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Everything posted by Simeon

  1. A lot of very useful information deleted just like that, sad times :(
  2. Doesn't matter if they don't pull up square, that's why the linkage bar is there, just adjust till there's even tightness on the wheels at 3 notches.
  3. Somethings up with the site I think, trying to open some old threads after searching for something and comes up with some error text; "Function name must be a string on line 1566 in /data/websites/direct.the-corrado.net/includes/class_bbcode.php #0 /data/websites/direct.the-corrado.net/includes/class_bbcode.php(1021): vB_BbCodeParser->parse_array(Array, 1, 1, 0) #1 /data/websites/direct.the-corrado.net/includes/class_bbcode.php(542): vB_BbCodeParser->parse_bbcode('[quote=shawshan...', 1, 1, 0) #2 /data/websites/direct.the-corrado.net/includes/class_bbcode.php(456): vB_BbCodeParser->do_parse('[quote=shawshan...', 0, 1, 1, 1, true, false, 'on_nl2br', false, 1) #3 /data/websites/direct.the-corrado.net/includes/class_postbit.php(1242): vB_BbCodeParser->parse('[quote=shawshan...', 11, '1', false, NULL, NULL, false, 'on_nl2br') #4 /data/websites/direct.the-corrado.net/includes/class_postbit.php(329): vB_Postbit_Post->parse_bbcode() #5 /data/websites/direct.the-corrado.net/showthread.php(1096): vB_Postbit->construct_postbit(Array) #6 {main}"
  4. All the top mounts are the same, it's just the spring cap size that changed. No need to get them from dealers, AVS or ebay or something for Febi or similar. Mk3 Golf ones are the same. Edit; these are the ones I use normally https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Pair-Lemforder-Febi-Front-Top-Mount-Kits-VW-Mk3-Golf-Passat-Sharan-Corrado-VR6/150769583498?hash=item231a91458a:g:CGcAAOSwDNdVwb3~
  5. Blue temp sensor is the go to, but could also be an issue at the fuel rail, wiring breaking down in the heat etc. Have you checked you are getting fuel and spark when it's hot? One must be missing..
  6. Great stuff, always a relief when you work it out! Yeah get some pics up, always nice to see a G60 with some mods - really need to get the engine back in mine!
  7. If you remove the shock I'm sure it will become apparent what the problem is. If you had the wrong spring caps you probably would have noticed when you fitted them and the issue would probably exist both sides too.
  8. Yeah, check your timing marks, but it's unlikely that the bottom pulley has spun on the crank. Check your distributor mark (pop the cap off and check the notch is roughly in line with the rotor arm when engine is at TDC) and also that the HT leads are on in the right order 1-3-4-2 (with #1 being closest to cam pulley). Could be over fueling of course, the wiring on the fuel rail on the G60s is notorious for breaking up in the heat, so this is worth checking. You can also swap out the fuel pump and ECU relays (#167 or 80 or something for fuel, can't remember exactly as there's a few different numbers, and #30 or 32 iirc for the ecu) as these can cause strange problems if they play up. Also clean all your earths on gearbox etc, check wiring to temp sensors
  9. Hi, yes interested, where abouts are you based? Cheers

  10. Also interested, where are you based? Cheers
  11. These pipes have a little metal insert in the ends to stop them being crushed when you clamp the flexi pipe on, expect you can buy them individually if you want to do it properly.
  12. Those parts get a lot of abuse being under the car, I've tried all sorts and basically nothing really sticks when it's being pelted with stones etc. Only thing I would say with powdercoating is that there is a big difference in quality; I got some parts done quite cheaply once [which I was pleased about at the time], but the parts were rusty again within a year. Second time round I paid [quite a bit] more and it lasted a lot longer, so as always it turns out you get what you pay for
  13. I don't think he's looking for suggestions now he's bought the Ibiza :tongue: £7.5k for a 15,000 mile 4year old car is flipping good value in my book, plus the Ibizas look much better than the Fabias
  14. Sounds cheap and a perfect runabout. I'd agree that all the Seats I've been in seem to lack a bit of interior quality compared to the VW equivalents
  15. That's exactly what I'm after mate, price posted UK mainland? Can PayPal gift you the cash, cheers
  16. I'm after the plastic cover that goes over the ECU in the scuttle tray if you have one that's still intact? Cheers
  17. Nice progress, coming together quickly
  18. You don't need vr6 fans, just get a slimline fan and attach to radiator
  19. Our Russian friends have misunderstood 'Bad Drone' :lol: classic
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