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Everything posted by easypops

  1. You can buy the PCV on its own from ford read this and you'll see mate :D viewtopic.php?f=1&t=71188&hilit=pcv+ford
  2. Cheers to AJ-VR6 , steering wheel arrived, well packed and as described :D
  3. Just what i was wanting to know :D
  4. No need Wendy thanks.......I'll be going home, Glasgow isn't that far away :D , and i dont drink .Then i'll back down early monday or join in the convoy to oban somewhere along the line :D Cheers Martin
  5. I'll be doing my best to be there Sunday 13th.......and maybe the drive to Oban on the 14th :D
  6. I did the step up last summer.......and i have to say that it feels twice the car the valver was.......and i really liked the valver too :D ........oh and the noise is just :luvlove:
  7. Drivers seat sounds in a bad way to be honest........you'd maybe be better splitting it.........ie sell the doorcards, rear bench, then front seats seperate.......as for price :shrug:
  8. Not 100% sure here.......but as far as i'm aware there is no other seat which is a straight swap, i think some golf seats might fit the runners, but sit too high.......so its a fabrication job i think :D
  9. I didn't read it :lol:
  10. As always guys, the search is your friend.............but here you go :D http://wiki.the-corrado.net/tt_seats_fitting.html
  11. Sounds quite like what happened to mine........clutch release fork was on its way out......snapped not long after the same symptoms as yours........new clutch, fork etc.......hope yours is easier than that :D Edit; I firstly changed the slave cylinder.....but that didn't help , so was then off to the garage
  12. I was thinking about this too :tongue: .....they'll look great :notworthy:
  13. Very nice mate :D .......I too am biased though. To be honest i wasn't 100% sure i liked the colour at first (had an aqua blue before), but the twilight violet has really grown on me :D Look here for colour info (must learn to shorten links) viewtopic.php?f=3&t=15949&hilit=what+colour
  14. Happy to help mate :salute: ........i've had loads of help from various people on here, ........i'm never leaving :D
  15. Nice one Jim :clap: ......get ready to look like this :D
  16. Cheers Joe, How are you mate?........Missing corrado's yet? :D I did take one apart to see how things were held together........and took a lot of pics, mainly to help me when it comes time to put them back together :lol: In the first pic it shows the 2 sliding pins?A + B ........which are different, not that i know why , and i've taken a few pics of the clips which hold the pads in ©..........no sign of the metal clip in 3corsameals pics?.........anyway i have ordered new seals etc so will see how i get on..........i'll need to refurb them now anyway whether they fit or not, still hopeful though :D
  17. Also the clips that hold the pads in dont seem easy to remove.........probably just me though :D
  18. Ok, Had a closer look at the calipers/carriers i have bought.........and they are not the same as yours 3corsameal, They are off a 2003' fabia vrs........any idea if they will fit ? :lol:
  19. Paint looks fantastic......as does the interior.......recaro's= :dance:
  20. Your thread is the only reason i'm even considering taking these things apart :D I will get the seals and then give it a go.......not sure it'll be up to the quality of your job........but if its any good i'll take a few pics :lol:
  21. Cheers for the replys.........that link is great.......but i'm now even more worried as i'm sure i'll take them apart and not be able to put them back together :lol: .......looks like i'll just get the seals from VW or TPS :D
  22. Hi, I was wondering if there was maybe a guide how/ what to do when tidying up a set of calipers before painting/fitting them? I have had a look on here and on the internet but cant seem to find an idiots guide on how to do this. I recently got a set of 288mm front caliper/carriers..........i already have these on the car but one of the bleed nipples is broken so i thought its best to get others, refurb them and then swap over. I have read that you can get new seals etc........where from? And the calipers i got still have the brake pads in them, sad to say i dont know how to remove them :shrug: ........i will suss it out as its only a metal clip but i'm sure someone will tell me after they stop laughing :lol: A link to a guide with pics would be superb :salute: Cheers Martin
  23. When my clutch went (release fork snapped) i thought it might be the slave clyinder......so i got one and replaced it.......didn't solve the problem but it was fairly easy to do(and i'm useless at these things,just keen).....here is a pic(stolen from the wiki, green arrow is mine though.....the 2 arrows to the left of the green one are pointing to the 2 bolts holding it in place......also here is a link to a helpful bleeding procedure viewtopic.php?f=23&t=33710&hilit=clutch+bleeding
  24. Sorry mate, i forgot all about it.....i will look tomorrow......pretty sure there is one there
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