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Everything posted by robrado974

  1. Mine has 151,000 on the clock Sean . New TSR head at 100,000, chains and tensioners were done at the same time . When I removed the sump it was as clean as a whistle , no metal fragments , nothing at all . So fingers crossed it should be fine . Having said that I've realised since I've changed the oil and replaced the sump gasket , that one of the wishbone bolts is directly behind the sump , so this may have to come off again , to get the bolt out . So I might put different oil in anyway , if the sump has to be removed again . The engine has always been as quiet as a mouse , I don't get any tappet or cam noise at all .
  2. I've just replaced it with 5w40 Sean this is not the right oil ? What with this and what looks like to be a wrong wishbone and the pita door rods , this car is beginning to get me down . Two steps forward four steps back !
  3. I had another go at fitting these tonight and still cant get it right , Rob has the manual atm but iirc when i looked last time it does not show you how they fit together , im not even sure if im fitting the right side ?, white to drivers door , black to passenger side .I presume the plastic part goes into the lock and sits on the outside of the door ?, not on the inside of the skin ,then push the door lock into it ?. Any help and info on how to fit these without me ending up in a straight jacket would be very helpful !!!.Everytime we think its where its supposed to be ,it just goes rigid , with no movement . Kind regards Rob
  4. When i rang TPS thats the oil they said to use Chris . Jim i will check the part no tonight . Rob
  5. Thankyou , if you can find it , let me know . Rob
  6. Im trying to sort out my door rods v doorcards battle . by trying to stop my windows rattling ,[ ive fitted new rollers and window scrapers and they still rattle ] ive managed to remove the door pin rod from the plastic lug it sits in . After a lengthy battle and a long string of fu;'[ts, i managed to get it back in its recess . But every time i fit the door card it goes stiff with no movement at all . This is becoming a right pita . The metal bit on the door lock that fits into the plastic lug seems bent?, i have straightened this but it all seems to tight . What an earth is going on ? . If the door card is off It moves nice and free . Regards Rob
  7. People have used a lot of different ways Em . There is a thread on here . I used white spirit iirc, petrol has been used too . Get what you can off with a plastic scraper , then remove the old glue . Rob
  8. Mabey that's how they were on the late ones , Sean ?
  9. The leads I have on are Magnacor Chris .
  10. As above please for a 92 VR . As long as its not completely rusted and falling apart and useless im not to worried about the condition ,as it will be being powdercoated . Many thanks , Rob
  11. Will have a look at this later , as i cant seem to access the site atm ? . Thanks for posting .
  12. It worked ok the first time , which was around two years ago Chris , then it became harder to use . Jon , yeah it's the metal one .
  13. One of the best I have tasted was from a friend , who came over from Germany . Home made by one of his friends , lovely drink .
  14. My advice would be to get one from Tps or VW if you need to get one . I service my car at the end of every summer regardless of weather it needs it or not . Today I must have set a world record for the slowest plug change ever , not that there's any rush but using the ebay one is a bit of a pain . I find that even with the lugs located , the head of the lead gets pushed up the tube , making it a struggle to pull the tool out leaving the lead attached to the plug . It must have taken eight to ten attemps to finish each plug . I ended up getting a pair of pliers and crushing the tool so the lead did not keep getting caught . Just a little heads up . Regards Rob
  15. Although they are let down by the shocking tyres . Hopefully next years tax rebate will sort that .
  16. Although different from the above wheels , I would say my compomotives are the best thing I ever bought for my car .
  17. Is the Cold War really over ? , history says it is , but we still keep these bombs just in case . When you think about it , nothing's really changed ,we still spy on each other , it's just become the norm and a bit more in the background now . We were once sending agents over the Berlin Wall to take photographs of easten bloc movements of new missiles , they were putting in place . In modern times , North Korea is being photographed from space , we are keeping an eye on what they are capable of. Not so long ago we had the Cuban Missile crisis . If Korea , had the capability to reach certain countries with war heads , we would have another missile crisis. This thread awakened an old childhood memory of mine . Where i used to live near reading after moving from london , there was a nuclear bunker . After the wall came down and things calmed down , it was no longer manned . We used to climb the fences and break in . It was a mass of tunnels with huge quanties of tinned food and stuff . As kids at sixteen years old , we found it fascinating ,although we didnt know what it was all about at the time .
  18. Yep its a great place to be ................now what is this pork , cheese n ham thing all about ????
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