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Everything posted by seanl82

  1. You sure it's an early wing you're after? I thought the purpose of the later wings/styling was to accommodate the vr6 having a wider track.......
  2. I didn't think it mattered what you have engine wise on a pre (March 91?) as it's before cats became a legal requirement in the UK. Worth googling and doing a bit of research into the subject though. What was the level recorded?
  3. Only 1 car I can really compare that too, and that had a couple more owners than yours, and its being advertised for over £20k!!!!! Get amongst it!!!! :thumbleft: Mine is agreed value of 7k, although I'll probably try another k on top after the next instalment of refurbishment.
  4. Lots on ebay, or have a look in the breaking section on here. If you're after a brand new one, I'm not sure if they're still available, but try VW heritage or VW classic parts. If they are available new, make sure you're sat down when you check!
  5. seanl82

    G60 or VR6T

    You'd need to uprate the turbo from an AUG. The K03s is a smaller Turbo than the K04 used in the BAM (and the other 225bhp stock cars), so if you're aiming high to start with, better to get something originally designed for higher output as I very much doubt the K03s would be capable.
  6. seanl82

    G60 or VR6T

    It doesn't need to be a G60, any narrow track (4 stud) will do. You'll need a lot of modification even from a BAM to achieve 350 too. I think about 285 - 300 is the limit without internal work, so not much saving from a VRT.
  7. Wow, lucky escape there by the sound of it! What size fuse are you using for it? It should blow long before a relay melting if it's drawing that much current.
  8. Rob, yeah it's sits at a bit of an angle. It kicks in on the passenger side a little bit mate.
  9. I think 2k is about the going rate for a stage 1 supercharger setup, which will give you around and extra 100bhp. Completely different power delivery though and there have been many discussions on likes and dislikes of it. A common theme seems to be wanting to upgrade to a turbo after running one for a while though!
  10. Jeter is pretty good, no droning at all while cruising but a nice rasp up through the revs. I had a vr with a magnex for a short time and it was pretty much identical in looks and sound. On a standard airbox it was near silent, though I am deaf in one ear! The induction noise is where you get most of it from if you have a 2 box non res system.
  11. The ticking noise certainly sounds like dead battery, but make sure all earths are correct around the battery and block. The spark plug tools are quite hard to come by now, and are pretty rubbish at the job anyway. There are quite a few metal ones on ebay (I can't get a link on work computer sorry), which are much better for around a tenner iirc. Worth investing in one of those! Hope you get to the bottom of your problem mate. Just trace back all wiring from the alarm module and remove and repair/replace where its been spliced in.
  12. seanl82


    Sorry it's a reiger one, my mistake! It was originally advertised for £40 iirc too, but seems the price has been modified so it's not so cheap any more!
  13. seanl82


    There is an ottinger front bumper on ebay at the moment going cheap if anyone wants it!
  14. That's the only place coolant gets inside the cabin. The connectors are on the bulkhead in the engine bay so leaks around there and the hoses wouldn't make its way in.
  15. The matrix sits in the heater box directly behind the centre console, so if it's leaking badly then it'll find its way to either footwell. If there is a hairline Crack though it may just be causing your symptoms, but with the pressure of the water I can only imagine it'll get worse if this is the problem.
  16. The stealth builds regularly achieve over 400 bhp, so LSD is a must really. Then you'll want to uprate gearbox internals whilst your at it, which adds up too
  17. That'll look great Chris! How are you painting the top coat? I keep thinking I need a compressor, but the cost of a decent setup is keeping me from doing it. With something like painting though, it'll pay for itself pretty quickly!
  18. Pretty sure all other are 3 or 3.5 bar pumps, whereas the VR6 is definitely 4 bar.
  19. I wish I had the time too Mic! I'm not convinced the car will see the road this year to be honest, but at least I can take my time with it now I have the garage and 2 other cars to use.
  20. Thanks all, it'll take some time but I will get there. Chris, I have all new exhaust rubbers/hangers. They're aftermarket but are zinc plated as they come. I did put them in with the rest, but the platers said the acid would get in between the rubber and tubes and could cause corrosion. The larger hanger mount/rubber is new too, but as the bush is tight they were happy to plate them (that one is in silver passivate in the pic). Its a third car now as well, so it certainly won't be out in the winter or rain so at least I know it'll all last as well.
  21. And the rest. Stealth don't sell it as a DIY kit, so you'd have to source the parts yourself and get it mapped later. Stealth at least inspect your base though, so going in with an iffy engine to start with would ensure prices climb pretty damn quickly. That is for a basic setup too, so if you want any more nice to haves then you'd be talking the best part of 10k I reckon.
  22. Cheers Chris, I'll certainly enquire about the heat shields as some of them are quite pitted and just aren't cleaning up how I'd like. I've got Kunifer pipe to flare and fit, I'll be doing it myself though. Like you seem to be doing with the Mk1, it gives me more satisfaction doing everything myself or at least knowing I've tried. Its not OE but the car isn't an homage to originality so content with them knowing they'll never rust - and its much cheaper!
  23. Not had much time on the car tbh. Aside from stripping it down and spending a few hours cleaning the underside (some serious amount of hours still required to get it up to standard!), the only thing I've done is get some new nuts and bolts etc, and get them and a few existing bits zinc plated. I thought I'd put these pics up for now, but won't get any more time on the car until around Easter due to work. Hopefully some more updates and maybe a bit of progress then! As you can see, its GRIM under there! A couple of shiny bits below, but I've got a boot full of new stuff to go on, so its just a few more bits to get and an epic clean underneath. I reckon I've spent about 4 hours under there, but have about another 20 hours to go. :brickwall: Why did I start it! haha.
  24. 9A bottom end with a KR head is a great combination, I'd go for that if you can!
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