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Everything posted by chrishill

  1. yeah, thats what the guy said basically, it'd go down as a cat-d IF he wrote it off, its certainly not a cat c, at least i hope not since i've been driving it about for the best part of two weeks! the cash in lew doesnt write the car off, it just means I sort the repairs out myself, which i guess saves the insurance company hasstle.
  2. I'll have to see what the cash in lew figure would be, its not something i've heard of before TBH, is it the sort of thing where they do, well the bodyshop said it'd cost £2k to fix, so heres 1.5k away you go?
  3. yeah gix, that pretty much how i feel, I'd already resigned myself to it getting written off, now its getting repaired I'm pleased for sentimental reasons, but disapointed since I'll have to sell it for less than I hoped I'd get. Another option the engineer mentioned was a 'cash in lew' settlement whereby he gives me £xxx and i get it fixed myself, he couldnt tell me how much that'd be at this point though.
  4. further update... the engineer chappy's just been to inspect it and said the bodyshop i took it too on friday has a 'thing' for replacing panels that can be pulled back into shape, thus bumping up the cost of repairs. Hes going to ask them if they'd be willing to pull the pannels, if not theres a place over in sunderland who he knows WILL pull them back to shape and I'll have to take it there instead. Its looking more positive now, although I'll still have to sell it when I get it back, at least its not getting killed off.
  5. chrishill

    Mr Dinkus

    twas a standard (although rarely purchased) option AFAIK
  6. depends why stingman123 was asking really, in terms of tax, no, in terms of insurance... possibly, if you have a very early example and in terms of how they're reguarded by owners and fans... most deffinatly.
  7. most insurers classify cars as 'classic' when they're over 15 years old, which some early corrados should be knocking on the doors of now, ultimatly though its down to the insurance company as they all have different guidelines. you might also find they want to limit your milage on a 'classic' policy.
  8. looked good from what I read, drifting jags and car-football like they did on top gear.
  9. I did a website for a company selling remote-start heaters for vans, simular sort of thing only the engine doesnt start, just a nice big heater system so your van's toasty warm when you get in it. Bit of a big kit for a corrado though.
  10. chrishill

    where do i start

    I'll second that, new leads, dizzy cap, rotor arm and if they've not been done recently, new spark plugs and timing belt. Pretty much a 'must' for peace of mind when you buy a valver. what makes you think the electrics are problematic? if you discribe the symptoms I'm sure someone will be able to tell you whats probably the cause.
  11. heh, all this is making me think about not getting mine repaired, sticking some rusty steelies on, coating one wing with some lovely red primer and never washing it again. theres something appealing about a ratty looking car that knocks spots off most other cars on the road :lol:
  12. sticky sweets that've obviously been their for years are a recent addition to my list of 'things i really dont want to put my hand into unexpectedly' after cleaning out my lasses 206.
  13. I removed 3 carrier bags of chrisvr6 nos's 'stuff' from my car when I got it :roll: TBH i hate it when mines mucky, it looks shabby!
  14. slammed on steelies...now thats rat-look!
  15. i seem to remeber dr_mat's being caked in mud at some point, didnt he have his crud-encrusted grille as his avatar for a while? also the american guy (red=fast?) with his off-roading red C.
  16. phwarrrrr thats filthy! :-P
  17. i'd rather see supercars being hooned about than watch reviews of the new focus estate in the same way I'd prefer to watch a holiday program about sunning yourself on a private beach rather than a weekend at skeggy. -edit- and I'll second the comment that sticky-buttf*** henderson would still get it.
  18. the chubby chappy isnt plato, this is http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jason_Plato
  19. Try AAS in scotswood mate, just past B&Q. (I'll give you more specific directions if you need them!) They charged me £320 (from memory) for a complete manifold back custom S/S jobby for my old 16v. The two blokes that run it know their stuff and are nice chaps with it.
  20. I didnt take it as being aimed at me, just a general observation that pointing the finger at the MAF and not looking in other areas is the wrong thing to do, which is a fair point. as for my comments on testing the MAF, i 'did' say I couldnt remember the specifics, just going off how chrisvr6 nos tested mine when I thought it was faulty and hoped someone would fill in the detials of exactly how to test it and what the figures should be, which kev did in the end. reguardless, hopfully Jonny_L will use the above information and get his car running right again. I'll leave the VAG-COM question answering to someone else ;)
  21. just to give you a few pointers, since I've done the same searches you'll be doing before now, possiblities are (amongst others) Crank position sensor MAF ECU relay Fuel pump (and relay) MAF (last resort!) Lamba Probe from what I've read the eventual result of the symptoms they produce when faulty, can sometimes be stalling.
  22. a faulty mass air flow meter can cause stalling, but so can alot of other things, bearing in mind a new MAF is around £350 I'd check out the cheaper options first if possible! you can test the MAF with a voltmeter, although I dont remember the specifics of which wire and how many volts it should be showing, I've a feeling its 4.5v.
  23. haha not a bad plan mate, I've always facied a caterham with a silly engine... and you're right, by the time I finish I'll be well into my 60's so will be able to drive it ;)
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