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Everything posted by vr6storm
if you can,find out if someone near you has VAG-COM before you buy, as i know of 2 G60's(a 90H-plate and a 91J-plate) that won't talk to it at all.........both with the early connector......so it could well be a waste of money for you
thats Skid's niece's boyfriend's motor
DickDastardly,ess_three modded my airbox for me and i too just had the K&N panel filter and didn't notice any difference until my airbox was modded......anyway apart from the nice induction roar you should notice an improved throttle response....i did :wink: ...if you want on the RR-day i can "loan" you mine for you to see if you notice any difference :wink:
speaking of which just how cool was that kermit the frog green Muira 8) 8) 8) damn sexy beast
go for the Koni's.......if the roads are that bad....you'll at least have Koni's lifetime warranty :wink:
what about the 275bhp one? :wink: :wink: :wink:
well it is a big VW afterall :wink: :lol: :lol:
if its blue but can look like black to most people then its midnight blue C5M :lol: ......quite a nice and not too common colour either :wink:
bet it was Dead comfy too :lol: :lol:
roy mate.....your just full of gas!!! :lol: :lol: ......sorry couldn't resisit anyway if you have a look there are a couple of the dutch guys????on this forum that have done the TDI conversion and then some :shock:
just a pity its the most irriatatingly annoying :evil: presenter who is doing the article.....can you guess who that might be? :wink:
more like anyone who has photo-chop!!!!! :wink: ........can't believe they think thats real :roll: :lol: :lol: :lol:
:shock: :shock: :shock: they charge £2.50 for delivery??????!!!! :shock: i bought 2 from my local maplins for about £0.90p just a couple of months ago
looking good mate :wink: 8) 8)
.........not to mention the black leather interior too 8) 8) 8) .......makes it an excellent combo :wink:
nice motors the 8 series......one of the MD's of a local printer we use for "more involved" work has one a M-plate 840Ci......costs him an absolute fortune to run the thing £1k a pop servicing etc :shock: :shock: :shock: and pretty poor reliability too :shock:
i've had both........in real-life conditions i rate the ur-quattro above the 944 turbo(tho admittedly i had the 220bhp 944 turbo)........what i'm saying is given the choice i would go for the ur-quattro everytime........on paper its 20bhp down on the proker but its near enough impossible to tell while driving.......the ur is just totally sublime :D :D :D .........the only reason i don't own one now though is cos of the missus knowing just how expensive things are if they go wrong on the ur :cry: :cry: :shock: thank god she hasn't heard about the C
Berti Vogts does :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: LOL
M*** RKG blackberry VR6 on westburn road,aberdeen approx 5:15pm thursday 13th November
very clean and subtly modded C you have there 8) .............what colour is it?.....midnight blue perhaps :wink:
might be worth trying your local friendly FORD dealer.........they might be even cheaper than VW for the same part......ie for a FORD Galaxy V6
looking good 8) .......just a couple of wee things tho your rear VR6 badge is in the wrong place.......it should be just under the end of the Corrado script and its Classic Green not storm green.......though classic green is the storm's colour.......sorry anorak mode there so how are you enjoying it??????
understood........but the water temp guage can also be giving a "false" reading.....eg when its 90 deg the guage could be reading nearer 100 deg if you know what i mean :wink:
as everyone else has mentioned you'll hear more about peoples problems with their Corrado's on a forum due to the fact they are trying to get some info/tips/hints/advice etc.....so its painting a picture of there being nothing but problems with them......ok you will get the odd-dog of a motor but you get that with every other motor you also have to be aware that the youngest Corrado will be over 8 years old(last one made JUN/JUL 95)so certain components will be wearing out at roughly the same time.......so can make the car appear unreliable when in fact its not i still think its pretty good going that most C's(especially VR6's)are more often than not running on their original clutches at 80k+ miles given the nature of the way they can be driven and the amount of power going thru the front wheels...... anyway by the sounds of it this one you're going to look over sounds ideal.......though obviously seeing is believing but just remember that it is an "old" sports coupe and will have been driven hard at some point in its life and as i mentioned previously parts will be reaching the end of their life too......so don't go expecting that you're not going to have to replace something within months of ownership.......if you can try and lay aside some of your budget for repairs(eg £500 or more.....if you can afford to....that way you don't get caught out)
OI......you're not meant to open yer xmas pressie til Dec 25th seriously tho.....they are the bizz m8 8) 8) 8) 8) .............