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Everything posted by MikeVR6

  1. MikeVR6


    Not the most exciting of topics but to me an important one. Has anyone here sourced decent replacement mudflaps and if so where and how much? My last Corrado had VW "Quantum" ones which were fine. However, these have now been discontinued by VW in their wisdom. A few sources can supply them but at over £70 a set are a bit pricey. I've found these on E-Bay and wondered if anyone had tried them? Do they fit and look ok?? Cheers
  2. kvwloon Thank you for the kind offer. :lol: I'll know tomorrow when I attempt to fit the cassette holder from my old 16v if the dimensions are the same. I think the later style interiors have a slightly larger hole. :shock: I'll make a note of the dimensions and post them up. Cheers
  3. MikeVR6

    My New VR6

    Thanks for the advice guys particularly Henny. I'll have my man take a look at those points :lol: vr6storm: My old 16v had the height adjustable headlights and was a full UK spec car. Maybe an optional extra? JoeNose: I'm gonna get a diagnostic analysis from VW. Hopefully just the bulb's gone. Though the ABS does seem to cut in intermittently :?: Belfastfumanchu: Thanks. Hope the old girl's going well! I was missing her until I picked up my new baby, since then I can't stop grinning. :lol: I'm NEVER selling this one :D
  4. KVWLOON Since you've "fabricated" panels in the past..... Do you fancy making up a panel for my '95 VR6?? That space in the centre console is just toooo big :)
  5. That's a relocated sunroof switch mate
  6. Speak to Cheesy. He bought the Stroeve kit and said it was poorly made and when he closed his bonnet the damn thing dented it! :mad: Best to fit a K&N panel filter and drill the airbox. Instructions on this are on the Scottish Corrado Club webpage.
  7. MikeVR6

    My New VR6

    Hi Everyone, Picked up my new VR6 on Monday and on the drive home spotted a few problems. 1/ The Rear Wash Wipe doesn't work. The pump makes all the right noises, the wiper moves but no water squirts out. :( 2/ The passenger side mirror doesn't work. No movement or noise when try to move it with the switch. :( 3/ Heater direction doesn't work. I've read the thread about Passat controls being interchangeable. I'll probably get this sorted ok. 4/ ABS light doesn't work. Checked the connections on the light, all ok. Any ideas?? 5/ MFA display doesn't light up. Rest of the dash lights up fine. 6/ Heater controls don't light up. The centre knob does, dimly, but the other two don't. When I pull the knobs off, there is light coming through from behind. Other than that, very happy. Drives like a completely different car to my old 16v. And pulls like a train. Had a minor tussle with a Celica GT4 on the drive from Huntigdon to Glasgow. Poor guy couldn't keep up at all!! :D One last thing, the headlight height adjustment switch has a blanking plate over it. Was this an optional extra?? It's a late 95 VR6 btw. Any help is greatly appreciated!! :D
  8. Out of interest. What sort of lifespan has the average Corrado clutch?
  9. Top tip there! 8) Just saved £100 by sticking my Mum on the VR6's policy! :shock: (Don't think I'll tell her though) :lol: :wink:
  10. 'Fraid I don't know what it goes like with the charger you'll have to ask Anorak. He sold the kit separately to try and recoup some of the £2500 it cost :shock: :shock: Apparently for the money he wasn't that impressed. 146 Jockey some pix would be great. I'm definately buying a Reiger Grille after having one on my previous Corrado. Just not sure whether to colour code the entire thing or just the spoiler and paint the grille section black. :? Haven't even got it yet and I'm ordering bits :)
  11. Yes Jim, pack it in your satchel for school tomorrow :) :wink:
  12. Got it in one Jim! Unfortunately it no longer has its Supercharger but still a VERY nice car. Hopefully picking it up next week. 8) :D 8) Anyone have a few pics of a Reiger Grille fitted to their Tornado Red Corrado?
  13. Budding Sherlock Holmes' might want to take a look through the For Sale section :wink:
  14. Yes, I've gone and done it. :!: As of this Wednesday I will no longer be a Corrado owner. :cry: :cry: The car has gone to a fellow Forum member over here in Ulster and it's going to be stored in the winter and used in the summer only. So I'm happy it's gone to a good home. :D Watch this space however, there will be some developments soon. Hint I'll have to change my screen name :wink: :wink:
  15. Today is a sad day I've sold my beloved Corrado after 3 years of ownership. :cry: :cry: :cry: Of all the cars I've owned in the past 10 years, this has been my favourite and I'm sorry to see it go. Had to sell it to finance my next motor WATCH THIS SPACE.......... :wink: :wink:
  16. Factory leather all the way. I'm not made of money :D Gotta love those heated seats, especially this time of year :shock:
  17. MikeVR6

    Electric window

    As Dave says, the mechs are unique to the Corrado. I had my passenger one fail last year. Coincidently my mate's drivers side failed the same week. Had a hunt round the various VW Classified sites and found a guy breaking a G60. Both mechs £80. Be prepared for fitting though, major nightmare job!!! :mad:
  18. I bought mine second hand, so I never dealt with a Speadline dealer. The only place I know is Performance Alloys, but as you say, they're abit pricey :mad:
  19. Take a look at the Speedline Chrono wheel on this website. http://www.speedlinecorse.co.uk/ I've the 16" version on my Corrado.
  20. Have I missed the boat on this one? Was unsure until I saw the pics posted. The old girl could do with a bit of attention round the rear end. (and my Corrado could do with some attention too!) :wink: :wink:
  21. MikeVR6

    G60 Interiors

    Do all G60's have the grey dash, carpet and doorcards? Every one I've looked at has and I'd much prefer black.
  22. Sorry to hijack this thread Frostee, but could you post up some pics of your car. That's looks like a fantastic paint job! 8) 8)
  23. How about B 1 6 V W C reads BIG VWC??
  24. Mine was coming away in the top left corner when I bought my C. As Woody suggests, I used some double sided "sticky fixers" to secure it. Nearly 3 years on and they're still holding tight. £40 for a new panel?? Suck it VW!!
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