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Everything posted by seanl82

  1. Quick update though no pics sorry! Managed to spend the day on the Corrado today after the bloody Saab decided to throw another wobbly! Spent the last two days swapping out the alternator and thermostat on that piece of crap! Pain in the arris trying to get a quick 10 minutes here and there between downpours and looking after kids. Missus had to use the Corrado for work, which I was really reluctant about. I'm not sure if it's a good or bad thing though, she came in after the first day and said she loves it! It's the first time anyone but me has driven it in my ownership, but she got two waves and a race proposal off the lights. She says she now "gets it". Anyway, alternator was ordered for next day delivery so she had it a second day. Cue more grins! Saab now fixed and she was off work today so I went in work for some dry workspace. Managed to get the wings off, cavity wax stripped off, primered and stonechipped any bear areas and put back on. Still not perfect, so I'm gonna have to do it again ffs! Drivers side needs to come off anyway to repair the skin which Clumpy has cut out of his breaker for me. I think where they were pulled off the original car, they were bent out of shape slightly. Just need to persuade them back again. Gave the front end a machine polish which has made it better although not great, and not up to the rest of the car. They've all seen paint obviously as there are sanding marks under the basecoat and areas of orange peel. I'll have to re-visit them too with a wet sand and a bit more time and effort. I also got the tank straps off, ground back, primered and stonechipped too. Another job ticked off the never really ending list!
  2. Excellent, thank bud, I'll pick the sanding disks up tomorrow. Did you have any grief with the clamp bolt? Mine seems pretty ugly so I'm a bit worried!
  3. How did you support the tank whilst the straps were off Matt? May give mine a going over tomorrow too.........
  4. Sounds promising mate. Got my fingers crossed for you! You really need to get out in it for a bit though to rekindle that love affair, I know you've had a torrid time of late and have been contemplating getting rid, but there's nothing like a little play for a few hours to remind yourself why you've gone to such lengths to get it how it is now. 6 months tax costs a couple of tanks of fuel is all, and remember, you can SORN it again in a week and cash in on the rest of the tax anyway! :norty:
  5. Being the Bank Holiday w.end, a camping site, beers and bbq sounds a really really good idea. Seeing as its my birthday w.end too, she who wears the trousers can have nothing to whine about! I'll definitely be there regardless, but would be an opportunity missed if we can't get something sorted. Anyone recommend a site close by that could accommodate upstanding members of society such as us??? You live relatively close don't you Eric? Any thoughts?
  6. Must admit, I couldn't find much with a Vr having it in place. I'd already ordered it though so stuck t on anyway. I was reassured a few days later to see Roger Chatfields Storm with It in the same place though.
  7. It's not a new one bud, just much better than my original. You can see a little wear on the 'O' at the top edge. Got it from CazzaVR.
  8. I'd say so buddy! Cheers James, let me know how much I owe you and I'll get it over. Thanks mate, legend! :thumbleft:
  9. Doesn't sound promising. Take the inner joint off and rotate the cup attached to the gb. Should give you an idea, but sounds like the shaft flapping about at speed has warped the cup/input onto the gb drive.
  10. Just to the right of the other two. I did mine a week or so ago, like this...... http://the-corrado.net/showthread.php?t=79984&p=1005587&viewfull=1#post1005587
  11. Not that I'm aware Rob. I know what you mean about the top trim though, mine doesn't push into the slot on the trim fully, this was a second hand replacement due to a cracked original, and bugs me tbh. I don't think there were different types to suit early/ late or cloth/leather so I assume it was forced in at the factory when the plastic trim wasn't so brittle. I'm not brave enough to force it in too much at the moment either in case I brake this one too!
  12. 50x15 are standard so perfect for accurate Speedo.
  13. Fingers crossed buddy! How annoying would that be though, after all the heartache and expense, it was all down to a dodgy earth! :bad-words:
  14. You mean the one above the front seat belt Rob? The plastic cover tilts up and out from the bottom, and pulls off to expose the metal insert held in with a screw if that's what you mean mate.
  15. All items relisted, you guys may be in trouble with the law now apparently! :lol::roll:
  16. Have the right size tyres on too!
  17. RX228, same as I have. Great fitment straight onto a C without any archwork what so ever. Look great imo.
  18. GSF, ECP, AVS..........lots of places. Think they were only around £25 from VW though iirc.
  19. I can see both sides really, there's only so far I'd be willing to travel for a day out. Hats off to James to making it to Castle Combe this year as its a bloody long way, and I don't think I'd travel that far. That said it's pointless organising an event too far North if the majority aren't likely to make that sort of trip. The majority/mods going by what I can see though seem to live around the Gloucestershire and Midland areas. Perhaps they should be willing to travel a little further also though? I think it's probably time to announce the venue now though as the comments on this thread are going away from the topic.
  20. Great ad, well done! :thumbleft:
  21. Thanks James, I may well take you up on that if you can cut a section out before you scrap the shell. Better to have a proper section as its obviously the crumple zone, so better to get the correct piece than weld in some metal that's not designed for it. I should have thought Rog, thanks for the offer. It was a pain in the arse as the in-laws is on a slight hill and didn't trust my standard widow maker car Jack, so had to use the kerb to get underneath!
  22. Done a few little things over the last few days. Mostly just simple bits, but makes it look a little better I think. First off was the roof aerial. Wasn't all that keen on the shark fin that was on when I bought the car, and to tie in with the OE with a few choice enhancements I'm going for, I put an original back on. Radio reception is much better now too! Before. After. Next up as the rear Corrado badge. Original was a bit tired, so swapped it out for one that's a bit better. Before. Side by side. After Just need a new VR6 badge now! Next up was a few little bit for the bay. Before. After. So as previously mentioned, I bought a pair of wings and a bonnet in classic green from Monkey last week, and had to swap the bonnet straight out. I had a few hours spare today whilst the missus took the kids in town for some boxing day bargains, so set about getting the wings swapped over. I did a wing swap a while ago, but I'd forgotten how much of a ballache it was! After fighting with the cavity wax I finally got the drivers side off, to be confronted with this. Not good! It's certainly unexpected as everything else on the body and underside is really really solid. Needless to say it's gonna have to come off pretty soon to cut it out and weld in New. I'll speak to a mate at work who's handy with a mig and get him to sort me out I think. Other side has a bit of surface rust, so I'll get it treated and stone chip it I think. I need to align them better anyway, and it was showing signs of rain and getting on a bit so I'll take it in work to sort out in a few days. It's much tidied now though, no lacquer peel and much less rust. There is a slight bit of rust on both, bit it's right near the bottom so easily sorted and sprayed by hand without it being noticeable. Front end really needs a good mop now though which I'll do at the same time. Other bits to do when my LEDs and resistors arrive is the rear light. Getting there!
  23. Yeah I'd agree with that mate. There's plenty more to do there though so should be a good day out. Edit; just looked on the website and there's large event on that weekend, so if it is the place, the strip won't be available to run anyway.
  24. My guess would be the drag strip at the venue mentioned in post number 2?
  25. seanl82

    New owner!

    Ooh another down these ere parts! Lots of us in the Dorset/Hampshire/West Sussex areas now. Be good to get a meet sorted next year. Welcome along and Merry Xmas!
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