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Everything posted by Wullie

  1. Wullie

    Bumper Removal

    Here's a good step by step. http://www.corrado-club.ca/forum/viewtopic.php?t=9393 I did this recently and removal, replacement took a couple of hours. You don't have to remove the spoiler lip. The wings are just unbolt and remove with the added problem of sealant in the rear joint between the wing and the car. To get to it you will need to remove the liners. You will then need to cut through the sealant to remove the wing I used various thin cutty things starting with a Stanely knife and adjusting as it went. Beer assists with removing it as you will get sweaty and need to drink some.
  2. http://uk.lifestyle.yahoo.com/bacon-%E2%80%98saltier-than-seawater%E2%80%99.html
  3. :)Used to do that as a kid using a roller skate and a book. Went through a lot of skin.
  4. You mean it might not be? I've been in lot's of different bits of it and everywhere I've been was pretty flat. Apart from the usual hilly bits.
  5. I was a bit like you, getting fed up with all the tinkering, bits breaking etc and was considering seriously about replacing it. What decided me to keep it was when someone did a hit and run on it. Seeing it wounded, then the support of the forum I decided to keep it, repair it and now I'm lying about the drive, spanner in hand as happy as Larry again. Weird the way these cars affect you.
  6. My VW garage doesn't even have new stuff! We'll get it ordered in for you sir, it should be here next year. Naw, I meant garage on side of house, shed, hut type of thing.
  7. Nobody got one in the garage they could look at?
  8. I vaguely remember sex. Going to look it up to remind me. Nah, real ale pre and post coital is extremely enjoyable.
  9. And hopefully creating the perfect real ale and beaming the recipe to us earthlings.
  10. Serves you right for being young:smug: Seriously thought, let's assume that these sounds are the forewarning of the end of the world. What exactly are you and I or anyone else going to be able to do about it, have a last beer and bonk? If God (If that is your belief) says the games a bogey, hit the off switch, thats it. Or if there are a bunch of Vogons parked on the other side of the Moon getting ready to clear Earth out of the way for an Intergalactic highway, same scenario, time for a last beer and bonk if you're quick. If all the papers and TV programmes announced that the world was going to end in say a couple of months. Can't say but the words mass panic and the breakdown of civilisation before the bang. I had a look at your link and the "Thing" could be anything, I've seen drowned pups which look very similar after a few days, limbs wither and the body bloats. What is disturbing about it is that the first instinct was to kill whatever it was. It may well have been a little alien come with the answer to limitless clean energy and the cure for all ills.
  11. War of the Words by HG Wells, extracts from 1st paragraph. Book is much more interesting than the various films. Anyway, I'm not really bothered now by all this stuff. The way I look at it now at my age is that if it is Armageddon or aliens invading, or unknown beasties digging up from the centre of the earth it's a much more interesting way of going out than being hit by a bus! Plus, if it is aliens they might just be good guys, like the Vulcans. I suppose I'm a bit of a fatalist.
  12. Drat and double drat, I had thought from the way the thread went you had the cable replaced.
  13. I'm just looking for the cable to try this for myself. If the chap is able to let me know the supplier, part number for the cable that would be great.
  14. Where do you get the cable from? I have a perfectly good regulator setup but the cable is frayed and jamming. Be interesting to try and fix it.
  15. There is a plastic flange on the side of the head that connects the hose for the heater. This can bow slightly at the flange or develop a hairline crack alonf the mould seam as they get old. I had this nd it's difficult to find as the water evaporates almost immediately against the warm engine. You might get s small puddle forming in the recesses of the gearbox casting just below the flange if the leak is bad enough.
  16. I've got one set of Sebrings on the car. One of us may just have a problem.
  17. Is the pump off the car? Get an old spare drive belt, put it round the pulley then use a vice to tighten the belt round the pulley. Should hold it enough to loosen the bolts. Works for me.
  18. Seems to have been the temp switch at the botton of the radiator. It was covered in light corrosion inside where the terminal spades are. Gave it a good clean out and lo and behols, the run on lead starts the fan when touched to the head and the fan stops when it's removed and replaced on the sensor. Excellent call David. Now for the next bit.
  19. Good shout, I'll go and stand on my head in the engine compartment, fully dressed of course and see what I can find there.
  20. Why not get a cheapish Corrado from the for sale section, sell what you don't need off it the convert the remainder into a 4wd V8. Edit:- Or put an F430 body on it. Ooops, sorry
  21. Or organise a game of Uppies and Downies in their front garden. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9rrT1S9668M
  22. Got wakened this morning about 3 am with the car alarm doing it's thing. Tried to reset it but it just kept going off so I opened the bonnet to disconnect the battery (not easy in just a pair of kegs with an alarm two inches from your ear, in the dark) and noticed that the cooling fan was running. Got everything shut up and went back to bed. This morning had a look and the battery was pretty much dead, for some reason this sets off the alarm, happened a couple of times before when I had a battery drain. Charged up the battery this morning and everything seemed OK, fan didn't run when it was reconnected. However, it also didn't run when I shorted the cable from the run on sensor to the head. It's a new sensor and a quick check showed it to be working OK. Is there aything else that controls the run on?? Or anyone have a clue as to what may be happening. Apparently the sight of me half naked quite upset the neighbours.
  23. Get your local community police officer round and explain the situation. If the kid is deliberately kicking the ball against your car then that is willful damage and is a criminal offence. Do they have a car? If so why don't you get a ball and kick it off theirs, se how they like. If they dont have a car kick it off their front door or windows.
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