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Everything posted by mariojoshi

  1. ahhh BUGGER! Don't feel like too much of a cock matey, I did the same thing the other week! The chamois ripped the DO off my CORRADO badge :(
  2. Hahahah! Nice! I use my VR as a daily, often doing my 13mile commute in it when I'm working. I feel sorry for the old gal really as I'd also like to do the same to keep the miles off her. A company car for that would suit me right down to the ground at the moment, that way I can concentrate on getting her charged!
  3. It's kinda already been mentioned, but what you might have is a COLD leak. This happened to me. Basically, a leak will only occur when something contracts by being stone cold (overnight.) When the car is run, and things warm up etc, the right amount of pressure is restored and the leak disappears. My particular leak was a coolant hose that goes to the thermostat housing. Randomly seems better now, but it was leaking only when the car was left for a good 12 hours or so. The card idea works a treat, as long as the coolant doesn't evaporate before you have a chance to look ;)
  4. IF we want to be really pedantic... surely *that* is made up (amongst other things) of sugars.. fructose etc, so it could be classed as confectionary... meaning VAT is indeed still applicable!
  5. Return of the Cheese....! Bearing in mind the way VRs run and the HUGE amount of heat they generate, I guess it's not surprising that high ambient temperatures tend to worry alot of owners. My exterior temp sensor is located on the intake to my BMC. The difference in air intake temps from a month ago to now are incredible!
  6. umm why is my petrol paying for the NHS :scratch: thought that was what my national insurance was for A thing called "negative externalities" my boy! The net negative effect on society of a good or service, associated with its consumption. So, by driving a thirsty car which uses more petrol and has poorer emissions than say... a Toyota Prius, which uses less petrol and has fewer emissions, you are creating a larger net negative impact on the world around you. In NHS terms, we're talking the effects of air polution etc on the population. So, paying for the treatment of lung problems and the like no doubt. This is the theory anyway... I think. Oh, and unfortunately we can't just turn around and say... well, ltrucks/vans use far more fuel and produce far more emissions, so we should tax them more and us less, because.. then the price of everything that requires any form of road transport goes us! Oh, wait.. we are kind of doing that too! Surely the best way to get old trucks/vans off the road is to subsidise/reward companies that switch to newer, cleaner ones whilst only applying a "warning" tax to the rest. They need to make it more appealing! Anyhow... Fortunately, I'm very very lucky at the moment living at home rent free (my parents won't let me pay rent. Crazy, I know!) So, the price of petrol isn't affecting me as much as some. I'm only working part time while looking for a "proper" job so I don't rack up excessive mileage... just your average I guess. Does anyone else think that wage levels are going to need to increase again due to inflationary pressures? If so.. when?! Soon it will be either: A) Illegal B) Imorral C) Unethical D) Impossible To use and run a Corrado VR6. Therefore I've chosen to supercharge mine while i've still got the chance!
  7. An interesting read.... Mine makes a bit of noise when you first start her up, but I'm not sure why exactly. It dies down pretty quickly though?! My VR is on 96k and I've been thinking the clutch might be on the way out for a while, so obviously it makes sense to do the chains that the same time. However, since I'm going forced induction and I don't want to be bolting on 90bhp to a standard old engine, I'm having the big three done at stealth before the vortech even looks at the engine bay. If you're going FI without doing a rebuild.. you're asking for trouble IMHO!
  8. Christ! Thanks for that, really useful info there for all VR owners!
  9. Borbet As? You scence-ster!
  10. I second Benny boy's comment! Looks alot like mine did too! Crying out for some coilovers lad! Will look perfecto!
  11. There is no doubt a clause on the receipt that says it is non transferrable. I remember with my Longlife system, it was transferrable after the admin charge was paid (£25) Same old...
  12. People usualy only install these as a precaution to keep things cool when stuck in traffic I'd imagine? Can't do any harm really....
  13. Haha, smartarse! I've just bitten the bullet and ordered a UK kit through the group buy. That should give me enough time to sort out the credit card and book her into stealth. ouch! Thanks guys
  14. Hey guys and gals, Quick question as the group buy on VR6OC ends tomorrow... Is there any difference between the two SAMCO kits for the US spec Corrado VR6 and the UK one? There sure is a difference in price for some reason... could this be anything to do with air conditioning? Not sure why the US spec stuff is actually cheaper though. :cuckoo: Any help would be great. One of my hoses is a bit dodgy, i'm having major engine work done and going forced induction. Along with the fact that replacement VW hoses are ridiculously prices, I'm trying to work out whether to order some SAMCO or not?! Regards, Josh
  15. And have the actual filter carbon-encased which leads to less heat soak from that big old lump sitting in the 'bay!
  16. mariojoshi

    Crack pipe

    The part number you need is: 021121022 ( I THINK - this is part 11+12 on the diagram)
  17. mariojoshi

    Crack pipe

    This is also my opinion. They last for about 12 years right? So for £20 you get another 12 years? Bargain. It'll probably illegal to drive a VR6 by then anyway!
  18. If you're planning on keeping the car for a while longer, I'd do the whole lot, personally. When I called stealth the other day they said £1500 all in...... I guess that's inflation then ;)
  19. Here's my 4 pence... Yes, I'm a bit of a chav at heart (aren't we all?) So I did want a bit of induction noise to compliment the sound of that beautiful V6. The only way to get this without actually decreasing performance due to the dreaded heatsoak (other than drilling the air box) was to pay a bit more for something with a carbon surround. Que the BMC. Added to this that stealth have dyno'd them to show an actual (small) increase in power.... I didn't think it was worth looking at anything else. I've been really happy with it to be honest. Silent unless you're giving the loud pedal a bit of abuse! Having said this, I'd agree that cams are a far more worthwhile mod, but then since I'll be pulling my engine apart anyway, It's easy for me to say that. If I wasn't... I'd still probably buy the BMC.
  20. Hey fella, those are standard spec dubmeister plates. German font etc, so technically still illegal. Look fairly subtle though!
  21. WOW! Tidy as fook! I did an oil change :) Oh..and changed my tax disc. *rant* robbing government bastards *rant*
  22. Also absolutely love the 612 and would much rather have it over a 360 or the like! VAG-HAG... Just out of curiosity... I didn't really know it was possible to have a raging SEMI ?! :norty: Fair enough though...... haha!
  23. Trade parts specialist - Special offer at the moment! (might be just over... £11 a bottle if i recally. I bought.....THREE!) http://www.thetradepartsspecialists.co.uk/ Jim, buy the BMC mate! It puts a smile on your face, I promise!
  24. I'd agree. If you're mechanically minded, why bother. Properly document everything you do with your recepits for parts and put dates for oil changes etc. If I was an interested buyer, the fact that an enthusiast owned car had been worked on (and documented) by an enthusiast wouldn't bother me that much as long as it all looked genuine. For instance, there's no way in hell that I'd have an oil change done by a garage when I can buy synta for £2 a litre and a genuine filter for a tenner!
  25. yeah i already have something in the pipeline for that bit :) Haha, ain't it the truth! Did you get around to calling NASA in the end mate? ;)
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