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Everything posted by Gti_Jamo

  1. I believe you need to have 5 or 10 posts under your belt before classifieds become available to you. Good luck with your search.
  2. You want to check them bolts at the other end where the screw onto the mounting bracket. Yeah removing that nut (bottom pic) will allow the engine too move upwards at the front. Also the bolt undeneath that engine mount, holdong intofront crossmember will allow movement if loose.
  3. Hi, What's your timing set at if you know?
  4. All selfies are basically $hit but these type of faked ones can be funny, just not this one lol.
  5. You have that wee short bolt you can see but there is too very long bots that hold the starter moter to the geatbox, they thread into captive nuts on that bracket and can sometimes snap. Also make sure the bolt at the bottom of the mount is tight ( accessible fron underneath front crossmember.
  6. Gti_Jamo

    Dans G60

    That's some serious work there. Craciking example. Makes mine look like it's just been dragged out a river.
  7. Hey guys, Been a wee while since I updated. Not much going on with the G60. Limited funds so can't get the stuff done I want to do. Recent work was to get rid of the front mounted intercooler, i've nothing against them but it's too wide and the pipework fitted together poorly so off it came. Picked up a standard side mount and pipework along with a BBM RSR outlet so I could ditch the silencer box. All solid now and no boost leaks. When I was under the front end something caught my eye, it looked like my subframe was cracked just behind the front wishbone mounting. Gave it a wee poke with a screw driver and a big chunk of body filler fell out leaving a gaping rotten hole. Same thing on the other side. This sort of bull***t annoys the heck out of me. I've drove 10,000 miles in this since I bought it too, didn't even get picked up during the mot last year. Whoever done it certainly spent some time hiding it. So on the hunt for a subframe now. Will probably fit new wishbones too as the're not looking to clever either. Cowboys eh!!
  8. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/131469882732?_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT In the above link. Obviously this heads inaccurately depicted as it's not a rallye head and neither does it have bigger valves but instead just a large port head found on most corrados I believe. I have one sitting doing nothing so just looking to gauge a value for it. Need to get rid of parts. Cheers.
  9. Even though you've done the mounts, check the bracket holding the front mount hasn't broken at one of the lugs that the long starter motor bolts thread into as that would certainly give you the symptoms your describing.
  10. I'm with Zenith just now fully comp, 33 with 9+ years ncb, 10k a year at around 300 quid for my G60. They did however remove the option this year to drive other vehicles which is a bit of a pain. Apparently alot of insurers are beginning to do away with this benefit so check your policies.
  11. My bonnet cable is two second hand ones spliced together.
  12. Hi, Yes study the buyers guide like it's the bloomin' bible so your clued up on what is what as there is plenty rough ones out there that you'll want to avoid. Rust isn't really a major issue but you'll want to check the front of both sills where they meet the wings and all around the windscreen as these are the areas you'll find it. Good luck with your search.
  13. Not condoning anything, I don't care about it . And given the nature of TG it's likely another staged event, maybe Clarkson has had enough of it and this is the 'bombshell' to end it on. Who knows, the entire story, although i've not given it much attention, is all a bit silly and gives the impression all is not as it seems. I'm not getting into the morals of the bbc as they have none to speak of. I'd love to see them fold. You say inform, educate and entertain, I say manipulate, distract and demoralise.
  14. I've done 10,000 miles in my G60 over the last year and never passed another corrado. One day though, one day.
  15. What's funny is that their is more evidence to suggest the bbc cover up child abuse than there is regarding Clarkson hitting anyone. But yet..... It's amazing how people are somewhat selective in what the chose to believe or complain about but I suppose it stems down to what affects people directly.
  16. Yeah it's my plate came with the car. The previous owner was meant to keep it but they sold me a duff car and couldn't provide me proof of supposed work that had been carried out so I just kept it lol. Fairs fair! Had it for sale a few times when money is tight but i'm not too fussed. It's a cool plate and could only be fitted to a G60, unless your names Goot and you drive a Fiesta ST.
  17. Well don't i feel a right tit lol. Replaced the valves with some copper pipe, put water in it then looked at the expansion cap. One of the O rings was missing meaning the water could easily come out the release hole. Put some new O rings in it and everything worked fine. Hot air from the blowers. What i was mistaking for excessive pressure was a lack of seal in the cap. No pressure = no circulation. The ring must of came adrift when I changed my camshaft seal last week as I had it off. Always check the simple things lol. I did put the pressure valves back on but I think changing them back created an air lock as my heater dwindled somewhat during the short drive home although no water was lost. I'll purge it out in the morning when it's cold and also going to get a new expansion cap for peace of mind and also some G12. At least it's sorted as I was ready to burn it yesterday. School boy error as they say.
  18. Yeah it has them and I took them of yesterday for inspection but not put the back on yet. I can blow through them finebut not getting any movement in the inlet side valve. I'll run it tomorrow one last time with them removed just to eliminate them if anything.
  19. Changed the pump and thermostat but still the same unfortunately. Going to set up the gas analyser tomorrow and check the coolant for hydrocarbons which will confirm it. It's a shame as it still runs spot on and it's not using water or mixing it with the oil but the top end is getting hot quickly and believe escaping combustion is the cause. Bloody thing testing my patients now lol. Not a bad job but it's more money I don't have. Where do you get head bolts for a 1H Rallye engine these days?
  20. Hi guys, So my G60's been very reliable since I got it all up and running back in April and done near 10k but the other day it popped out it's camshaft seal. Looked as though it had been spinning in its seat. No problem, sorted that with a new one with a wee dab of sealant to keep it in place this time. Done a compression test just for the sake of it while I was there and had 150psi across the range which i'm happy with. Was concerned about blow-by issues but unlikely that'd push the seal out. I'm happy that's that sorted. However, afterwards after about 6 miles it decided to chuck it's water out and lost heaters. Got it back to the garage and done a sniff test and all was well but upon getting it back to temp the thermostat didn't open and began to overheat again. Oh well, easy one. Got a new thermostat fitted but this time it opened when it reached temp but contined on to overheat again. Then I noticed the blowers wern't getting much heat and the hoses to the matrix lacked any kind of pressure so i'm thinking it's just an airlock. That's ok, so filled it up via the top radiator hose and took off the matrix outlet pipe so to see it was flowing ok. Fired her up and still the same. Doesn't appear to be any blockages anywhere and no sign of HG failure so surely it can only be the water pump. Now a question, am i right in thinking the small top hose coming from the water pump is an outlet to feed the cylinder head and oil cooler or is it the other way about? As i'm not getting anything from it. The other small pipe on the pump goes to the hard metal pipe tha goes to the expansion tank so that must be an inlet. The pump is still quiet and neither is it leaking but i'm kind of thinking it can only be that. Ordered one up for tomorrow since they're so cheap and hopefully sort it out. I've usually associated failed pumps on old vdubs with bad noises. I'll be ****ed off taking that out and it's fine lol. Also the old saying, ''what goes up must come down'' is a lie as my spoiler is still up lol. Must be a micro switch stuck but i'll manually wind it down and deal with that at a later date. Anyway, that's the past few days for me in the life of a G60 owner, what's yours? If anyone can shed light on the WP flow configuration that'll be great too. Cheers.
  21. Don't think there is that many of us from up here on this forum sadly mate. In 10,000 miles i've yet to pass another corrado on my jaunts around Perthshire, Tayside and Stirling. Maybe try scottish vag forum and get some other old skool dubs involved. They also have a couple of meets happening at the end of this month at Perth / Broxden Services which I might attend.
  22. The BBC use topgear to direct attention away from their other misdemeanours. But the show itself is dying, their scripts are getting old and tired and extremely dumbed down and repetitive. Only good thing is the editing on the supercar features but it's main popularity comes from Clarkson.
  23. Hi mate, I'd maybe be up for that. I know the audi meet you speak of as drove past it last year and kind of got caught up in a a quite dangerous road race that appeared to take place afterwards on the Crieff/Muthill straight.
  24. Welcome Paul, Not to far from me too. I have a rather rough looking red 91' G60 as my daily driver. Often down in stirling as my maw lives there.
  25. Aye you got off quite lightly there. Mine was rotten the point of considering breaking it but just put the hours in and got it done. If it wasn't an insurance job i'd of fitted the windscreen myself too as it was a poor effort by them. They've never quite got their heads round corrados.
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