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Jim Bowen

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Everything posted by Jim Bowen

  1. got this far. Pretty sure I can finish it tomorrow. Have lost a small bit from a screwdriver set and can't find it. Am hoping it didn't fall into the Inlet openings when manifold was off. Looked everywhere for it. Might be sat on fuel injector rail. Feck knows. Also jacked the car up with bonnet open and wedged it into the garage door above. So scraped the bonnet.
  2. Undid a few more bolts today. All unplanned. Hoping to drive it to work on Tuesday.
  3. went to go out this morning and had funny noises from clutch or gearbox. So turned round and started to remove gearbox. Have a spare box so will fit that. Has been making noises for a while.
  4. I Thought you were going to see how much postage would be for all the bits. Just a misunderstanding I guess. No worries.
  5. Hi, took these yesterday, although the rear end is on sachs advantage shocks, still H&R springs all round (i think the rear sat slightly higher with the koni shocks but i had the circlip as high as possible.
  6. Something like £600 i'd guess, but that could be £700,£800, £900 it really is a game of pick a random high number with VW :lol: Thanks for the reply
  7. Oh well thats nice, i did say i'd take them on the first page. Never mind.
  8. The bonnet release clamp is literally a shaped rod of metal that clips into the slam panel, you do know it pushes the opposite way to the other side. I think they both move inwards towards centre of car.
  9. I want some standard VR6 springs, preferably VW ones, not tried VW yet, I got the sachs advantage shocks new from ebay and wonder if the springs might be cheaper elsewhere. Also want a new steering rack, am guessing VW will be lots of money, any other decent options people know of?
  10. I have a dashcam in the corrado and it records when parked if something triggers it, it came with a low battery detector so that when the car battery drops to a certain voltage the cam switches off. never used to switch off, but for quite some time now it reboots when i start the car, as if the low battery detector has kicked in. Measuring the battery on car it does drop to 11.8v, which is what the detector is set to. But that is without the camera doing anything. Never really bothered me, but it does mean the parking mode is not recording anything. What could be causing my battery drain and how do i test for it, i've also had this idling issue for a month or so and starting to wonder if they might be related. Have got a new battery and alternator, did wonder if the new battery might be faulty.
  11. How much does it weigh? I have been using parcel2go website recently and it's been decent. sent 22kg box of coilovers for about £8-£20 depending on the courier you pick. They collect it fun you. The head I just received cost £40 I think. But that included insurance due to the value.
  12. Mine feels the same, very weird over changing cambers etc, sometimes overtaking someone and pulling back in it feels like i'm yanked over in the nearest hedge. Seems to pull one way when accelerating and another way when braking. Have changed so much, the only bits left are the fixed column mod and failing that a new steering rack. Everything feels tight, don't get any clunks and i've changed every bush and mount at least once and tried about 5 different suspension kits. Am going to fit the fixed column soon. I find the steering is very strange doing say 40mph and only turning lightly, but driving fast and turning hard it can seem better. Its almost the small movements slightly off centre that feel vauge, which makes me question the rack, seems ok if your turning the steering wheel 90degrees or more.
  13. Was it Kip that did this a few years back, i seem to remember someone beginning with a K spraying bits of the discs. Am sure it was the couple on here that had a few corradi ;)
  14. I had something like this happen and it turned out to be my stalk on steering column, wasn't switching circuits properly.
  15. Interested in the 2.8 block, Piston tool, Main bearings, piston rings. A bit far away from me to drive to collect though.
  16. The sunroof and spoiler are the only bits of my corrado that haven't broken :lol:
  17. Vagcat website has all the diagrams on it, you need to register but its free, i use it quite a lot for part numbers etc Somedays it just doesn't work at all though, a bit temperamental.
  18. Where are they located, removed my aircon but don't remember removing a relay, might still be in the car, i know the black coolant sensor remains.
  19. Never seen a big one before. Mine are both little ones.
  20. Bring mine to work everyday. Chap here has a good selection of cars though. Lotus Cortina Mk1 Land Rover Original Mini Coooper VW camper Merc 330 SEC (something along those lines, might of got numbers wrong) BMW 740i Porsche 911 targa, think its an 80's car.
  21. Might treat myself to a new alarm. Still got the original and 2 of the 3 fobs have broken and the third looks pretty ropey now.
  22. I thought they were the same. I know the inserts that jay sold were the same size. Might be a difference in the housing. Can check my photos tomorrow.
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