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Everything posted by 8vMatt

  1. 8vMatt


    They are mate, just for old stuff though.
  2. 8vMatt


    RS's for 80-90's BLQ for 00's
  3. Well guys, I'm still in need of this bracket type thing to hold the brake compensator/ regulator in position. I went to TPS a couple of times and got given the wrong bit that isn't fitted to my car. Can someone at least photograph what the bracket should look like and if possible have a good condition one for me please? Help!
  4. 8vMatt


    Now that is the word I was looking for! Pick up a copy of PVW and they now seem to be standard issue to get into the mag (read it in the shop).
  5. Looking very nice buddy, brings out the brown lovely :thumbleft:
  6. 8vMatt


    Those look a little big for the car but to me, they're not not an offensive wheel. A bit scene now with the Edition 38 mob.
  7. 8vMatt


    Rotiform BLQ's :thumbleft:
  8. Cheers guys, exactly the type of items that need to be made to help overcoming being made obsolete. Anybody have mint examples they are willing to send to me to include in a package to be sent to the Carbon company?
  9. No I jumped in with Chris Langers and his awesome Moonlight Blue VR. Mine is about to have the brake regulator changed over.
  10. Ahh didn't know you were there today mate, would've said hello if I'd known. Was a great day. My first time at a meet and thought it was great to meet you guys, everyone so friendly and welcoming. Thankyou and nice to put faces to names on the forum.
  11. If I had the spare money I would be having a look at this no problem. But as normal it comes up for sale at the wrong time! As I can't go for it, I thought I would let you guys know. A cheap way to go charged. http://www.golfgtiforum.co.uk/index.php?topic=200371.msg1869927;topicseen#msg1869927
  12. Myself and Langers will be coming up from sunny old Devon in his wagon. See you there and hope to say hello to a few new faces. Edit: We'll be coming up on sunday.
  13. 8vMatt


    Shame its gone, at least you had the adventure of owning such a car. Would the new owner be on here? Whats next for you?
  14. I think someone will rip their arm buying this. Don't think this will be available for long.
  15. Haha, you need five for there to not be a mould making fee. Might cost you a bit! Let me know if you find others to commit with you.
  16. If you can find another four that want one for a late valver, there is no fee for setting up a mould. I have the slam panel that could be sent to them.
  17. I was thinking about this side of things Kev, I've read a whole load of old carbon threads that have come to nothing as you rightly point out. I thought along the lines of having people make a deposit but for someone like Andi hold it until the balance is needed to be paid (I've not asked him this yet though). Might give people the confidence to commit and not worry I could run off with their money like I've read about others doing. Also have confidence in the fact I have already spent many hundreds with this manufacturer buying Golf items to sell. I will send them small items anyway to be made into carbon as I see there is the demand to support it. Stuff like bootlids and bonnets are too big a commitment without having the deposits ready.Anyone have a spare complete centre console available for me to post off with the rest of the bits? I'm sure we could sort out a nice discount or even a free carbon item if enough sold.
  18. Oh the clocks surround, I've got one of those at home I could send off. Not sure how in demand it would be though.
  19. I completely agree with this, Speedfed are awesome at what they do. Beautiful parts that I would want BUT can't afford. I'm sure I could get stuff other pockets could afford though. The pics of the parts from them look to be very nice indeed. Mk5 Golf Mirror Covers- Mk5 Golf GTi OEM Engine Cover- ---------- Post added at 12:22 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:13 AM ---------- Kind of putting me off getting safety items like the doors, wouldn't like to think about the crash side of things. Trims are no problem. The trim bit below the headlights, you're better off getting a carbon look wrap for that bit as its part of the slam panel. How about a full Carbon Slam Panel :nuts: :drinking:Hmmm, I've got a late 16v one at home, how different is it to a VR one?
  20. Hi guysI've been talking to a Carbon Fibre manufacturer company over in China. Well as the conversation has progressed, it turns out that they would be willing to produce Corrado parts from original items used for a mould. I am willing to send over a spoiler and number plate plinth to start with. I have been thinking about how much it cost to ship a bare tailgate! Hmmm. What other items would be popular and wanted around here?
  21. I've got a red bonnet, can't be a 100% its flash. Its from a 92 G60, which reds did they come in? All straight and worth fitting to a car.
  22. Hey Mart, I'm good mate, hope you're well also. I am getting my hands dirty but really not knowing too much before trying!!! The car is coming along now but I've hardly driven it the last three months or so.
  23. Coilovers and a secondhand Supercharger :shades:
  24. Just putting the jack under the engine with a block of wood to take the strain is enough. You're not trying to lift the engine, just stop it dropping.
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