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Everything posted by sankysvr6

  1. Hope its okay to add on to this thread Jam11e, but it might help someone else as well. I have taken nearly everything apart on the rear brakes, I just need to know how the brake shield is removed? There is a metal type collar that is in the way of the stub axle bolts, which I presume is what's holding the shield on. Picture attached of brake shield. So my question as follows, 1. Do I need to take this collar off first to get the stub axle bolts off and how is it meant to come off. 3. Is the collar still available, as I don't want to butcher it if I cant get replacements.
  2. More better pics please, but it does look nice.
  3. I've been doing this job today, here's a guide for a MK3 but it's more or less the same. http://faculty.ccp.edu/faculty/dreed/Campingart/jettatech/rearbrakes/index.htm You would be better of putting in new bearings and maybe even new abs rings, hardest part I found were getting the carrier bolts off. Might be a good idea to get new ones of these as well.
  4. Matt, I just wanted to try and make one as a bit of challenge to me. I could buy one but where is the fun in that At the end of the day, the way I see it it's just a bit of aluminium with hole in it. It doesn't look very complex in design, there is no moving part in it. It's just letting pressurised air pass through it. Maybe I'm wrong and there is more to it. The thing is I can mess about with this sat at work, if it starts to get to much I can just scrap the whole idea, or come back to it at a later date. Not sure how I can try and use my time and effort to earn more money, unless I go get a weekend job. But surely that would take more time and effort, that I don't want to give. Lol If I don't get the measurements I will probably just end up buying one. Riley, I'm just using the standard intercooler at present but who knows In future. But thanks for the advice
  5. G60 CS, can you PM a price and some pics of what's included. Is it 2nd version?
  6. Well I've got supply of alloy and also access to CNC and milling machines. So it's just case of my time and effort. Also got support of some highly skilled engineers. I also like a bit of challenge, lol Sparks, if it's easy enough for you to supply the measurements it would be really appreciated. G60CS, are you selling the one you have? Or is there any chance I could loan it for a few days. Will cover all postage cost and would be happy to pay deposit for you to refund once I send it back to you.
  7. That is true sparks :-) This is going to be a long shot, can anyone lend me a proper RSR to take measurements off, so I can have a look at making my own. Or could some supply all the measurements if I was to provide a rough sketch of the dimensions I need. thanks in advance
  8. You don't happen to still have your old one do you? OCD are selling the BBM for £190, but I think that is a bit much. For what it actually is.
  9. What are peoples thoughts on the outlet linked bellow? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/111284454260?ru=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fsch%2Fi.html%3F_sacat%3D0%26_from%3DR40%26_nkw%3D111284454260%26_rdc%3D1 Want to replace the plastic silencer box, for something a little better. Or should I just go for the bar-tek one, Would like a BBM one. Just don't fancy paying the import cost and taxes involved.
  10. I'll take the steering wheel and boss, please PM your paypal details. How much you after for the gauge holder in the centre console?
  11. Try this. [email protected] or his website http://www.chrisolmstead.com/contact.html
  12. Try this. [email protected] or his website http://www.chrisolmstead.com/contact.html
  13. Don't think Chris has been on this forum since February 2009. You might be better emailing him from his photography website. If you do manage to get hold of a set, please let us all know. Maybe we could do a group buy, if he fires up his machines again. Good luck
  14. Hi, Is the RSR outlet complete and do you have a price in mind?
  15. You could have just plugged the new ignition switch, and not fitted it into the barrel. Then just tried to see if it all worked okay. Just to eliminate the barrel part.
  16. I had a faulty ignition switch from ECP, where the switched positive contact was lying in the bottom of the switch. I posted a tear down of the switch showing this. You could also check the switch is functioning properly with that post. To make sure it's a good switch to start with. One less issue to rule out of the equation.
  17. Good post, learnt something new today.
  18. Has the spoiler ever worked since you've had the car? Have you replaced your stereo recently?
  19. I would rather you put a price, as I wouldn't want to offend you. Also this isn't eBay😀
  20. Hi Si, is there any more left from the second batch? If so can you put my name down for one.
  21. I paid £25 for an ignition switch last year in April
  22. sankysvr6

    Battered Storm

    I like that statement
  23. Dave, if you have one going spare can I have it please.
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