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Everything posted by vornwend

  1. Hi - found some scribbled notes I made at the time: Was 630mm at the front and 670mm at the back Aim was to get to 585mm at the front and 600mm at the rear So a 45mm drop at the front and 70mm at the back All this was based on Goldies old Storm cos I thought the stance was bang on. HTH Vaughan
  2. Is that KIPVW in the centre of the picture?
  3. Looks tidy mate. Are you putting the Storm into semi-retirement then? Its worked well for me but I do miss using it as a daily - upside is when you do get back in the contrast puts an instant grin on your face :) and sometime points on your licence :wink:
  4. looks great :) - another vote for lower!
  5. Welcome and get some pics up - before and after is always good :)
  6. Just reading through this thread again - this was from 5 years ago. Keep it you should, grow old with it - don't be one of those people you meet whose face cracks and say "I used to have a Corrado"
  7. Good work Andy. Nothing like having to use the car as a daily to focus the mind on putting it all back together on time :wink: When you have bits left over is when you start worrying :lol: How perfect do you think the door membrane seal needs to be? Only ask cos when I took my door card off this week to change the glass I noticed it was a looking a bit tatty. Duck taped the rips as best I could and took my time to try and seal the edges with the sticky black goo that was there but doubt whether its a perfect seal. Will be interested to see the Passat cover - how much did it set you back?
  8. How much are these likely to cost - ballpark? If they are not horrendously expensive I'd probably be up for a couple too to see me through to my dotage. Would be interesting to know what other owners in other countries are doing to overcome this. From a business perspective it can't make sense for VW to stop supplying them when they must have millions of other Corrado spare parts still to offload? Maybe they are already written off (hence the bargain prices - not!)
  9. Jim, If you mean the little white rollers (about 1 cm across) I have 2 you can have after replacing my drivers side glass today - could bring them to Stanford?
  10. Replaced the badly scratched drivers side glass today with one salvaged from our breaking project. This is the second time I've done this job now and it was no more pleasant than last time :? Reasonably easy to get the glass out but a mare to get back in for some reason. Took care to see if there was any obvious problem but could not see one :scratch: I marked where the vertical scratches had been and examined the felt on the inside of the strip - all good and no metal exposed. The last time I did this all was fine for about 3 weeks and then over the space of two days they appeared so hopefully it was something as simple as a piece of grit getting trapped in there and won't recur. All working as it should and no scratches appearing! Fingers crossed and touch wood (not glass) it will remain this way! corradowindow.jpg[/attachment:3khajyhc]
  11. Will hopefully have a freshly painted front bumper coming soon. I bought one last year from Petegriff so I could swap it out with my existing one which has seen better days. Anyway pending that , and wanting something to do in the sun this afternoon I spent some time on the front grill - probably the last time it will get this much attention :wink:corradogrill.jpg[/attachment:24x52skz] List of other things to come in the next month or so New Rear ARB New Wishbones and R32 bushes New Blue expansion tank cap New Washer bottle cap Refurbed sub frame New VT front mount New Gear box mount New Aux tensioner bearing Fuel injectors cleaned New Battery cover Been a while since I spent anything on the old girl so this shoud make her feel wanted again :luvlove:
  12. That's a very reassuring list :) Gonna get my engine and gear mounts done soon as well as some of those R32 bushes Looking forward to seeing it at Stanford.
  13. Good work Jake. Did you say you were getting the Estorils refurbed? I did mine when I had the valver but didn't get em laquered which was a mistake as I could never keep then looking good after the first month :(
  14. No. To my shame I swapped over to T1Rs late last summer, mostly due to the cost and the seemingly endless visits to the tyrefitters to get replacements. I added it all up and (including trackdays) I went through 23 tyres in a little over 31,000 miles at a cost of over £2,700 in just three years of running. The R888 is a phenomenal tyre but I just couldn't continue to justify the cost of replacing them. Not only that but I found out (the hard way) that all the extra performance from them also translates through to the running gear. During those 3 years I had both front bearings replaced (twice), both CVs, the ARB links and not to mention an unexpected gearbox rebuild (unexpected because it was freshly rebuilt when I bought the car). Of course you might argue that these things could well have failed anyway (and they do) but how many people have suffered a layshaft bearing failure on thier boxes! But I will hopefully be at Combe in July (car reliability allowing!) and happy to offer the passenger seat to anyone who wasn't terrified by CrazyDave's article on in the Sprinter last year :help: Scary amount of tyres Jon :shock: I'd recommend the passenger ride to anyone - it was absolutely brilliant :) Still remember the first lap and the involuntary breaking reflex it induced! If there are no other takers put me down for another go :nuts:
  15. As above really on scrapes (I'm also on KW V1s and 17s). I have aimed for a 2 finger gap from top of tyre to arch all round and only occasionaly get rubbing on the front driver arch. In fact I think that was probably due to some settlement since I fitted them last year (either that or me putting weight on!) - so I just raised the front suspension 3 or 4 turns on that side and not had a problem since
  16. That looks superb :) Great photos as well - where abouts are you based?
  17. And about time too Jim! Sounds like the wait was well worth it - have you got a BMC CDA on it? If not I'd recommend it - perfect accompaniment to the VR6. Enjoy!
  18. Engine moves quite a bit so front and gear box mounts will be changed (disappointed at the gear box mount cos that was only new 2 years ago but may have been a cheap pattern part?), front wishbones and bushes are gonna be replaced (with R32 bushes)which should allow the tracking/camber problem to be sorted once and for all, tensioner bearing on its way out, fuel injectors Dave thinks will benefit from a cleaning to cure a slight misfire at idle, subframe coming off to swap with a refurbed one and may be putting a rear Neuspeed ARB on if I can source it 8) And stat of the day: there is only 40 miles difference between mine and Dave's car which puts us within 0.05% of each other - mine being the higher :roll:
  19. Compliments to Dave for a very thorough inspection and service today :salute: Been a while since I had a list of things to do on the car but have now! Will be back on a programme to get these sorted in the coming months and will tackle some of the underseal areas that that Dave pointed out needed attention myself. Really impressed with the workshop and the amount of obvious care that Dave took on every job and the time he took to explain issues to me in terms i could understand - very much appreciated. Big thanks also to Karen for the Bacon bap and coffee - perfect :clap: Have to confess to being a bit nervous when Dave took my car out for a spin at the end and the feedback he might give but need'nt have worried as it either confirmed the earlier diagnoses or was nothing huge to worry about. He gave it some welly too! Best bit of the day and a completely unexpected bonus was being allowed to take Dave's VRT for a spin :D, with the fast switch flipped :wink: As others have discovered this is a work of pure genious and brilliant fun. Felt as if I was hardly pressing the pedal yet there were huge amounts of power waiting to be unleashed, - just a great [email protected][/attachment:h291c1hf]
  20. Off to DG Towers this morning for a service and some preliminary poking around underneath :camp:
  21. Looking very good Jake. It won't stop there I'm guessing :wink:
  22. Hi :) Quite a few of us in South Glos/ Gloucester/ Forest of Dean area. We occasionally meet at the Compass Inn at Tormarton (just of M4). Also have regular meets at the Hot Air Balloon in Birdlip and join up with the midlands group sometimes having joint meetings up here and in the Worcester. We are not too far from DG Autotech in Worcester - they guys who really love Corrados and know what they are about - you'll probably have heard of them before as they have an A+++ rating on here - many travel a lot, lot further than you would have to have work done with them Good luck with the move! A good sized garage is a bonus Vaughan
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