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Everything posted by saysomestuff

  1. I would think unless you were completely out of fuel when you put the Ultimate in, the car wouldn't even be using the new fuel 5 metres down the road. Could be any multitude of things, but at worst the bottom pulley on a 16v can be prone to shearing its key so your timing would go VERY wrong VERY quickly when mone was going I had a glowing red manifold. Will it not start now at all?
  2. I'm with you mate, let's have a race!
  3. there aren't any holes under the rubbing strips, just a load of glue
  4. i'd be interested to know how you're getting on with phpFox And just so you know..... should be whether
  5. Well mate, after reading through your mahooosive 'lumpy erratic' thread, it could be one of 100 factors! :lol: I replaced the lambda and it's running 100% better now in that it actually is able to idle, but still a bit iffy, unplugging the ISV doesn't change anything so that's the next port of call but I'm just trying to logically go through it all and obviously that inducer thing being on the wrong lead would be an easy one to miss.
  6. ok cool, was just asking as there was mention earlier in the thread that it was responsible for the ECU knowing which pair of cylinders are knocking. Don't doubt that being on the wrong lead is bad, but I'm just trying confirm that it's the lead for cylinder #4 that it should be on..
  7. Hey guys, bit of a thread resurrection, but I've just realised that the little sensor on mine is on lead number 1, would that negatively affect the running if it wasn't knocking?
  8. looking at the pic - it looks more burgundy than moonlight blue..
  9. It was covered in Redline a couple of months ago, number 117. Bit less bull, more info Clicky, you want July 2007 with the Reyland Cossie on the front
  10. dunno if it will help but that guy Killa, who was running a 500bhp 16vt, posted up about G60 pistons on CGTI..
  11. Dunno if it's been covered thus far but there was one in Cardiff VW a couple of weeks ago for a service... Cymru-corrado was there
  12. It looks like one of those brass rubbings you did as a kid on school trips!
  13. but does the sunroof work? :lol:
  14. It's also worth looking at the new style Redline, it's gone totally performance focused and I find it a much better read than most of the other make-specific mags. In the past couple of issues they've featured a 550bhp Corrado sleeper and a 400bhp FWD mk2 drag car, the dahlback golf (properly) and their polo, awesome stuff
  15. PraisBtheLowered is not anything to do with the negative comment I made on the press car thread, it was a case of mistaken identity I was totally wrong 100% top bloke - sorry Andy!
  16. tbh I think that was the point of the activity - every email I ever had through was a 'hey, have a look at this sat nav while you wait' At 10% commission (which is what halfords pay affiliates), he'd only have needed to convert a single percent of those 250,000 to make £25,000. an average conversion rate for targeted email marketing is more like 3% so I guess he's sunning himself somewhere 8) .... If he's not, he's an idiot - i wish i'd thought of it.
  17. not sure what the 'drawing fluid off' thing is about, but you can WIND the piston back in with a set of needle nose pliers
  18. I'm pretty sure that none of them are the same mate.
  19. If it's any consolation, I think it's a mate of mine who bought this. Could be a coincidence, I saw him on Saturday and he was talking about a red press car that he paid that much for. He did say he was thinking about getting it back into good nick and selling, so here's hoping. Gutted for you either way mate, you let that go for a song. EDIT - Just spotted vwdeviant's comment, it is him, I'll see what his plans are for certain
  20. I've tried both, I prefer the 42mm, the 50mm doesn't give you any more power it just shifts the torgue band up, meaning you need to rag it a bit more.
  21. I'm by no means an expert mate, but the KKK K24 (i think out of an audi) and KKK K26 from porsche 944 have been used a fair bit on a random forum I found - the name escapes me. I think the difference was that the K26 showed a bit of lag on the 1.8 but not so on the 2.0 due to the extra capacity. Loads of both on the bay and I think both are oil and water cooled, so live a bit longer.
  22. Do it mate, I wouldn't bother changing the exhaust cam unless the new one is in better nick, KR and 9A the same. It's a nice simple job that'll get your confidence up. Few tips: saying that, if you are swapping the exhaust one in, I found it easier to loosen off the cam sprocket whilst everything's still attached, it's a bastard when out - obviously put the car in gear though![/*:m:723a7] replace the chain and rocker gasket - you may aswell[/*:m:723a7] replace the timing belt and tensioner if mileage unknown, only another few quid[/*:m:723a7] DON'T over tighten the rocker cover bolts, they love to bugger the thread up. if you do[/*:m:723a7] The cam marks don't necessarily look 100% lined up but if you tweak them round a bit, you'll see that the marks line up, one tooth out either way will be blatantly obvious - look for a post about cams by quicky1980, he put a pic up in that thread.[/*:m:723a7]
  23. The longer one is the exhaust cam mate
  24. lol I thought you had some crazy airbrushing going on in the top pic! Looks awesome mate, nice one.
  25. Hey up Kev, that's the reason for the hybrid with a 20vt head, to retain a sensible injection system. I'm just unsure as to whether a much newer 2L engine is worth all the extra hybrid/piston-related effort
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