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Everything posted by chrishill

  1. not in a corrado but... I'd been working late on a project with a looming deadline. I and one of the other programmers had just left the office at around 3am and I was heading home along deserted duel carrageways. As I drove past the local BP I realised that at that time of night my only hope of getting anything to eat was going to specialise in selling petrol along with snackfood, so I pulled in. Topped up the fuel (might as well) grabbed a ginsters and some generic fizzy pop, paied, returned to car and sat down.... got out of car again, walked around to DRIVERS side with bright red face and drove away. I was glad it was 3am, but not so happy that both the staff on the tils were wetting themselves laughing.
  2. bit of black dye and some scaffy bars, honestly, I dont know why everyone has to overcomplicate these things ;) that steering wheel looks absolutly perfect!
  3. depends what engine it is mate, for a VR thats cheap, for a 16v its about right if they're including fitting, if they're doing a 20vt conversion for you its the sale of the century!
  4. genuinly impressed or the typical womans "i have no idea what that is but i'll just pretend i do in order to avoid a long winded explaination" impressed? :D I didnt think you'd get a 911 much lower than they are standard, or is it a case of setting up the spring/rebound etc rather than the ride height with a car like that?
  5. heh, make sure you warn the neighbours though! 'hello police? yes theres a man next door removing the insides from a corolla... the owners on holiday I think'
  6. right, heres my bestest guess... The missing boot floor has nothing to do with the hole in the side - its coxy's old car (which he bought from you in the first place) which had the boot floor cut out after he'd converted it to Syncro, then removed it for his red beasty. You may well be putting 4wd in, but I think the two holes are unconnected.
  7. maybe he's doing a top gear style turn-a-car-into-a-boat type thing and thats where the oars poke out so he can row it? OSV's asylum seekers could at least earn their fair if that was the case ;)
  8. you're all wrong! hes installing a rear, side mounted vulcan mini-gun with the ammo stored in the boot. the boot floor is out for strengthening and fireproofing. This is only phase 1 - phase 2 involves mini-rockets where the headlights should be. He took Phats suggestion to build 'a car that will anihalate anything else on the track' the wrong way ;)
  9. I think the reasons I stick around dispite no longer owning a corrado have already been outlined... although there is an element of hanging on to make sure there'll be a few left in good condidtion by the time I can buy another one hetrosexual group hug anyone?
  10. you missed one mate... happy chappy? :D looks utterly amazing. Original in alot of ways but doesnt deviate too far from the tried and tested - an excellent ballence
  11. i wouldnt remove the PAS if i were you mate, they're f'kin heavy without it! if you're getting rid of the sunroof then obviously the motor for that can go, which is a bit of a lump. might be worth getting H8RRA to take some snaps of the front of his VR, behind his bumper, for you since he's removed quite a bit of metal in order to fit his intercooler. I think beyond removing all the creature comforts and toys you can think of, your next step really is going to be swiss chessing the chassis.
  12. i reckon you'll get 100kg from the interiour alone! those seats arent light by anyones standards and if you're taking out the entire dash, carpet and soundproofing... I'd have thought the CL pump, electric windows and associated mech's could probably be dumped, although you'd need some other way of opening your window.
  13. nice link nick, and i've just noticed you and lippy have very simular avatars!
  14. my old valver used to do that, i didnt have a clue what it was then someone suggested it was probably the fins on the alternator making a wizzing sound, which makes sense!
  15. Theres a very very good thread on e38 about mk1 racers which might give you a few ideas... those guys have taken to removing the wings and litterally cutting big chunks of bodywork out for weight saving! bit mental really! Sound proofing is also going to be heavy, I'd say strip the interiour down to bare metal other than the drivers seat, you could remove most of the gubbins for the sunroof and maybe weld it closed? thats got to be a heavy beast. Depends how deep your pockets are too, perspex windows will save alot of weight but IIRC they cost a bomb.
  16. so what if its random? :lol: http://www.corradodatabase.com
  17. makes me want to go out for a quick game of kick the pensioner.
  18. from what i remember being said in the past (information regurgitation here) isnt it reasonably common for very low G60's to catch their sumps?
  19. your corrado is screaming, the only way it knows how.
  20. looks good mate, the only addition i'd make would be to get some of your creme leather material and make some padded bolsters to slip down either side of the enclosure, just to hide the boot carpet visible left/right. nice work though, i really am nitpicking at something I'd not be able to do!
  21. IIRC is just pulls out doesnt it? as for the headunit wiring, i had the same thing with my old 16v, right pain in the rectum, ended up paying to get it done properly rather than f*nny about myself trying to get it all tidy.
  22. yeah, mini's arent the cheap option they used to be, especially ones in good condition, think £3k+! A mate of mine had a few when we were students, clapped out ones mostly which he ran til they blew up then replaced with another equally as knackered. Still loads of fun though, for the engine size and the prehistoric nature of their construction they're an absolute riot to chuck about. I think the Coopers had disc brakes up front and different suspension to the standard mini's, though i'm not 100% on that
  23. you missed the final point Henny... 4. blu-tak it back on and hope no one notices BTW vwdeviant, I'm NOT serious, just referancing the way *cough* 'kids' used to pinch the badges back in the day.
  24. pfft! too soft by half mate ;) 1. finger hooked around the back of the 'W' 2. sharp pull 3. victory dance
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