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Everything posted by DEL VR6

  1. I got the Magnex Oval. Its a perfect fit. Will post up a pic when i can find the lead that connects the camera to the PC.
  2. Ok... the story so far... Got all the old suspension off on Saturday... The rears fitted straight away with no problem. The fronts however did hit a hitch. (Sodding typical)... The new springs have a slightly larger diameter at the top than the originals, and therefore, the springcap didnt fit. I have ordered newer larger ones, as VW do cater for this believe it or not. Only thing is cant get them til one day during the week. So now, the back looks really spot on with the new sleeker lower look, whilst the front looks basically stupid, like a 4x4. Gonna try and post up a pic later, just for comedy value.
  3. yeah me too, which is why i have opted for a 40mm. (at least i think thats only a small drop!) Plus i dont want it to look too slammed. I just feel that the standard is too high and leaves too much gap in the arches for what i consider to be a serious sports car. will keep you posted Pete.
  4. £349 is the supply only price. You have to add a further £70ish quid (German & Swedish) for new front and rear bump stops, and front top mounts, as these will have become worn, and are best to be replaced, while you have got all the suspension off. Assuming i get mine delivered tomorow, they will be fitted this weekend, and i will be able to report back on my newly lowered VR6. I have gone for the adjustable. Please note however, only the ride quality is adjustable. They are not the ones which can also adjust ride height. These i believe are much more expensive.
  5. i got a K&N 57i Induction kit. It sounds awesome. Abit like a TVR. Only thing is, you end up wanting to drive around on full throttle all the time, just to hear that lovely sound. Like Ady G, im getting a Magnex to go with it.... this weekend in fact. (Cant wait)
  6. Ok... One other factor 'thrown' into the equation is that the spax kit is £250 brand new, but for a further £100 you get the top adjustable shocks. Im told that its worth the extra ton as it enables you to set the car up more to ones own taste. Anyone got any helpful comments?
  7. Pros: Its a Corrado and all the other cars are boring. (Apart from older classic 911's) Heaters are wonderful. Its a Corrado. If you get wheelspin on an icy road, the ROAR from the induction kit is great. Cons: No grip in 1st 2nd & 3rd. You have to tip-toe around roundabouts, (unless you wanna go sideways that is) Momo steering wheel is freezing, and too cold to touch. It looks so dirty all the time. Still wouldnt swap for it most of the boring / crappy cars that are around on the roads today.
  8. if you have to force anything, it will break. Go easy and it will come apart nicely, without bits flying everywhere. im gonna get a new bulb for mine too. Only thing s there arent any fit birds working there.. Oh no! just a bunch of spotty gormless nerds! ah well.
  9. Looking forward to that Henny. Sounds promising.
  10. these lights look so cool. cant he make us all a set? (i cant make new housings etc from plastic... can you?)
  11. PS, my damn speakers dont work! still, the video clip looks pretty good.
  12. Dan, Your car is really really nice mate. A credit to you, as all the mods you have done maintain the originality of the car, and it still looks Phat. All nice touches. Excellent stuff mate. I cant wait for mine to be lowered in January.
  13. DEL VR6


    nice 2 see the 2 together like that :D . Lovely sight. By how much has the red one been lowered Dan?
  14. DEL VR6

    Pete's VR6!

    Wish it was as cheap to lower it real time, as it is to lower in paintshop! Getting mine done (40mm) in January. :D Cant wait. I never liked them much in white either, but seeing this one, it looks lovely. I think white is growing on me too. Nice one Pete. Keep us all posted with any mods you do to it.
  15. I start work early, and finish late. So both times i get in the car, its freezing. And it drives horrible when its cold. (I wait for the engine to get warm before going anywhere near 2'500 revs) but even still, its not been fun to drive at all just lately with all this cold weather. PS, a tip i discovered on my last C... Avoid tilting sunroof when its icy on top of the car as the black felt strip will be stuck to the bodywork of the car, and it will stay behind while the metal roof inside it tilts upwards. And they dont stick back too well.
  16. Saw this the other day, and wondered if anyone has one or knows much about it? I think it looks quite nice, and may go well with the possible Mk4 Golf style dials. Not 100% sure if it fits all model years or not tho. http://www.procarparts.com/store-detail ... XXX%2DBEZ1
  17. Sat in my mates new shape A4, and the whole needle lights up in Red. Looks lovely. I bet its right tricky to do tho. (Unless you are a car manufacturer that is) it looks as though the light comes from the center behind the dial.
  18. does anyone know where i can get a set of centre console VDO gauges for my C please? Cheers.
  19. I used mine to good effect, and was well happy with it. Try this first Jedi and if it proves to be crap, then try one of the metal versions, as i have heard that they are much better. Mine was found on the bonnet prop.
  20. I'm well impressed dude! thats good stuff. Watch she dont get over confident and wrap your pride and joy round a tree!
  21. My fiance occasionaly drives mine, but says she feels too conscious and uncomfortable cos im sitting in the passenger side! The other night, she had to go out, and said "can i take your car?" i was like.... "No"
  22. I have the Concept 300. It took a week to "settle" with a few false alarms. After that, took it back to the fitter, to turn down the sensitiveness, as it went off everytime a lorry went by, pi$$ing me and the neighbours off no end. Since then, its been all good. (i bet i'll get false alarms forever now - Sod's law and all that)
  23. you got to lower it dude. im getting mine done in january. cant wait.
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