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Everything posted by culshaw

  1. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Corrado-Fixie-Single-Speed-Track-Or-TT-Bike-Serviced-New-Cables/264306971749?hash=item3d89ec5465&enc=AQADAAAC8FjVrDbVsZ8oH%2F8PNHtt9VX4%2Fw7FZcmMuqsX8uaFEduV96HQUuTq1zYZUMn2C53G1VGlvVNXsmG1rDt9voFj8pHkJ5qvdpyhVpr8Wx7Jx%2FcnIoQseN3nma%2Bh9wpOlwU6sOBvETeQfcoCwvLDAyYqWc7MDTbZfe03izwqF7Umms4V8KbpElJfvIrMBSjzIc%2FiCflvDmnxiLbpky%2FsChY8aigbf1ImB4ymVfndgYzZR1sxmb9XYk1XJoBBRLAwAvTLQsA1KyuGvGX8M3nylXkwlZxu91g4eC20B7lIaBR1bTFXpd8zChG4%2Bq321YWzpg6PJJh4%2Btfo0pyrky8T538tunx6aUh8kdWxiJqEUcfWopnjAEzKvZsGheU5rwUa7tdR6Y96YVVl69tJA6WZZ6AitFZLQf4gK2FCQWNLGVoOR4rqXz40IcDQqSElnlu8B9J2%2F%2FQxdV1kDMcSneUzdeq%2F2BLGfOBcK08jZa8Ulax9H5jVWMN0%2F3G9G1YUrpWCdq9Waj3OUjW4ko8dunJ2ounyIB%2FghWs%2BkxvHbB%2BM90hKfQq%2FAE9xY8qlnUOl%2Bslk2DbvZPGKp95yWULDh2cC7btnWcDTbuE0iHuSGlVp21%2FBKY0ccPwecoFZW8DjYZZciM6guZ%2ByoG%2BfgnUQ0ZciaCgp3CCmzp35q7u5woA4JSi9EziD%2BDnHzgP3KWOFiPLnMbs3DtzVqTW%2BK8XvXAfFm6b4zDg8hPC%2F1KsGg6ib7NdqGaBeRI8ATyLMnTiRAg9z7YJfwcmrlLl3xQSvs2fM0O5E44MDIjVBUMpf2jxVerV8VR10st1Ln0EBdV6iz7x1%2FHDi2aGilg3uZNkiPVeqGvUOf%2BC%2FywFtg4IknLNdOhIn%2FxZ%2FgHQlRZd8lkhrBFZCOrG20jZMc6swR35lh7lOdCKm%2FoY5sieDGLJWvBBIl8Lo2vd21lmzAZrKdv6oLJ%2FNpEXZydQqKKWyk2SjNqauIDpFuI4C1mgsHmVW6Z7Gkwgen0LH&checksum=264306971749e997142a5a8b492b90e55d92ac063e80 This is oddly close to the Corrado script on our cars, does anyone know the history of these bikes?
  2. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/1996-VOLKSWAGEN-CORRADO-VR6-VW-Performance-Feature-Car-1-off-Project/293100384344?hash=item443e24f058:g:ZS4AAOSwMuZc5XuS
  3. Ran the car up to temp to try and get the thermostat to open after reassurance from the bloke who sold me the mocal, realised too late I hadn't put a retaining clip back on a thermostat sensor, cue coolant acid rain. Hopefully will get it back together and topped up tonight
  4. Thanks, I'll have a look later
  5. Yep, I have this https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/MOCAL-3-4UNF-X-2INCH-SPIGOT-OIL-COOLER-SANDWICH-PLATE-CENTRE-BOLT-951-AFR/152780508286?hash=item23926d8c7e:g:Ay0AAOSwl9RZ6bwu plus https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/MOCAL-M20-MO1F-REMOTE-OIL-FILTER-ALLOY-CAP-MUSHROOM-SANDWICH-PLATE-AVF/122639114647?hash=item1c8ddc6197:g:ussAAOSwcUBYUrAs Advice was to use the spigot and alloy cap. My original exchange bolt is metal so I *think* I can use it, but will investigate more.
  6. Done an oil and filter change today and fired her up for the first time in over 3 months. Video here of gases, they seem to be coming from quite low down. I suspected they're coming from an exhaust gasket but wanted to make sure they aren't a sign of an engine about to implode
  7. I reckon mines not on right, I don't have an extension bolt but a spigot and an alloy cap. I had the engine on for around 8-10 mins and the pipes and rad were cold. I might swap it back to the original bolt as it's the metal one on my. Vr
  8. culshaw

    Cup holder

    I'll take one too please
  9. I've been mulling over in my head whether there would be more clearance on the opposite side of the slam panel to give a better fit. I tested it out and I estimated there was about 3cm more depth so got to drilling and mounting. Here's after a test mount, before I laid down some new shiny pipes. Pipes going out sandwich routed to base of crossmember. They sit nicely to the edge of the rad. Mounted and piped, quite happy with the length, I think the lower pipe is around 5-6cm too long but it's no big deal. Sits nicely behind bumper
  10. Has anyone had some made up by a company they'd recommend? I need some which are a bit longer than the ones I've been provided for the Mocal and like the look of the ones they provide. Unless there are some ones you can do yourself that I'm unaware of? (Sorry not much of a mechanic)
  11. and not only that, a black gear knob, handbrake lever, door handles, and window switches. It's why I've kept the black speaker pods in my cream interior. At least it half-heartedly matches it's own half heartedness
  12. There's extra weight in the badges, and the layer of paint on the grill. So Storms are definitely slower than a VR. :)
  13. Yes, it's supposed to open at 80 degrees, I was mystified to see a bucket full of oil
  14. Today I rounded off a whole series of work I've been doing on the car I've fitted samcos, a metal crack pipe, an oil cooler and started the plan for supercharging I used a setrab cooler bracket to house the mocal (the mocal needed a bit of help to fit) and then drilled two holes in the slam panel centre pillar to mount it. I'd previously measured this up and planned it but didn't allow for pressure under the slam panel when it is tightened to the chassis. This means it's a very very tight fit against the rad on the bottom left. Tighter than I'm happy with. Here's how it looks fitted After this photo I looped some broken plastic around the upper pipe as a makeshift sheathing to stop the razor sharp metal on the slam panel cutting into the pipe. (Temp bodge) Earlier on in the day i'd had the bright idea of turning the engine on while the oil cooler was disconnected but pipes were dangling. It could have been an expensive mess given I'm in rented housing, but I had a tiny spark to put the pipes into a bucket. It ended up with 1.5ltrs of oil in so I got super lucky. I was under the impression the thermostat wouldn't open until 80deg so was really surprised to see any oil!
  15. Corrado 2.0 16v...
  16. Double garage, my dream! I'm looking to buy at the moment, this has just expanded my horizons!!!
  17. 2 for the spam bin here Jim ^
  18. Holy **** this car is about 250m from my house. It's crap in the flesh too.
  19. Hey Micky do you have some splitter bumper bolts, and rubbers that the grill sits in? Cheers
  20. Try this, and scroll to "Recover an item that's no longer in your Deleted Items folder": https://kb.nmsu.edu/page.php?id=81426
  21. These guys have lots of corrados, ask there? https://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/amosmotorsltd/m.html?item=222680827287&hash=item33d8cfc597%3Ag%3AkGIAAOSw6EhUN~tq&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2562 I bought a head off him once and it came with one camshaft so be wary.
  22. Mercedes SL https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/mercedes-320-sl/264291019510?hash=item3d88f8eaf6:g:GlYAAOSwBz1ch2QJ
  23. Walked 12km along Pembroke coast. Haven't seen a corrado yet... Where are you all
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