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Jim Bowen

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Everything posted by Jim Bowen

  1. Been watching these on ebay, bidded on the first one and it went way above what i expected. I keep seeing them listed by the same ebayer, just checked his feedback and he has made a few hundred from selling them :! http://feedback.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewFeedback2&userid=yorkshiredubber&&_trksid=p2047675.l2560&rt=nc&iid=131379236784&sspagename=VIP:feedback&ftab=FeedbackAsSeller Are they that rare?
  2. not what you asked, but have these for sale, in very nice condition, open to offers http://the-corrado.net/showthread.php?t=89282
  3. This is the Sealey i have. They don't undo really tough stuff, i bought mine expecting it to undo the flywheel. http://www.toolstop.co.uk/index.php?option=shop&page=shop.product_details&product_id=12727&l=uk&utm_source=google&utm_medium=base&gclid=COCzjrHhx8ICFczMtAodUSsAkw
  4. I use eastwood rust encapsulator, its £20 a can though, but seems to work quite well as a primer too. Fitted something! (only the ABS pump for the Teves20 system, also got the loom in place, and tidied up the existing wiring, found a wire that had totally rotted through and also affected two others in the loom, was all for lights (probably explains why i had issues with the upgraded loom), sorted it now though. Front cross member cleaned up Battery tray Decided to buy the plastic ducting for some of the wiring, re wrapping any dodgy old stuff and leaving the stuff thats alright alone. Got battery tray painted up, although i'm waiting for a rubbery bed liner paint to turn up before i put all the wiring back properly.
  5. i was using my impact wrench on it, will double check i was using the right size bit as nothing seemed to happen. Also didn't read this guide first and now release there are more than two nuts holding it on.
  6. Just trying to get the large black heater box assembly out and the two 10mm bolts with big washer that are in the engine bay side won't undo, they just spin round. Is the stud they thread onto attached to the heater box?
  7. I have a cordless sealey one. Worth having one. It's helped me out loads on stuck bolts. Works well with irwin bolt grippers on rounded bolts.
  8. http://store.pininfarina.com/en/writing/forever/forever-pininfarina-cambiano-21038.html Ordered that yesterday, shame i can't drive it :lol: My nan passed away last month and left me a small amount of cash so treated myself to it.
  9. yeah its also possible the cable could be causing it. Also, something i've noticed before on mine is where the cable passes through the plastic covers on the engine, mine had got all sticky there.
  10. I hope you have decent running shoes on as that's quite a feat. :lol: Are you testing the car as well while you're there?
  11. There is a little throttle damper underneath the lever, also called a dashpot, is that all ok? Might be wrongly adjusted
  12. I have one of Kursys looms with the OEM connectors on it, but i want to try and extend it so most of it sits inside the car rather than engine bay. Never been that happy with the way the looms sit in the bay.
  13. Think i read it on here: http://forums.vwvortex.com/showthread.php?4761622-How-to-build-a-relatively-inexpensive-reliable-powerful-Vr6
  14. Am sure i've seen this stated a few times? Is it true it gives a few more bhp? Worth doing?
  15. Think demon tweeks had a sale on the B12 kit recently, might of gone back up now.
  16. I just sit by the window watching over it :lol: Tbh i'm not fitting one until its up and running.
  17. Just ditched my scorpion alarm, mainly as it was getting old and 2 of the 3 fobs have broken.
  18. Think this is as clean as it will get, i've gotten really bored of cleaning it now, had to do it all with a toothbrush and rags :lol: Going to repaint the battery tray area, was a little bit rusty so sanded it back. Am now thinking i might leave the rear beam on this time and do it at some point in the future. Otherwise i can't roll the car back and forth and not got enough money now to do it properly..
  19. Has anyone found an alternative to use? or is the VW one still available at a reasonable price? When the chap did my windscreen it was a nightmare to get the new seal in so i agreed to use the old one, but thats popping out now. I get the feeling my windscreen is ever so slightly low so the gap at the top is a little bit big for the seal to grip. I'd be quite happy to mastic one in place.
  20. My gruven crack pipe boasted it came with some NASA grade o-rings. I couldn't distinguish them from the ebay grade ones :lol:
  21. I have a box of these or very similar to these and i've used them on crack pipe and rad elbow with no problems. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/419pc-O-RING-ORING-RUBBER-SEAL-PLUMBING-SET-KIT-/160551853082?pt=UK_DIY_Materials_Plumbing_MJ&hash=item2561a2dc1a
  22. Quite tempted to try the audi one. Going to compare them a bit more tomorrow.
  23. I also need the same sizes and need to order before car goes back on road. Think I have a few months of work before I get to putting the rad in though. So been in no hurry. There was a place recommended on here that I looked up and seemed good price.
  24. Is that brake one? There is a pagid clutch one for £76, but pic looks wrong, just trying to check with them
  25. Just looking around online and keep finding part no: 6Q0721388C Its for quite a list of cars, audi TT, Beetle, Jetta and looks just like the corrado one. Is there any reason i couldn't use one of these? Can get a decent sachs one for about £50
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