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Everything posted by blue95

  1. Exucuse while I clean my underpants!!! :shock: :shock: As ever awsome work mate!!!!
  2. Was going to powder coat some stuff but that looks damn good!!! Saves a few quid as well! How come you need 100mm beetle flanges?? are you using a different g/box?
  3. Looks 8) did you powder coat or hammerite
  4. LOL :lol: All looks like fun....I wanna super/turbo charger too now!!!! :cry:
  5. Very nice! :) Are you planning to run standard management? or standalone
  6. Was wondering if peeps could post there pics as there does not seem to be any on here! Also cos I may be getting one rather cheap! :lol:
  7. MMmm wonder what they would make of pressed plates :lol: Was thinking of getting some, have you bolted or velcro'd your plates? to make life easier?
  8. Did you have to put full size plates back on for the MOT?
  9. The inline valves are something that intreest me, just dont want a huge red handle in the cabin though! Can't seem to find anywhere that sells them though. Are there are any ones that live under the car? as chances are I will never adjust it once it is set anyway. I have not adjusted my regulator since I lowered it 40-50+mm, not had any problems with locking up yet though :lol:
  10. just wondered if these valves still work when the car is lowered? Also if you have ABS will this not sense and adjust the rear braking? Reason for asking is that I am changing the rear axle and did not want to pay for a new one :lol: thought it would make life easier with brake pipes etc Also remeber reading in the Bentey (I think) that some Cs come without the regulator.
  11. Has anyone got rid of there brake regulator? Is this possible?
  12. LOL - Always something that needs doing! Keep an eye out on the bay for the ABS sensors, I lucked out and managed to pick up a rear one for £16 a few weeks back.
  13. Had same prob my 95 valver, tried oiling it with 3 in 1 oil, which worked ok for a while. In the end just changed the cable, which cost arround £20 from VAG.
  14. :shock: Look uber clean! What products do you use to clean the engine bay? mine always looks mingy!
  15. Always the way mate :( Hope everything sorts itself out
  16. LOL :lol: Sorry!! Should be intresting to watch this. Bloody aftermarket sunroof fitters should be shot!
  17. :( Think mine will need doing sooner or later How the MS installation going dude?
  18. :shock: Scary stuff mate! Could have been so much worse though. How long have you had the brakes on??
  19. WOW, that looks pukka!! Looking forward to seeing the finished article. And you say you have never sewn before this??
  20. Sh*t mate that is just terrible!!! Worst nightmare as well being stuck in the middle of nowhere with a baby as well.....Shame on the AA, you should complain to headoffice.
  21. LOL :lol: In theory should be straight forward - As I have both inlet and zorst cams from the KR with all sprockets etc allready attached.
  22. Oil temp could be a faulty sensor for MFA, belive this sensor is located on the back of the head (side nearest to gearbox), will have a wire coming of it. Both pipes should be hot, if you are chekcing while the car is static. After how long of a run did you check the pipes?
  23. Is water going thru the rad i.e do both upper and lower pipes to rad get hot? How is your oil temp?
  24. OK thanks - if thats the case I might just get a modded head while I am at it and bung that on :lol: Your flu sounds particularly nasty. Must be a new bug doing the rounds, my bro has a similar bug, plus he suffers astma(spelling), and may have to go into hospital if it gets worse. Well hope your feeling better soon mate.
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