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Foam filters don't filter as fine as cotton or paper based ones (K&N or OE) and can let particles through which can speed up wear of engine internals... :? Running one with a G60 supercharger WILL lead to a fairly rapid failure of the charger :| but it will also speed the wear of internal components on any engine with a foam filter...
yup.... BIG arches and body kit... Zender is a styling firm who makes bolt on attachments and body kits for cars... Zender did a couple of demo cars including a cabrio one... 8)
You can go to 1940cc with a crank change which is only 11cc less than being classified as a 2litre... ;) Have a word with 16VG60 about this as that's who built my block for me.... 8)
yes there are a few differences between the 1H and the PG block... I think I've learnt most of 'em over the last 6 months or so since I got my 1H block to replace my dead PG block... :roll: :lol: Headbolts are MUCH bigger on the 1H (length and width) (see pic!) Bolts to hold the gearbox on are bigger diameter on the 1H (you'll need to drill out the hole in the main gearbox earth strap else it won't fit!) The oilways and waterways are slightly different internally, although this doesn't affect how anything else attaches to the engine. The bore of the cylinders is smaller on the 1H (it's 1763 rather than 1781 so that it could get through the rally regulations) although it can be overbored to exactly the same amount a PG block can (mine's at 83mm) As far as I know, they're the only differences (apart from the obvious one that the serial number starts 1H rather than PG! ;) ) The crank and rods were the same as the PG AFAIK, although I can't positively state that, as my block has a different crank in it and my original PG rods to get to 1940cc... The only 2 that'll catch you out are the head bolts and the gearbox bolts, other than that, it's exactly the same to rebuild one... 8) Good luck! 8) Edit - Oh, look what I just found... :) Rallye (1H) engine info http://www.doppel-wobber.de/m_1h.html G60 (PG) engine info http://www.doppel-wobber.de/m_pg.html
if it's only when the revs change, you have a problem with your voltage regulator somewhere... probably the one on the clocks themselves, but it could be the one on the alternator... Worth checking both with a multimeter... 8)
Change the right hand brake light bulb... The same thing happened to KA ... The bulb has blown one of it's elements which has then managed to short onto, and weld itself to, the other element in the bulb... net result is that when you press the brakes, the broken bulb element earths through the other half of the bulb and through the front headlamp turning it on (although slightly dimmer than your headlight would normally be...) :? I've heard of this a couple of times now, but it is pretty rare... 8)
WD40 should NOT be thought of as a lubricant... it's soooo thin that it actually cleans any other lubricants off the mechanism and will make it worse in a very short amount of time... :| 3in1 oil would probably be pretty good for the spoiler as it is a penetrating oil AND has graphite in it which is a very good lubricant... 8)
if they're fading, then you've shagged your brake fluid as well as possibly overheated the pads... The standard VW pads are actually pretty good, and if you're fading them to almost nothing, there's something else not quite right (or you're driving with your foot on the brake all the time!) :| Replace the brake fluid with DOT5.1 and make sure you bleed all the old stuff out... then see if you still get brake fade... ;) Dead cheap to do, and makes one hell of a difference... 8)
8) :lol: :-P
damn! where did you come from with all this useful info??? 8) :lol: That's what Plan B is... :shock: :lol: Well that confirms that I understood how the Im1worked then.... I think I may have to invest in one.... 8) Thanks again Psykokid! 8) :D
Now THAT is useful to know... 8) Thanks... I'll scrap that plan then and move onto plan B... ;) Thanks psykokid 8)
What? THIS one?!? ;) Oh, and the sign thing kinda turned into a bandwagon... I noticed Kev had put one up with a sign which reminded me I had a reasonable one with me at Brookside which I don't totally hate, and I think it kinda caught on! ;)
I found that spray white grease sorts the problem out nicely... it's also REALLY good for sunroofs, locks and slam panel catches/cables! ;) PTFE is a fantastic lubricant and doesn't mix with the cr@p in there already as much to form the grinding paste kvwloon mentioned.... 8)
OK, well here's one of the rare photos of me... I tend to be the git WITH the camera, not in front of one! ;)
Got 3 at the moment... Corrado G60 - been off the road for almost 8 months being rebuilt, will be back on the road this weekend 8) :D MKII Golf Driver 1.6 - £400 run about which I may well keep once the Corrado's finished 'cos I can park it anywhere and know it's gonna be there when I get back and I don't care about the dents in it! ;) MKI Golf GTI with 1.8 16V engine - Been off the road for 6 years this week :oops: This is gonna be my summer project else my Parents are gonna get it scrapped 'cos it's been completely stripped and has been sat in their garage for nearly 5 years... :| :roll: I'm thinking of putting a G40 into the MKI so I get the cheap tax, and then selling/scrapping the MKII depending on what state it's in by that time... ;) That way I can easily afford to run both a G60 and a G40 and get to keep my little Golf as well as my Corrado... 8)
Green VR6 outside White City retail park, Manchester, tonight at about 6pm... I was next to you in the pink MKII Golf driver, sounded like you had a nice induction kit on it when you pulled off! ;) Blue late VR6 (I think) coming up the A34 in Congleton at about 7pm... Looked good... 8)
I dunno if you can get it over there, but I'm pretty sure Nitromores doesn't eat plastic and would get most of the orange off... It's either that or just paint it with some bumper black paint.... or buy all new/second hand bits... :?
Looks like it's now in the correct place to me! ;) Lovely looking Bug that, I used to work on one that looked very similar when I worked at the Beetle specialists (Congleton Beetles) when I was younger... I always wanted on that looked like that... 8)
brake fluid should NEVER be used as a paint stripper as it also affects the metal underneath the paint and in severe cases means replacement of the panel that's affected! :shock: It may also affect plastic, although I'm not sure about that having never tried! ;)
jump start it (with jump leads...) The first start with a new motor is always tight... 8) If it fires up OK off the key when connected via jump leads, but then won't when not connected, then get your battery and battery cables checked... 8)
Spending money on modifying a car is all a matter of priorities and personal reasons/reasoning... A LOT of people think I'm mad for spending the money and time I have on my G60 just to get a result I could have got for half the time/money installing a 20VT into the car instead, or just buying an old Porsche 944Turbo... I did it 'cos I WANTED to and because I enjoyed doing it (mostly! ;) ) I didn't want to go out and buy a new, soulless subaru or similar, I wanted something I could look at and say "I built that..." 8) If I was doing it just to build a stupidly fast car, I'd have gone about it in a totally different way, mine's been built as an upgraded G60 which should be fast enough to be a lotta fun and reasonably reliable enough to get me to work and back everyday with the occasional track day and 1/4 mile sprint thrown in too... 8) To get this reply back on topic, Yes, my car should kill any standard or mildly modded VR6 now that it's had this much work done on it.... and YES, if I'd have spent this much time and money on a VR6 as the base, I'd have a rocket of a car which would kill just about every G60 ever imagined... but that's not the point... The 2 cars are very similar in standard form, and are both VERY good quick cars... to be honest, who really gives a damn if the G60 is a couple of MPH slower top end and a touch slower 0-60? If it puts a big fat smile on your face when you drive whichever Corrado you own, then it's done EXACTLY what it's supposed to do... with the bonus of looking damned good too! 8) Ker-plink! - my 8p worth (it went on a bit longer than 2p's worth! ;) )
eeeuuwwww.... bet that's nice and soggy... :?