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Everything posted by seanl82

  1. Well in that case, all is forgiven Kev! :bonk: Seeing as we're onto stupid things we've done when working on the car, I've been pretty good with mechanical things, but I did almost put a set of long nosed pliers through my eye when changing the parcel shelf straps! Oh the shame.............
  2. Optimum no rinse Mic. Lots of pro detailers use it or another no rinse prooduct in the height of summer, or when a hosepipe ban is in force. Have a read up on it. I cant say Ive ever used it tbh, but it does get rave reviews.
  3. I use wax on bodywork (collinite 476s currently), and sealant on wheels and exhaust (CG Jetseal 109) and have for years now. Great product!
  4. Ahh thanks Rob, just had a look at the paint code index and I didn't realise Green Pearl was a colour before! Thought it was Classic Green Pearl, Dragon Green Pearl etc.... Cheers mate!
  5. Bear in mind that you'd need a decent lance with the right fitment for your pressure washer to get good coverage and consistency from the foam, and it becomes pretty expensive for a quick pre wash. I'd echo what Chris has said mate.
  6. TBH Bobby, those are stretched way beyond what most would consider safe. Just be glad no one was hurt and take it as a lesson. 9.5" wheels are just way too wide for a Corrado. Not sure if they are available in a slightly higher sidewall but 45 profile are suggested for 16" rims, although with that amount of stretch anyway your speedo is probably outside the recommended limits. You've been lucky, so although those wheels look great, it maybe time to move them on and put it down to experience.
  7. Swissvax BOS is a very expensive and top of the range wax too. I cant believe it only cost £200 for a full detail! Its usually single pass polishing after repaint and its enhancement rather than correction so time is saved there, but for a wax like that you usually pay a premium on top. Very deep and glossy shine. Mucho likey!
  8. If I was in the situation where I just didnt use it, and someone came along offering me a decent price, I'd point them in the direction of the forum as a must, take their money and let someone else enjoy it mate.
  9. Probably the foam on the heater box flap has finally given up the ghost. The flap has foam around the seal, and over the flap itself. There are big holes in the flap so the warm air will just pass through them if the foam has rotted out. Have a look in my gallery, there are pics from when I did mine. I put reflective tape over the holes to stop it permanently. Be warned, its a ballache of a job, basically invloves removing the matrix again.
  10. I'll have the second script badge please Andy(the best one with both lugs), and how much could you do including postage the Carpet Mat set and the temp sensor cover please mate?
  11. Some sort of epoxy resin would be my guess mate. You'd have to read the product sheet to make sure, but that would be my guess. I'm sure there are products out there, just google it.
  12. 120k is barely broken in mate. Properly serviced, 200k + is easily achievable. A replacement ABV (original 2.9)engine can be picked up for less than £200, and the more common AAA (Golf 2.8) which are a direct replacement for around the same money. The only real differences apart from the slightly bigger capacity is a slight restriction in the inlet manifold, and this is again a direct replacement so you could put the corrado inlet on. With the Corrado inlet on a 2.8 lump, power figures between the two are negligible mate. They can become a bit smokey later in life due to ovalising of the bores which is a known problem, but if you could see it running before replacement (if you had to change it) or get one off of a known and respected Forum member, or one from a trade seller with a warranty you should be ok. There are few around with less than 120k now anyway tbh. Mines just clocked 144k and no hint of smoking at all. The engine is known to be quite clattery and loud, so don't be put off too much unless it really is loud. Try to get one that has had timing chains and tensioners replaced if you can as well as thats very expensive to change.
  13. Might have to give this a try. Its about 2 miles further than the regular filling station, but worth a go I reckon.
  14. Shell V Power Nitro +. No other reason than its the closest garage with high octane fuel! :grin:
  15. Theres a plastic retaining clip that joins the pin rod to the rod that goes to the locking mechanism. The one on my drivers side had snapped so I've kinda bodged it for now. Its all there, the pin just doesn't go fully up when open.
  16. For anyone reading this that is not aware, the CDs on eBay are not official copies so are therefore a breach of copyright, and illegal. The Official Bentley Manual is exactly that, a Manual in paper form.
  17. No your right bud, they are fantastic. I just can't help thinking of all the new Focus's (ST and RS) as sheep in wolves clothing. At the end of the day, its still a Focus! I then think back to the Sierra and Escort Cossies, and wonder why I've come to this conclusion as I loved them both in my youth! Maybe I'm just getting old and grey now..............
  18. You read my mind mate! I was even thinking of putting some sort of extra flap that she has open behind the filler flap, with a big "Black Nozzle" on it just to help her along! I've read a few horror stories about petrol in modern common rail diesels though, so I'm praying she hasn't f***ed something up good and proper!
  19. No, this really annoys me too! Spend an absolute fortune making you bay look mint, but leave the cheap and easy things out!!
  20. It usually is mate, think thats the problem!
  21. Not an update on the Corrado although I do have a proper set of 288s now. A local guy from the Saab forum came round to read the codes for me today. It was coming up with low fuel pressure, and egr valve out of tolerance. I cleaned the EGR last week so that may of had something to do with that, but he cleared the codes and none of them came back. Still running like a fat bloke with asthma though, and he asked the question if it had recently had fuel added. I said no, but then the missus chirped up "yeah I put fifty quid in at asda. Oooh, it started happening just after that actually!" She obviously felt quite chuffed with herself for her input, until me and the guy both looked at each other before dropping out heads! "What" she says. I open the fuel flap and have a wiff, and yes you guessed it, strong smell of petrol! I then proceeded to fill her in on her "mistake", to which she replies "I don't think I'd do that, diesel is the Green one isn't it!?" :shrug: :bonk::bonk::bonk: Need to drain the tank and replace the fuel filter tomorrow. Hopefully that should sort it. :scratch:
  22. Yeah come on James, dont string us along! What have you got up your sleeve!:norty:
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