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Everything posted by dukest

  1. I agree its hard to see but I think that the handles and grill look pretty good, rear i'll reserve judgement on until next week :)
  2. yes its very possible as VW charged approx £19ea for a plug for a VR6 back then...........if the PO shopped around he could have bought the identical NGK plug in his local halfords for £5ea unbelievable, and people think they've been ripped off by banks.. :? :?
  3. I'm typing up all the history (yes, i know :lol:) and he never paid more than £185 incl vat for 2x GSD-2 F1s (less in later years..)
  4. Could VW really have charged a previous owner of my car £117.50 PLUS Vat for 6 spark plugs in 2001? :shock: :shock: :D It doesn't list the labour for fitting them so conceivably could include that, but it is just in the parts section of the invoice so doesn't look like it!!
  5. There is a reason, her and her other half might just have owned 1 or 2 Cs between them :) The reason almost everyone does the jobs together is the common labour. As you already know, the gearbox is coming off to do the chains so there is very little extra labour to fit the new clutch at the same time. Its a case of 1+1=1.5 not 2 :lol: Wouldn't like to say on your behalf but I've felt mine has been past its best for the last few thousand miles but thats not to say it feels like its going any time soon.. Probably best to start saving though!!
  6. The other respected specialists are The Phirm who are great guys a little way down the A3 out of London, not much in it to get to Stealth or them based on where you are I shouldn't think. Good luck :)
  7. Hello mate, am at the same stage as you.. :) Clutch and chains/tensioners you'll be lucky to get done for less than £700 (parts and labour). I'm currently seeing if i can reduce that by getting bits from the states/elsewhere. You need a dealer clutch but not a performance one from the reading i've been doing. To do at the same time theres nothing that will give extra performance that isn't many hundreds. With an older engine you might want to do a head rebuild but that is likely to be another £500 odd. Stealth do the two jobs combined for £1400, not absolutely the cheapest but they do them all day long so are experts. So far the other things to do at the same time seem to be thermostat housing and water pump replacement. Also the coolant ("crack") pipe. All these being because they are/contain plastic bits that are likely to be knackered by now. Still trying to work out what else might be sensible too though :) So £700 bare minimum unless you're doing it yourself - upto perhaps £1600 if you do all the other bits at the same time. It depends how much you love/want to keep your car, or believe in prevention vs cure, or have the cash to throw at it. Hope that doesn't darken your day too much :lol:
  8. jeez, they sound a bit scary! doesn't sound like you still have a tensioner!! :)
  9. Yes i believe so mate, best off asking kev if you havent already as he got them for me. cheers! ^^^^ as if by magic!!
  10. Rob, were the bits that you got via Kev from Schimmel all OE parts? I need to get on with ordering some too :)
  11. Just so this is still of use to other people, I spoke to Ian this morning and he has ready made enlarged 2.9 bodies in stock, ready for exchange, at £120. 8) [email protected]
  12. thanks steve, will drop him a mail then, was just nothing on google about him for about 18 months so thought maybe he'd stopped. if anyone else knows of alternatives though, they're welcome too!
  13. Hi all, Am possibly getting to the point where I can fund my engine refresh now and think with all the other bits I'm planning to do (chains/clutch/head/VGI/cams/remap etc..) that an enlarged throttle is a good idea too.. Have searched but it seems that noone has mentioned a regular source since using the Alpina527 guy a few years ago. Is he still doing them or where else can you pick one up/get one exchanged?? Cheers, John
  14. Thanks for the link Zippy. Hope you dont mind if I throw in my 2 pence, even though it doesn't necessarily support Porsche themselves 100% :) I live less than a mile from the zone and in all its years of operation I have never actually needed to drive into it, although I have chosen to on occasion. The hours of operation are clearly aimed at people that either choose to drive to their workplace, or drive to go shopping or, less justifiably, those who are running a business in London. I have no argument with the intention to reduce the number of the first two groups but do believe there should be accomodations for the latter. While the new rules don't affect me in my VR any more than currently, potentially they dampen any R32 ideas I might have :). Again though, Monday to Friday, I have no need to drive in central London for pleasure before 6pm and it seems that there is a lot of indignance (eg. on Pistonheads) from people who seem to think that they do have that "need". Lets not forget if you are crossing London there is a charge-free route north-south as well. The big issue is the residents discount being removed. I have also lived within the zone in the past and although I don't drive often, to pay just to drive out of town from my home would have been very unfair and hence the discount is entirely appropriate. Again, how often this is necessary during the week is debateable but for those who drive every day with children it clearly is. Even only £8 a day would be pretty unfair on them but £25 is absurd. The arbitrary bands are also clearly not appropriate given some of the cars captured in the higher one. More notice of the introduction of the change would only slightly alleviate that issue. So suffice to say, as someone working in London and therefore able to use the plentiful, if not always pleasant public transport system, I have no problem with the "congestion" charge in a reasonable form, which it currently is with some exception. However, while I don't agree with some of the uses that some people will still enjoy if the judicial review is successful, I certainly support Porsche in challenging the arbitrary change in the Charge's purpose and fairness and the speed and non-consultative manner in which it has been altered. Wonder whether I need to duck and cover now :lol:
  15. dukest

    Track Days

    I think thats definitely it, seeing how easily some of the slides in that video start in the dry, you wouldn't even want to start a lap if it was damp at all! Theres just so much camber change everywhere which seems to be the biggest issue...
  16. its complicated but (mostly) in the past :D
  17. am near oval/stockwell, and you mate?
  18. dukest

    Full respray?

    looks very nice pal 8)
  19. here you go mate :) viewtopic.php?f=15&t=62256&p=728012&hilit=philip+walker#p728012
  20. dukest

    D90's How much

    you'd need massive arch work for anything near that size at the back.. and at the front really if you are lowered at all.
  21. here you go mate, i think quite a few people have bought flywheels from this guy (corozin recently..) gripforce clutches on ebay
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