance breaking something or is there anything else I could do. Don't feel like taking off the manifold as the car goes in for it's MOT Friday. Any suggestions welcomed.
  3. Just to depress you I had a similar problem but was losing water. Was corrosion on the head gasket that allowed cylinder pressure into the water ways in the head/block. Didn't show up when I did a compression test but gave similar symptoms and no sign of oil in the header tank. Been on holiday so missed most of this thread. Quick head off in the morning confirmed it. Checked the head with a bit of plate glass, bunged in a new head gasket and on the road the same evening.
  4. Is there anyone on here who doesn't look back??
  5. Stroking it while I'm standing beside it. Didn't realise till someone pointed it out.
  6. Never understood why a cars value should depend on whether it had appeared on the telly or someone famous's ar*e had sat in the drivers seat. It's still only a car.
  7. Fitted a replacement rubber elbow to the throttle body, Took off the 3 stainless braided fuel lines that had been put on between the fuel regulator and the cold start valve and warm up valve and replaced them with the standard metal ones. All parts courtesy of stevej on here. Engine bay looks a lot tidier. Fitted new plastic seat runner thingys and started the pre MOT routine of rolling about under the car while pulling things and looking for leaks. One of the rear heat shields securing points had corroded and was hanging loose so made up a large washer and resecured it. Now paranoid about every litlle clunk I hear in case the suspension is going to fall off. Funny what the threat of an MOT can do to the mind.
  8. Nosferatu. Depends how you look at it 0/10 to 10/10. I felt it was due about a 5 as the special effects are a bit primitive. (Joke) Bought it in the £1 shop today, for a pound! A 1921 movie that was supposed to have had every print destroyed as it was basically Dracula and the film company did not have the rights to film it. All the correct names were changed, Dracula becoming Orlok, so in effect it's a pirated copy that's now legal. Nice little curio for my collection and can't complain abot the price.
  9. Looks pretty structural. Unless you're designing a folding car
  10. Shelter 9/10 Never heard of this until I watched it last night. Goes from psychological to horror with a great performance from Jonathan Rhys Meyers. Couple of holes in the plot but overall a very good watch.
  11. Don't thinl you're being too fussy at all. I would probably be in custody for attempted murder. Apart from the butchered bracket you say that it's been leaking brake fluid. What if you had only found that out whie trying to stop at lights or a crossing. I would be demanding to see the mamger, writing to VAG and enclosing your pictures along with a statement from the techie who discovered it. The dealers mechanic?? has already confirmed to you that they did the work and did it as described and displayed the in your pics. I would also hint at the possibility of legal action. I don't think I'm being unreasonable in expecting your car to be roadworthy after work done by a main dealer.
  12. I'm thinking the same... :lol: Always had a slight problem with spontaneity, working on the basis of "If it feels good, do it." Why, I've even decided to visit Fife this week and using the Corrado!
  13. Wullie Has two cats, Floyd and Tasha. In 1965 while in Athens decided to walk home. 7 months later arrived in Paisley. Is a published and performance poet and has had both poetry and prose published. And as an extra, according to his family is a certifiable nut case.
  14. Splice 8/10 Good movie that makes you think after watching dealing as it does with genetic engineering. A wee bit slow in a couple of places which I markeed it down for. Some good twists make you sit up though a few are predictable if you are paying attention.
  15. Wullie

    Birds’ droppings

    Slightly off topic but BMW are having paint problems with one guys 520d needing a £1200 respray after his paintwork was ruined after 5 days by bird droppings, he'd been on holiday, and American owners of Frozen Gray M3's having to sign a "maintenance agreement" which requires them to immediately clean off bird droppings and that if they wax or polish their cars they will invalidate their paint warranty. Apparently the laquer isn't tough enough though BMW won't admit it. Part of the reason is being blamed on water based finishes. In addition a lot of cars apparently are quite bad with orange peel effect due to the paint being dried to quickly. Perhaps if you've had a recent paint job using water based paint the effects of bird droppings will be more apparent.
  16. Why did I suddenly think Formaldehyde?? You a pathologist Wullie? Wish I was, they earn more than minimum wage! I'm an ex fireman retired, slightly blown up, ex IT manager, redundant after American takeover now working in a specialist dementia centre cos no one seems to want a 63 year old IT guy.
  17. I got a slim one from Halfords, 1/2 in drive as well. Take one of your "Too big" ones along for comparison.
  18. Define "old". Mentally I'm about 17. (On a good day)
  19. District 9 10/10. So much going on on so many different levels.
  20. As the Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy says DON'T PANIC, think. How would coolant get from inside the engine onto the HT cap. I'm assuming that it's the connection to the plug itself. If coolant was getting into the cylinder it would have to come up past the spark plug which seems extremely unlikely and you would be getting other symptoms pertaining to a headgasket on the way out. The other way would be via the rocker cover gasket at that plug which means you would have about an inch of water sitting in beside the cams. Either way you would be losing water or overpressurising the system. The only other way to get coolant into that area is from above. i.e. down from outside the engine past the plug connector. Are you sure you didn't spill anything on the head while topping up or refilling the radiator. Is there definately coolant there. Have a long slow look around the area. It's probably not as bad as you think, it's just a Corrado winding up it's owner.
  21. It would be intriguing to see what would happen if it turns into a Ferrari 1-2 with Massa in front. Would they? Wouldn't they?
  22. Just saw your pic. Those are fitted the reverse to what I was thinking of so you will not need to finish it off with a tap to the centre. Just smear it with Hermetite or equivalent and tap it squarely into place.
  23. You may laugh, I've got to clean it!
  24. I've been out doing the poetry and being literary thing which equals wine in quantity and I so want Viagra. When I go to pick up my seat clips I'll probably be the nice old Grampa type guy, who is actually stripping her item by item and...... I'm having a coffe and going to bed.......to sleep.......while listening to she who must be obeyed snoring............well.........I'm sure theres an advert for Viagra in my spam folder.
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