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Everything posted by dukest

  1. dukest

    ABS Light...

    it should come on when you start the car and then go out again, if you haven't read that already.
  2. dukest

    ABS Light...

    its at the top of the dash, above the foglight switches etc. and it is labelled as i recall. it looks black until it comes on orange
  3. I'm pretty sure John's are MO1776s (ie. 17x7.5), if not they're MO1781s but i dont think his are 8s.
  4. depends how much you have to spend. its a lot more expensive to change a colour completely than it is to go over the exterior in the same colour. that said, if you can get a different shade that would slightly complement the original one then perhaps leaving the engine bay, door shuts, boot surround etc unchanged might not be so bad.
  5. dukest

    Lenso BBS Style

    yes, although the tyres should be 45 not 55 profile so your speedo will be out.
  6. yeah, nothing against that at all.. :salute:
  7. playing devil's advocate, doesnt a VW advisory document at least back up his argument slightly? am not disputing his odd way of going about things though..
  8. clear side repeaters in place of orange ones, cost about £4 and knocked about 7 years off the car's age imo
  9. 1 in 7 warp? a 14% fail rate sounds pretty terrible to me and quite a high possibility it would happen again. still, if they're going to be replaced then fingers crossed for next time. just bed them in carefully (although theoretically you should be doing this with new pads too..)
  10. you'll have the council after you for running a dealership from a residential address at this rate :)
  11. its always nice to have someone clear a path for you!
  12. have you fitted your wheels yet? am sure we're all waiting for pics..
  13. Exactly what I thought! Likewise. Don't forget the next bit of pain coming most folks way soon, if you have a photo ID style driving license it expires eveyr 10 years. £25 is the cost for sticking a new photo on; if you don't the fines are huge as well as being potentially uninsured and a charge of driving without a valid license. :hitler: yep, already been hit with this, i think its quite a liberty that you have to pay again to be honest
  14. aha! it was you he'd come into town to see! almost had to have him come and look at mine but turned out just to be a fuse :)
  15. caught Andy (Trimwizard) on the way to fit an alarm in another VR and he pointed me in the direction of a hidden fuse for the alarm which turned out to be the culprit! quite relieved!
  16. not sure i'm so interested now Kip, all these extra miles you've been putting on it, and driving around with nutters :shock: ;)
  17. i guess, will give andy bryant a call in the morning and see if he has any bright ideas..
  18. just given that a try and didnt make any difference. also unplugged and reseated the connector into the back of the ignition switch area (which has about 6 wires going into it?) and looked at the fuses and reseated all the relays.. :confused4: and no, keyfob does nothing whatsoever. and the alarm indicator light is not coming on at all
  19. have been changing my rear pads today and had all the doors and hatch open. when i finished i tried to start it again and the dash lights came on but nothing whatsoever happens at the last turn of the key. i tried to press the alarm button to see if that was the issue and the alarm is not doing anything at all either, no lights, noises, anything.. thought the battery might have run down but tried jumping it and no difference. am also puzzled as i sat on the alarm key about 2 hours previously and it armed itself fine then. I've been having an occasional ignition code on vag-com but cant remember exactly which. i'm now trying to check all the wiring but it all looks ok. i'd been told in the past to wd40 the ignition switch connector but i was told it was 3 pin and i cant see anything 3 pin under there.. can someone point me in the right direction or is that direction only a new ignition switch? why has the alarm stopped working suddenly though?? :shrug: wanting to go to glastonbury tomorrow night too... :(
  20. and just the hubs different? wanting to buy an ARB for the VR that has been on a valver.. sorry if its a dumb question thanks john
  21. whats the matter with it? why would you want to replace it just because its got to its mid-life point? a vege replacement engine is £1700, a rebuild of your own is a bit more. a second hand 2.9 is £400/£500 and a 2.8 maybe £100 off that but they will all be a minimum of 12 years old and probably with only marginally less mileage and significant risk of less care taken than you have of yours. unless something is wrong i'm not sure why you're considering it?
  22. dukest

    cruise control.

    dont know but i've never heard of it anywhere in this country
  23. dukest

    cruise control.

    just so you know, there was no cruise control on uk cars so you might not get much useful feedback from anyone.
  24. ah well, hope you like them :)
  25. They do mate - all BIN parts. thats what i'd have thought, but rang 2 dealers, one didnt keep them at all and i have to wait till tuesday to get some from the other as they only had 1.. :shrug:
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