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Everything posted by easypops

  1. Got mine today as well........Cheers dave, nice work :clap: :D
  2. Ok.......I have the cog you are looking for, well i'm almost sure its the same(taken from the vento controls).......if you PM me your address i'll pop it in the post for you........but be warned it wont be an easy fix as this controls 2 metal arms one on top and one underneath :D
  3. Not seen the Christmas card yet.......but i know when i do it'll be getting a very good spot :D And Jim, it is very much appreciated what you and all the others do for the CCGB and all the mod's on here too :notworthy: :notworthy: ........the truth is, in my opinion that, yes i like to read the sprinter but its just a bonus really.......i just like being in the gang :lol: I also hope you have a less stressful new year :salute:
  4. Me neither :( ......... :lol:
  5. I'll have a look when i get home :D
  6. They are a real pain to get out......especially the wee clips at the back that hold the bowden cables........they pop up towards you but are really tight........take care not to break them........there is also a metal v shaped thing that sits between the 1st and 2nd cogs, which can come loose and jam things up.......not really needed either unless you like the hear the knobs click. Get a pic up and i'll see if i have the bit/bits to help you out.......FOC :D http://wiki.the-corrado.net/late_heater ... epair.html
  7. I used the ones from a passat.......work fine now........I also have various parts left over from the old one and a similar aged vento one i thought might work........happy to send a cog if i have it :D
  8. :lol: :wave: :lol: :notworthy:
  9. Swompy is a good guy.......i'm sure he had just been busy but i doubt he's forgotten
  10. Money sent via Paypal .......thanks for sorting this out mate :salute: :D
  11. Sounds like a possible air leak, check all the pipes around the throttle body,the isv etc and check the 2 small hoses under the rubber connection to the TB are connected........then try cleaning you isv........also unplug the 5th injector.........and check the wiring for the throttle potentiometer......then its onto the MAF or you could try reading these :lol: viewtopic.php?f=1&t=96214&hilit=2.0+16v+maf viewtopic.php?f=1&t=62564&hilit=2.0+16v+kangaroo viewtopic.php?f=1&t=84474&hilit=2.0+16v+idle viewtopic.php?f=1&t=84789&hilit=2.0+16v+idle viewtopic.php?f=1&t=83795&hilit=2.0+16v+idle Good Luck :salute:
  12. I'm still in at £10 or £12ish.......and i didn't even make the cut :lol:
  13. Here you go mate........dont follow the first link, the second is cheaper :D viewtopic.php?f=1&t=93577&hilit=ngk
  14. That looks superb........like its meant to be :salute: :D
  15. You should put your location on , that way if someone is local to you and they know of someone reliable , they might be able to pass you a number :D
  16. I have the same alarm.......had it fitted to my last 2 cars.......same guy fitted both times. Mine 'chirps' all the time , but if i press the bottom left button before locking/unlocking, then it operates silently. There must be a way to turn the 'chirp' on and off in the control box.......not that i know how its done though :D So after that useless info, i'll go away and do something else :lol:
  17. Use the search mate......one of the most common and written about things 2.0 16v is the bad idle viewtopic.php?f=1&t=62564&hilit=2.0+16v+kangaroo viewtopic.php?f=1&t=84474&hilit=2.0+16v+idle viewtopic.php?f=1&t=84789&hilit=2.0+16v+idle viewtopic.php?f=1&t=83795&hilit=2.0+16v+idle That should get you started :lol:
  18. Well the mk2/jetta lightswitch arrived today, and as stated above its a straight swap(except the L shaped locating lug, which was promptly removed)......works perfectly and does seem sturdier than the original (which'll be getting repaired thanks to daves16v).......so its a thumbs up from me :D
  19. lol, i'm sorry mate... there were loads of good contenders...! I'm going to try an do a mash up of all the runners up pics and have it in there as a back cover maybe... I'm only kidding on mate :D .......i know mine was one of the weaker ones :lol: .........made me realise that i have very little good pics of my car :roll:
  20. I'll have one too........even though you didn't like my photo :lol:
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