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Everything posted by vr6storm
........oh forgot to say...........you have only 6 chances to get yer hands on a campaign interior..........either from majik........very doubtful as he's just bought and fitted his one.......or from the 5 campaigns that are still on the road which again will be very doubtful
funnily enough campaign on this forum has one and i'm sure he can give you more detail about them.......anyway here's some pics to whet your appetite :wink:
it wasn't just wheelspin either.......you know the bend just off the "old" bridge of dee with the raised white marking thing???the speed this Mk3 driver took it was unreal :shock: :shock: as for track-days etc i'll give it a miss.........you know how paranoid i am with my storm.....i'd probably be the same if it was an old Mk2 GTi :wink:
well his quaife gives him a bit more of an edge too....you forget i have a heavy lump of iron to get around corners too :wink: and of course the driver also makes quite a difference too.........afterall this mk3 driver ain't exactly a stranger to trackdays either is he?......but hey at the end of the day his mk3 is something else 8)
oh yes i remember it only too well :oops: though bear in mind mine was totally standard save for an exhaust and filter mod :wink: whereas this Mk3 we're speaking about at that point was pretty well sorted engine and suspension wise :wink: .........though i gave that same mk3(with a quaife too now :wink: ) a good run for his money up west tullos last week.......tho he still lost me along the road beside goals :oops: oh and you keep promising me this spin in the Polo :wink:
looking good martin 8) .......... hopefully at the end of the month it'll have the grunt to back up its looks :wink:
i think any of the greens suit any of the leather trims(biege,black and grey) that were available for the C....except maybe the campaign's red interior of course....but it might work :wink:
very true.......but the exterior facelift was just a bit earlier than the interior facelift so even with slider heater controls all VR6's will have the 15 gallon tank :wink:
anyone noticed tho that although the manual states this temp reading.......your MFA will never show 145 degrees.........as it goes up in 2 degree increments starting from 50 degrees :wink:
looks like you aint got all the spec there then :lol: :lol: :lol: LOL.........sorry couldn't resist :wink: ............seriously you should have ambient temp displayed on yer MFA
yeah thats what i thought too........think it co-incided with the exterior facelift in early '92 so i think some G60's got the bigger tank too :wink:
must admit in me youth the footwell lighting on the first generation orion injection ghia made me want to have one :oops: looked well classy :oops:
Hi jgtis just looked at your link and I'm sure the sherry pearl looks not much like that! Also my VR6 is a 93 car with black interior and appears to be sherry pearl - paint code LC2U but remember that the colours shown on that dutch link is just a rough guide to the colour in that the colours shown aren't true representations of the colour that goes with the codes :wink:
buying a storm might be a start
i ain't banging on about it :wink: ........IMHO its the truth.......if they made a bit more of an effort to make it rare and exclusive like they did with both Scirroco's then it really would be worth the massive premium over lesser VR's.......as i've always stressed i WOULD NEVER change mine for the world but at the same time its not that great a deal having a storm over a higher-specced VR6 like for instance andi's...........also believe it or not the rarest Corrado sold in 95/96 was the 8valve with i believe only 150 or so imported when Corrado production was confirmed as ending
......and i think the most ive squeezed into mine is close to 60litres on my way to inters last year
if you think thats bad............try filling up an ur-quattro from near empty like i used to do once a week 8 years ago.........19 gallons into a 20 gallon tank :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
i believe they came with estoril's(same wheel as the 2.0 16v's) as standard :wink:
****ANORAK ALERT here****.........the Golf rallye has a smaller displacement than the Corrado & Golf GTi G60 so that when the conversion like supercharged has mentioned is applied it makes it into 2.5l and under catergory for the class it was in :wink:
all i can say is great minds furki great minds :lol: :lol: :lol:
sell yer leda suspension and you'll be able to buy 2 of them :lol: :lol: :lol:
ESP????????don't they mean EDL??????
the left one has a new lense-cover on while the right one is the original lense-cover :?: :?: :?:
of course it depends how joebrent is getting this 16.5mpg figure :wink: as if his guage is reading right and he's just into the red then he should have approx 7 litres of fuel left so if you work out 205 miles with say 11gals used ......you get 18.6 mpg
well IIRC the fuel pump is before the filter so the pump will have any dregs going through it into the filter also the fuel filter ideally should be changed every 20k miles AFAIK to keep the fuel system in tip-top condition.......the key here is preventative maintanence as for your oil consumption it depends on what you class as a tiny bit.....going by the miles on your engine it could be burning some oil as if its not been serviced in 20k miles then its going to take its toll on the engine especially such a high reving engine as the 1.8 16v