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Everything posted by dirtytorque

  1. It's there now dude :) dudess. :) inky is a lady.
  2. can you ellaborate on exactly how it sounds?
  3. That pic needs its own caption contest. Like "Damn i just got done moving all that pooh" But funnier. :lol:
  4. not good enuff. I want an apology in blood. :lol:
  5. Um... OK? :scratch: :cuckoo: yeah right. :|
  6. /\/\//\ lol it's not perfect at all tbh.I think it has aged well though.Anyway your car is in good nick.I don't remember seeing anything on it that i thought was bad... regards kind regards J-808
  7. I don't think so,but people will think so because my name is Robert and my surname begins with J We were meant to be together. :luvlove: :pukeright: :lol: Ok Chris i'll put some pics up of under the bonnet so you will sleep better.It looks pretty scarey under there.
  8. yeah,nice badge work. :D It fills out the bra nicely too.
  9. Well if it makes you feel any better the sun roof does in fact6 NOT work. :) Pics after first commute. :clap:
  10. Was that the original paint job? Colour was so deep.Looks great.
  11. Ok,just spoke to the garage again. The problem was that the pistons wouldn't retract far enough to take new pads. They have put the old pads back on for now,which have plenty of meat on them anyway.They are sending back the £100 worth of calipers that they ordered yesterday. I have new bearings at the rear on each side now and the car is now parked up outside my work ready to be abused on the way home. :) So obviously the car needs some tlc which I will do but hopefully now it can be used as a summer daily for a while.
  12. Thanks for the tip Yan. Your right on the money with the time thing.All my free time goes on working on the 16vg60.Plus I have an issue at home with space.I can't have the blue one at home at the moment because i have works car there,the 16vg60 and my gf's car. Sooo I am having to rely on the garage.I ask them about taking the calipers off etc but they made some negative noises. I'm going to go and spk to them again. I wish I had waited until the 16vg60 was al finished b4 getting this up and running now,but I started so i'll finish.
  13. An interesting startergy.Will be interesting to see how it compares to your fmic on the valver. 8)
  14. Kindness and consideration. I'm touched. :wink:
  15. Good! I wanna see detailed pictures of all the scabs and scars!! You hear me! :bad-words: Well rear break calipers have seized due to the hand break being on for a couple of year..
  16. In the garage for a new wheel bearing as I simply don't have the time and space to sort it out myself. Bought a new battery becase the old one was caned. So will have to keep an eye on the battery.Once i get it home tonight i'll have another look around to see if I can find any obvious reason as to why it is draining. I think i'll wash it tonight too. :)
  17. True true... strange one,thats for sure.
  18. change the dizzy maybe?? Maybe the hall sender isn't sending a proper tach signal?????? Worth a shot.:shrug:
  19. You will need to remove the inlet manifold from the head and so yes the fuel rail will need to be removed.
  20. I didn't use to be a fan of sebrings either but on a valver they just look right. With newer generations of VW's coming out all the time it is nice to have a few cars out there preserving the factory feel. The dilema we all face. :)
  21. Thnks,didn't think of that i'll check. :) I was also thinking maybe the glovebox light switch was on?!??? It had been fine being left for over a week,the only thing i di diferent after the MOT was lock it,so maybe the imobilizer/alarm system is faulty too?? Dunno.
  22. My car is more inca blue than your car. :)
  23. went to pick up the car from work so i could take it to stonor. Battery is flat. :( The one thing the previous owner said to me when i picked it up was that he was having problems with the car going through batteries. So when I started it i checked the output from the alternator which was fine..14 volts. So Euston we have a problem. Have a drain somewhere. :scratch:
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