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Everything posted by gradeAfailure

  1. I'm sure you could build a homebrew version for about half that if you tried...
  2. http://www.streetracetuning.co.uk aka Raj does a very nice turbo kit for the 8V engine... :norty:
  3. I'm afraid if you want BBS splits then you're gonna have to pay for them! You could always go for the 7x15" ET25 4x100 1-piece BBS wheels from the BMW E30s, as they look like a single-piece version of the RS, as opposed to the G60 BBS wheels which are 6.5" wide and look like a single-piece version of the RM?
  4. Or these - proper old school! Though I think these may actually be 4x98 as that's Alfa/Lancia PCD Old-school RHs?
  5. Laura had 215/40-16 Toyo Proxes T1S on her 9x16 Borbet Ts and the stretch was just perfect - not too silly but enough to look good. Bear in mind that one manufacturer's 215 may actually be narrower than another's 205.
  6. I'd get the 2.0 if I were you - later bonnet and wings, late-spec interior and more torque at the bottom end of the rev range, so it's more driveable (my opinion only!). I doubt if the 1.8 is actually faster in the real world!
  7. might want to try something a little thicker - I know Kev rates the Silkolene Pro S 10W-50
  8. ah, if it's a metallic, then it won't really work i'm afraid... best get a touch-up kit from the stealers
  9. pretty sure you can change the stem seals with the head on - most garages these days seem to use an adaptor threaded into the sparkplug hole, and a compressor, to pressurise the cylinder and keep the valves in place.
  10. Can't hurt to try - we used it on Laura's first Corrado (Flash Red) and it brought it up a treat...
  11. Yeah, I'm not disagreeing with you Dave! It is exceedingly unfair that those under 25s who drive safely and have decent NCB are going to be hit with price rises just because of a load of muppets in Paxos who couldn't drive properly if they tried... Compared to over here though, the situation in Eire is ridiculous - you should hear how much they have to pay in insurance... :shock: Maybe a scheme like I'm sure they have/had in Italy whereby if you're under a certain age you can't drive a car above a certain power:weight ratio would work?
  12. It sucks, but what can you do about it? I remember paying a grand TPFT for my Uno Turbo when I was 18, but that was my choice to drive a quick car at a young age. With people making all these "No-win, no-fee" injury claims, insurance will go up, and the group who cause the most accidents (and it is males under 25, no two ways about it) will be the ones suffering the most. If you feel really strongly about something, don'y just b1tch on a forum about it though, write to your MP, write to the insurance ombudsman. It may not get you anywhere, but at least you tried. To that end, I'm seriously thinking about how to get into politics - not because I want power, or because I'm a devious b45tard, but because I'm genuinely fed up of seeing the vast majority of people in this country getting shafted by people in government who've never worked in a shop, or a factory, or a pub, or any other kind of regular job. Anyways, sorry about the OT! :oops:
  13. Hasn't a poll already been started aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaages ago to show the divide in which version people have?
  14. Yeah, it'll be the cogs that move the flaps in the heater box that have jumped a couple of teeth and are stopping the movement. Not too bad to do tbh, once you know what you're doing. There's a securing plug in the middle of the cog that you'll need a 90deg painr of pliers to pull out, then the cog/arm will drop out, you reposition it correctly and push the securing plug back in to hold it in place again. My thanks to Mr Haywire for talking me through it when I had to do it on the Passat... :)
  15. oops, our bad - sorry Nik! :oops:
  16. At the very least you'll have to trim the return lips on the rear arches... What offset are the 9" D90s? With the adaptors you should be aiming for ET23 or lower ideally, to avoid hitting the suspension arms, especially if you're running coilovers.
  17. if you mean these ones then they'll fit as they're 6x15", 4x100 stud pattern - however, they are ET45 as opposed to the standard Corrado 4-stud offset of around ET35, so they'll sit 10mm further in towards the car and look a bit silly, especially as the standard Corrado wheels are 6.5" wide as well. Nice wheels, but personally I'd look for something wider as skinny wheels don't suit the C!
  18. you know, it's amazing how many people lose sight of that... well said.
  19. http://the-corrado.net/.archive/forum/viewtopic.php?t=32769 http://the-corrado.net/.archive/forum/viewtopic.php?t=40751 http://the-corrado.net/.archive/forum/viewtopic.php?t=18825 http://the-corrado.net/.archive/forum/viewtopic.php?t=33483 :)
  20. http://www.vehicle-wiring-products.co.u ... eving.html
  21. Well, Tim and Ian at the Phirm are both ex-VAG, so could well be fine - they're kind of in the middle of nowhere though, so may not be suitable due to that...
  22. The rear discs are a straight swap as it's just the discs that have the 5x100 pattern - however, on the front it's not just the discs that are 5x100 but the hubs as well; and if you change the hubs, then you have to change the driveshafts, and if you have to change the driveshafts, then...etc! As flusted said...
  23. You don't necessarily need extra management - if you're only going to run, say, 5psi of boost then you could probably get away with a 5th injector tapped into the inlet manifold and wired in via a boost pressure sensor switch. Bigger or smaller injector will alter your fuelling and Robert would appear to have married your aunt. Not the most advanced solution I grant you, but cheap and it'd work! More boost though, and you would need something like MegaSquirt. The Golf Turbo Technics kits do come up on eBay occasionally, and I think spacer gaskets are readily available over the pond as they're fans of the blown 16v...
  24. Definitely a 406 - but the quality looks stunning... 8)
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