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Everything posted by vornwend

  1. /\ Agree with that. Now on the finishing straight with a car we started breaking in February. Its bloody hard work and a huge hassle. Some things sell really quickly but then its gets harder. You need a good space to work in , plenty of time and tools. Taking pictures of everything will get parts sold a lot quicker. You may need to store parts for ages. There will be plenty of time wasters. Helps if you have a mate to lend a hand. You need to be very organised and get stuff out to buyers asap. To avoid any problems with stuff lost in the post we sent all our stuff out recorded delivery - reduced our profit but was worth it for the peace of mind. We have made a very good profit from our efforts but I doubt if I'll rush into doing another one. It was kinda nice being able to help out so many people who were after parts, some who we met personally if they came to collect them. We sent stuff out to places as far afield as Shetland Islands and Cornwall! Finally it was rather interesting seeing how these cars are put together and learning quite a lot along the way as we took it apart.
  2. Not sure whether you want to see the world with a tint or be obscured from others but here's another couple of suggestions:2.8l 24v Climatronic system.pdfcontacts.jpg[/attachment:k0dermg6]orninja.jpg[/attachment:k0dermg6] :shades:
  3. Still had a heavy right foot even back then I see :lol: :lol: I was a lot worse in those days...
  4. Electrochromic glass is what you need - will change colour when you pass a low voltage current through it - may prove expensive though :wink:
  5. Inception 10/10 - once seen never forgotten. Absolutely terrific on all levels - apparently due out on IMAX soon which would be worth seeing as the sfx are brilliant. You come away thinking wow what a film - BUT you do need to pay attentiion!
  6. He was absolutely livid - as I was bringing up the rear and saw it all I felt obliged to give him a BMC wake up call :norty:
  7. Can wiggle my ears :nuts: For 3 months in my late teens I was able to say I'd been up in a plane but never landed in one (parachute jump!) Has been to the edge of space (well 60,000 feet) whilst travelling at 1362 mph (Concorde :clap: )
  8. I thought you might be wanting a road test when you let me take the lead :wink: I went very easy of course! - nah only kidding - it does seem to go really well and I pretty much floored it right through the range all the way up the A38- slightly disappointed you had no flames out the exhaust on the way back to Wotton though :lol:
  9. Precisely why I never let my kids eat in the Corrado!
  10. Sounds like you're quite taken with it then:) You've got a bargain there no doubt and good to see the plans you've lined up. Will follow with interest. Probably the best way to check true MPG is the old fashioned way when you fill up. I've never really trusted the dash display on mine. Yeah you will have to watch the speed - I picked up 6 points within 2 months of getting mine! (luckily were first offences so was able to avoid 3 by going on a course) Hope the enjoyment continues!
  11. vornwend


    The car went to 143 on the rolling road at Stealth once but apart from that would not normally go above 100 the exceptions being early morning convoys to shows where we might tickle 120/130 - usually what happens is I'm then passed by a VRT :lol: It does worry me that I'd lose my licence but adrenalin often gets the better of me - you try and be hyper aware of any danger of getting nabbed. Apart from the handling much of the fun for me is the way it can accelerate above 50 and keep pulling for overtaking :) excessively high speeds don't really float my boat although its nice to know that the engine is capable of them when the mood takes you.
  12. I would also think about a "conditioning" trickle charger for the battery - I use an Airflow one and have not had a problem in over 2 years. I think the principle is it allows the battery to discharge a little and then tops it up thus conditioning it. Have lso been told that moving it at regular intervals will help to avoid any flat spotting of tyres
  13. vornwend


    i've wanted one of those for years!!! with voice recognition so you could just rant for miles at the person behind you! :clap: Hehe - yes that would be cool 8) signbot.gif[/attachment:2sdnlug6]
  14. vornwend


    Beginning to regret reading this .... can already feel an uncomfortable itch :wink: What's a ball park figure for getting a 3.68 diff fitted? Does it need a re-map as well? What really gets my goat is tailgating when I'm in the outside lane and cannot make progress because of traffic in front - just because I'm not up the car in front's rear does NOT mean I'm not as keen as the next man to make progress! Sometimes wish I had one of those scrolling signs in the rear window where you could punch in appropriate messages :wink: Apologies for hijacked thread!
  15. Is yours poorly then? Thankfully no , this was the breaker that CazzaVR and I have been slowly dismembering. First engine removal I've seen, suprised how little cussing there was :wink:
  16. And my old Bordeaux Pearl valver - K105 YBO - owned for 9 years
  17. Helped ( a little) CrazyDave take the engine out and carted it off in the back of his car :shock:
  18. Its a great conversion - goes like stink . Mick was good enough to hand me the keys for a blast up an down the D&G test track while he tested my Storm. When its idling its very quiet so a real stealth machine 8)
  19. Toy Story 3 - 8/10 , Spanish Buzz and Ken and Barbie moments were classics
  20. With luck and a little patience you might clear £1.5K to £2K after allowing for expenses BUT its often hard work and it can take a very long time to shift parts - allow 4 to 6 months to get anywhere near that. Some jobs are better done with two people so bear that in mind as well as needing a good array of tools to get bits off. To maximise your chances you need to be very organised and disciplined to keep buyers satisfied with lots of photos and responding quickly to requests. In addition some parts are awkward to package and/or fragile and that can consume a lot of time. Obviously you need to think about where you are going to do the breaking cos it won't be long before the car is an unmoveable lump and a bit of an eyesore. You will also become very well aqainted with your local Post office too :wink: Put you off yet?
  21. Thanks - should save a few bob :) Oddly enough I calculate its actually £3.41 cheaper to renew for 12 months then cancel after 2 than renew for 6 months and cancel after 2 :cuckoo:
  22. Here's my problem: I want to SORN the car from October through March but my tax runs from July 31st. Whats the best way of getting these aligned? If I renew my tax for 6 months now then I will potentially waste 4 months of tax :brickwall: Can I get a tax refund if I tax now and SORN in October? Any advice gratefully received
  23. Black and white and all that Jazz...2.8l 24v Climatronic system.pdfcazzvr1.jpg[/attachment:5y7uiaww]cazzvr2.jpg[/attachment:5y7uiaww] Really nice example this one - another great buy 8)
  24. That Corrado died and went to heaven and is sitting on a cloud with angels in the background :wink:
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