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Everything posted by Wullie

  1. When you uncover the vacuum unit disconnect the hose and have a bit of a suck and blow. If the actuators in the doors are working OK you should see the doors lock and unlock. Operate the central locking with the key and you should hear the pump working and be able to feel the pump sucking when you place your finger over the outlet on the pump. The fuse is right on top of the fusebox above the relays and about centrally positioned. It's a wee bugger to find initially, kneeling outside the car and peering up with a torch helps. If I remember correctly it also covers the electric windows.
  2. I had a loud whine in the car, it stopped when the wife got out.
  3. Fitted a new outer cv joint yesterday only to find that the inner boot had split. Cue mad rushing about to get a replacement. This morning I have aches. A bit long in the tooth for rolling about under cars in the driveway methinks. Copious amounts of Real Ale and red wine analgesic tonight. No ants were harmed during the process.
  4. VR6 is right though. If you feel you have improved the car then add a few quid, if it's deteriorated since you bought it subtract a ferw. Price is subjective and I'm sure you have a price in mind.
  5. I know the feeling, encouraged by this thread I went out and bought a Cube back in January, think I've done about 10 miles on it. [ATTACH=CONFIG]74798[/ATTACH]
  6. You could buy a good Corrado for that kind of money!! Plus at that price you would think they could put the bars on straight and throw in some pedals.
  7. I was not making any judgement. I was giving an alternative view of the scenario you described in your original post " driving to the gym and some guy was sat right up my asre and decided to try and speed to overtake really close to me so I swerved a bit and stopped him over taking which got him angry." There were no obstructions or oil in your way to cause you to block his overtaking maneuver, no matter how rash you thought it was. I do agree that someone tailgating will have no time to react given that an emergency may occur which could easily result in an accident. When I get someone tailgating me my method is to gradually reduce speed and let them past at the first opportunity. Once they are by you, your rear end is safe and they can go on their way and maybe annoy someone of their own ilk. I've always been more of a pacifist and would rather avoid confrontation. The "alternative scenarios" I described were just that, alternative scenarios. I was 30 years in the Fire Service and have lost count of the number of RTA's caused by lesser actions than those you initially described. As for your current predicament, if you had let him pass you wouldn't now be worrying about your car or person. As the old adage says "You reap what you sow."
  8. Read this thread with interest, so let's try a little variation. Turn it round a wee bit and I can see the post on here. :- "I was following a car which was holding me up. I tried to overtake but he swerved out in front of me. Had to slam on the anchors. If I had the chance I'd have put him in his place." Or even :- "I was following a car which was holding me up. I tried to overtake but he swerved out in front of me. Had to slam on the anchors, hit a patch of oil or something and took out a bus stop full of kids." I'm a reasonable guy but can't find any sympathy for the OP's predicament.
  9. Yeah, I knew it Kip, just thought it would clarify things. Find it slightly amusing how it has changed over the years to be totally unrelated to it's original concept. Craigowl. Doors were great. Reminds of a mate who was the last survivor of a folk duo when he told us he had terminal cancer. Someone asked him what he was going to do, a bit inappropriate I thought, and he replied the he and Archie were reforming in the afterlife and we were all invited.
  10. Well that clears that up. Quote from the end of an article about someone boasting about knocking a cyclist off his bike. "A spokesman for Norfolk police said: "Further to recent social media postings on a road traffic collision involving a cyclist on Sunday 19 May in the Norwich area, Norfolk Constabulary can confirm that we have had initial contact with both parties involved and enquiries continue." Road tax does not actually exist in the UK and roads are funded from general taxation. It is commonly confused with Vehicle Excise Duty, which is a car tax paid on vehicles as a levy on emissions." Full article here http://uk.news.yahoo.com/drivers-twitter-boast-hitting-cyclist-115031323.html#OLk0BUu
  11. Maybe ask Rotrex themselves? http://www.rotrex.com They would probably be in the best position to give an answer.
  12. Little update on this, a 20 yr old from Glasgow has been arrested and charged. Bristolbaron, the pic above was taken as he undertook the car from which it was taken.
  13. She who is occasionally nice to me bought me one similar to this from Aldi a while ago, they're pretty good for general welding though a fair bit of practise is needed to weld thinner metal. They recommend a 30 amp supply on the one I got though I have been using it off a 13 amp spur with a circuit breaker on it and at the lower power settings. No problem so far and the house is still standing. For the outlay it's a handy wee thing to have about though I'm in no way confident or skilled enough yet to use it on the car bodywork. Heavier dods of metal are OK though.
  14. I thought it was going to be a Samurai with a butterfly tattoo on his forehead.
  15. Relay 99, available from lots of VAG group cars in any scrapyard for about £1.
  16. Father Jack would be in ecstasy.
  17. Liked. A beautiful car indeed. I had a giggle at the "Is it a Saab" comment
  18. Didn't drive it. For about the first time in five years it spent a whole day sitting in the drive. Not counting the couple of days off the road replacing the crank pulley.
  19. Wullie

    Engine paint

    Mauve would be different. :camp:
  20. I'll do my darndest to get there but can't promise. Despite retiring I'm as busy as f*** and my diary is currently running on panic basis.
  21. I used to get lots of lines at school, usually in groups of one hundred and repeating "I must not ........enter words here.........!" over and over again. Plus I was pretty crap at art.
  22. Mmmm, shows off the £300 line nicely. [ATTACH=CONFIG]73740[/ATTACH]
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