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Everything posted by easypops

  1. spotted a blue? M plate.......clear rear lights on dumbreck rd 11.45pm , heading in the direction of shawlands . Anyone? :D
  2. Spotted a green L plate on woodlands rd this afternoon.........only looked out as someone was revving very loudly........was this you?......also rear number plate seemed to be squint :D
  3. Is the 5th injector(cold start) plugged in........mine was faulty and on constant.........unplugged it and it was never a problem after that more reading for you on idle issues viewtopic.php?f=1&t=95553&hilit=2.0+16v+idle viewtopic.php?f=1&t=95205&hilit=2.0+16v+idle lots of links inside the threads :D
  4. :lol: Is it wrong that i find most of your posts really funny ? :lol: As for the spoiler..........more info would be good.........did it just stop working? was it getting slower either up or down? was it moving in stages.......ie pausing a couple of times either up or down? I would remove the plastic cover(4 plastic screws) and you'll see the mechanism.........there is a handle in the middle which should pull out(not too hard) fairly easily, this allows you to wind it up and down manually. Which will give you an idea if things are able to move at all. Dont force anything though. After that your best trawling through the search :D Good luck :salute:
  5. My biting point got really low then it wouldn't engage at all........changed the slave and re bled but no joy........turns out it was the release fork which had cracked and bent.......not sure if this is relevant as your release bearing etc seems to be in order, just thought it was worth a mention as i'm not the first to have had this issue. Hope you get it solved easy enough mate :)
  6. I'm more of a 'wiggle it about and see if there is any difference'..........this is where the bad idle was on my old valver.........2 of the 3 wires were split inside the plastic sheathings, only found it by luck/total frustration after changing fuel pump, air mass meter , throttle potentiometer, leads, coil, plugs,distributor,throttle body(with yet another potentiometer).........once i had rejoined the wires it ran perfectly for the next couple of years until i sold it. I'd just unplug it when its running, rev it and see if there is any change? Good luck mate :salute:
  7. You might want to check that the 2 small vacuum pipes are connected, the ones that go on the underside of the rubber pipe bit that connects to the throttle body........and make sure the wiring for the throttle potentiometer is sound
  8. The search is your friend.........there are loads of posts on bad idle, stalling problems with the 2.0 16v...... Look at this thread , i have posted a few links there :D viewtopic.php?f=1&t=95205&hilit=2.0+16v+idle
  9. I know what you mean........i used to live very close to where you are now(thats if your still in the same place G/hill?) and yes its a bit of a dodgy area.........and you think you'd be safe when you go to a place like the west end........i work there and had my bike stolen from outside my work(woodlands rd), and have heard of many similar stories around that neck of the woods. Get gutter repair silicon........usually a wee bit dearer but its black and will blend in better Oh and yes i am enjoying the corrado........not needing it as a daily makes you less angry when something goes wrong :lol: Hope you enjoy barcelona......we went a couple of years ago and loved it :D
  10. Gutted for you mate :bad-words: ....... little :censored: .......you could stick a bit of silicon sealent on it, as that'll just peel away later.......but i'd probably just put a bit of gaffa(sp) tape on it just for now
  11. That looks superb.........i'd happily sleep in there........not with you though :lol:
  12. Plug removal tool :D viewtopic.php?f=25&t=37706
  13. I hope you didn't read my comments badly........i didn't know you had it in a garage......i thought it was in your own garage :D
  14. Here is a pic of the bit your missing, spotted by daves16v........and as already said.......get stuck in......you cant pay someone to take these bits off :D
  15. Its a leads out job.......hope you have a removal tool and patience......the vr6 dohc has 2 screws at the back under the rear leads holder which also has screws, all torq i think......the front leads guide just clips onto 2 screws on the inlet as far as i remember.......i'm sure someone who knows better will correct me though :lol:
  16. Very nice colour that too........do you mean the bits the leads clip into or the vr6 dohc bit?
  17. The erratic idle on the 2.0 16v seems to be a very common fault.........been the source of many many threads on here, with quite a few potential problems........my old valver was exactly the same.........have a read of these and i'm sure it'll help maybe a little :D viewtopic.php?f=1&t=84757&hilit=2.0+16v+idle viewtopic.php?f=1&t=84789&p=981315&hilit=2.0+16v+idle#p981315 viewtopic.php?f=1&t=79327&hilit=2.0+16v+idle viewtopic.php?f=1&t=72285&hilit=2.0+16v+idle http://www.the-corrado.net/.archive/forum/viewto ... =1&t=62564 etc etc
  18. Always worth having a search :D viewtopic.php?f=3&t=94549&hilit=spoiler+not viewtopic.php?f=3&t=90024&hilit=spoiler+not viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83449&hilit=spoiler+not
  19. I drained mine last week to sort my oil leak........and i got 5litres ish ?
  20. Any left? :norty: :lol:
  21. Here are a couple of pics.....not the best but might help :D
  22. I had the same issue.....turned out to be the boot light.......and the switch for it seems to be built into the lock?........i took the bulb out :lol: ........also have a look at your glovebox light
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