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Everything posted by seanl82

  1. There's a surprise! I got two duff ones in a row from eurocantparts last time I bought a stat from there. Went to VW in the end, where they were available at the time. I also notice your momentary cleaning frenzy didn't extend to the interior then. :ignore::lol:
  2. Where about are you? Is it close enough to have a look first? Like others have said, it's not worth much more than current price, but it's your money and your decision at the end of the day. If you have it within your budget to rectify the visible rust, I'd do it sooner rather than later. Be aware there may well be hidden rust though if it's at the point of having a fair amount visible.
  3. Poor condition, 1-2k, fair condition 2-3k, good 3-4k, excellent 4k+. Obviously there are exceptions at all levels. You could pick a very good original example up from eBay for less than 2k, equally though you get some dreamers wanting 4-5k for less than average examples. If there are any VR6's locally to you go and have a look. Storms don't fetch much more than a standard VR so should give you a rough indication of what you'll be looking for. Generally enthusiasts take care of them so your better off buying from here, but it's not always cut and dried so have a really good look. Print off the buyers guide to take with you when looking over, don't rush. They don't "fly off the shelf" so chances are if you go away and think about it, it'll still be for sale a day or two later. Any questions just ask, very helpful bunch onhere!:thumbleft:
  4. Be interested o see how this looks when on Gar. Like you I'm not a fan of the SWG one as it looks too shiny and flat to be OE. Could you bang a pic up when you fit it please. Cheers!
  5. I did a spare set last weekend all red, and tbh I don't like them. The red is very bright and kind of 'candy' red, which looked very DIY imo. (Which obviously they were), but I prefer an OE look. If you decided on all red, you need to do the bottom as well or it will look even worse being odd shades. I'm contemplating M3 style with a dark lamin-x tint myself now!
  6. Running gear and engine are entirely different so you won't be able to use anything there I think. If the front calipers are 288mm then you can use them with a bit of fettling and some conversion hoses as far as I'm aware. Don't quote me but I think the mounting for the carrier is slightly different on this platform, so an adaptor/spacer is required. If you have a search and look in the wiki I'm sure it's been covered before mate.
  7. Iirc you need to use the backing plate from your existing mirror for them to fit correctly though.
  8. I'd have your 90mm one if you do. Been wanting one for ages but I'm loath to pay ebay prices!
  9. Yep, they are a different shape and have a different fitting/securing arrangement iirc.
  10. Looks a familiar sight that Ron! My base one had separated like that, and the back bolster had a hole so the foam was crumbling all over the place. Feels very satisfying getting it all back together doesn't it! It's a bitch getting the tension back on the leather before securing the hooks back though isn't it! Good work mate, keep it up. :thumbleft:
  11. I think it's just the fact that the mk4 tanks are readily available and much cheaper tbh.
  12. Yeah I just had twisted wires with brittle and loose insulation tape all over the place! I'm thinking of OBD 2 as well. I was bidding on a mk 3 Golf VR which was due to end tomorrow but the seller pulled it. I intended to brake it and do OBD 2 and teves 20 conversions as well as having a few spares but that's gone for the time being. I'm still looking out for one not too far away, but VR prices seem to have been rising over the last year.
  13. :rofl: Seriously though, I know what you mean! I had remnants of three old alarm systems in mine and that coupled with the stupid sound system wiring that was in it really was dangerous. I repaired, soldered and heat shrunk everything I could behind the dash, but had to leave a lot of the speaker wiring in as so much of the original loom had been cut out. I may actually do a bit tomorrow if I get time and weather holds off!
  14. Always liked these despite the ribbing Vectras got. Looks a good in between until the Corrado is back on the road James. Thumbs up from me mate! :thumbleft:
  15. I raised an eyebrow when you said washed, but polish and wax! I don't buy it! :lol:
  16. Yeah I thought it was forces discount, but it says on the receipt 'club discount', so I guess if you show your club card it may work.
  17. Haha, your both right. I've also been lucky enough to have had no real problems apart from a duff battery.............yet. :eek:
  18. Got mine around 9 months ago from GSF. Was a premium branded one and turned out to be Hella. Cost £40.82 after VAT with a 10% discount.
  19. You need to disconnect the clocks to pull it out really and it's all a bit of a faff without the cowling removed. There are the two end bolts under the caps on the end of the dash by the shuts, and a couple of brackets you should see with the centre console and clocks and vents out. Also one bottom behind the centre console recess. Two bolts hold in the heater box accessed in the engine bay on the fire wall, and a couple either side of the heater box accessed with under trays removed. I think that's it iirc.......just check everywhere as you go along!
  20. Lots of electricery problems cropping up lately. All this rain doesnt help. I'll just throw this one out there, my car is running spot on and behaving itself like a gem..............:silent::smug::norty::lol:
  21. Another thumbs up from me. Great source of parts from a good bloke. :thumbleft:
  22. What, even more ridiculous than splash!?
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