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Everything posted by chrishill

  1. If shes pullable on the basis of you owning a 30k car, shes not a decent bird.
  2. The belt in question is the one that drives the supercharger, I'm not sure of the exact setup but i think its pretty much the same idea as a cambelt (it might even be the cambelt that drives the charger?) anyway, point is the belt is looped around a number of pullys, one of which is driven by the engine and makes the belt move around the other pullys which are turned by the friction of the belt so it needs to be able to move freely, think like a tank track or an escalator handrail. If it were glued in place you wouldnt be driving very far. A toothed belt conversion adds little teeth to the pully and the belt meaning the belt is less likly to lose friction with the pully. I must admit i had a chuckle at the glue suggestion ;)
  3. elise/exige :D not exactly pimpin' though, s2000 maybe?
  4. well done! must be a great feeling driving something you put together yourself and know inside out. Its been a very interesting thread to follow and i'm pleased you got a good result at the end of it.
  5. nice one, in that case wax on...(cup of tea)...wax off!
  6. blimey! thats a bit shiny! I would wait a bit longer before you wax it though mate, i'm sure you're not supposed to wax until a few months after a spray job to let the paint set/harden/something
  7. the vitesse is the only V8 I've ever been in, years ago when I was a nipper my best mates dad had two, one for the road and one for us to play starsky and hutch in (ok it was for spares, but that didnt stop us climbing about in it with plastic toy guns)
  8. Odd that this should belong to one of the staff of 'practical' performace car magazine, it hardly falls into their remit! 27L of tank engine in a rover vitesse http://ppcmag.co.uk/staffcardetail.asp?id=8
  9. I think you can compare it to a few things depending on the angle you're coming from. Obviously the place they hold in 'our' estimations is comparable to nothing else on four wheels (which we can afford anyway ;)) otherwise we wouldnt be here. comparison based on market (ie, a rough match for a 2+2 coupe and cars aimed at potential buyers of the same) pug 307 coupe convertible megane coupe convertible Astra coupe TT Hyundi coupe Alfa Berera BMW 3 series coupe comparison based on fun/power/style/character and overall popularity with enthusiasts (the ooo! factor) Focus RS Astra VXR Leon Cupra R mk5 Golf GTI Civic Type R
  10. I'd say leave it like that, proper mad max style! You know it'll be worth the effort though Paul, and it'll make it a real show winner in every sense
  11. i reckon they're nothelle lights, pretty rare, but minging
  12. How about this one - "first owned by Kate Bush" I'm not sure if thats a good thing or a bad thing.... "Heathcliff! its me, its Cathy, I've come home in my go-o-o-o-olf" :oops:
  13. the only downside to that route is that it'd be wise to make sure the engine is in the best health possible before shoving an extra wad of power through it, not because it might break, more to make sure you get the best possible results out of your new kit, making sure your VR is a healthy beast isnt 'that' cheap either (cheaper than a 24v conversion I dare say)
  14. she needed to see photos before she realised it was a tiger? ffs!
  15. chrishill


    god damn VW and their inconsistant front-endage!
  16. chrishill


    had a single lifter on my valver, looked ok but kind of got in the way at times and was tricky to fit properly. not that it effects you with a g60 but I dont think they fit later bonnets either. Go for the twin lifters, they give unrestricted access to the engine bay (major bonus) looks smart and are fairly unusual. IIRC the Golf mk3 items from euro car parts fit, theres a how-to in the forum wiki.
  17. a4's are good, but have a reputation for having slightly soft suspension, I'm guessing the s4 will have had it tightened up slightly so will be better. They go well, without a doubt, but I have heard reports of turbo failures. this might be of some use... http://forums.audiworld.com/s4/msgs/1407640.phtml
  18. tbh i like the black bits of trim, especially with the black centered BBS and the bra, it breaks up the silver very well. keep donig what you're doing mate, its all good
  19. bcstudent, Category explainations its more a case of the equipment meeting a certain standard of features and performace rather than it simply being present. I agree a car with an imobiliser is probably the best deterant, but they can be got around and having no alarm means the toe-rag has more undisturbed time to get around the imobiliser and do off with your car. Yes people ignore alarms, but I reckon from a theifs perspective, you're not going to risk hanging about for long.
  20. simular - needed a cat 2 fitted to my VR in order for the insurance company to cover me, asked if it'd be worth spending a bit more and getting a cat 1 fitted to lower the policy costs and was told it made no difference at all. I think the grades are a good idea so you know how effective an obsticle the anti-theft device is when buying, but in terms of insurance companies using them it think its fairly random, I think they've been pulling random quotes out of the air for years now based on what they think you'll be prepared to pay rather than how likely you are to crash or have your car stolen.
  21. how about a semi-transparent face for the rev counter (smoked black style) with a number of bright lights behind it. when not in use it'd look reasonably normal, but when lit it'd give that large lit area chris is talking about. Failing that, how about rigging up an air horn to trigger when a gear change is needed, you'd not miss that...
  22. turning the steering wheel +/- more than 30 degrees without using the indicators should activate some sort of dash mounted, spring loaded, boxing glove and voice recording informing the driver they are, in fact, and ignorant c**t.
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