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Everything posted by V-Dubstar

  1. I haven't got Movie Maker, worth a download? EDIT: D'oh!!! Yes I have, but never used it!! Cheers man :D
  2. Passed the MOT today :clap: Had to adjust both headlights slightly, but other than that spot on!! Very chuffed as I always get a little nervous when it comes round to MOT time. Got a couple of vids from my Spy Mini Camera which are doing the round atm, the quality is superb!! Unfortunately I have no video editing software and the vids are 1.3-2.4gb each, so Im having a time uploading to youtube atm... If anyone knows of a way I can trim the video's for free lemme know!! :D
  3. Just taken mine out for a little spin - well impressed with the results!! Anyone know a way of downsizing or editing videos for free? I don't think Windows Media Player has the functions..? (taking FOREVER to upload)
  4. Redline MT-90 is what a lot of people use on here, I've just had mine done with it and the gear changes feel a lot smoother. I think u need just over a litre so u need 2x 1litre bottles ideally. If u search for Opie oils on here, there is a deal on atm for free postage or something, have a look! Good prices, good times :wink: EDIT: http://the-corrado.net/.archive/forum/viewtopic.php?f=15&t=92131
  5. I imagine if I tipped my Corrado upside down Id find more than 1 stray fry :grin:
  6. Yeh they just filled me with massive amounts of confidence combined with a friendly attitude - don't wanna take my 'rado anywhere else either! It's been quite funny explaining to people who just don't understand why Im "taking my car all the way to Kidderminster" to have work done - they just don't understand :lol: Andy, will have a scoot around tidying up over the wknd and have a lookout for them slider pins for ya buddy :)
  7. Dribble...drool... :luvlove: Got some good taste!! Whatever happened to the old rims then?
  8. Well, got back safe and sound at 11pm :shock: yesterday after an eventful day at DG!! First and foremost, just wanna say a big thanks to Dave and Graham there, absolutely top blokes and as I've read many times on here, a truly quality service who really respect and appreciate the car as an individual and not 'just another car'. Thanks guys :notworthy: Come across a few hickups - firstly the N/S wishbone was being stubborn and the bolt looked like it might shear off, so this one wasn't taken off in fear of what happens quite frequently apparently and the bolt shearing inside the subframe, and not being able to get the remainder out! So Im on the lookout for a subframe to re-furb and take to DG so we can get that wishbone out :lol: Secondly, mk4 carriers definately DO NOT fit! :lol: Where the carrier mounts onto the hub it is too thick, and doesn't clear! So my old carriers were put on instead, but at least the mk4 calipers went on :D Then we spent a long time trying to fully bleed the system, it seems mine is a little bugger and will have to 'let it settle' and maybe get it bled (a small amount) again next time Other than that, I enjoyed my 1st day at DG and as mentioned already have plans to go up there again soon when a subframe is found, and gonna have the track rods done. (rear beam bushes on the horizon, but as and when!!) Didn't take any photos coz Im crap like that, but I think Dave might get 1 or 2 of the bush from the wishbone we managed to get off the car - very comical!! :lol: Once more, many thanks D & G, legends! :D :salute: :clap:
  9. Followed/overtook/got taken over by a blue 'rado on 17's? on the stretch of M4 between J15 & 16 at Swindon yesterday - I was in a new VW Caddy! Looked nice! :D
  10. Yeh lazy indicator's are good :thumbleft:
  11. :D Sorry, machinist by trade :lol:
  12. Hey dude Happy Birthday for Monday! And man, jealous much of ur new place? :D
  13. Right then, finally tomorrow is nearly upon me and my fellow 'rado! Im heading upto see the guys at DG, to get quite a bit of work done and really lookin' forward to the result!! Here's a pic of the goodies that are to go on: DSC00147.JPG[/attachment:1fei6ef9] Haven't driven the Corrado for over a week due to having a temporary white van job which I get to take home (VW Caddy), so Im really lookin' forward to starting him up and driving it again!! :D
  14. Exactly what I meant, Judith, but with more info! :D
  15. Isn't that thing pictured a switch? So when the end is pushed in it knows the bonnet is shut? Surely all u need is 2 nuts that go along the thread?
  16. Holy schit!! anigif_wanking-daffy-4310-123782099.gif[/attachment:1pa0d3a8]
  17. What about this one then, also? :wink: http://the-corrado.net/.archive/forum/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=92210
  18. V-Dubstar

    snap off boss

    Yeh, a Momo wheel needs a boss for it to fit to the car mate! So as u say, if u have one on already, u have the boss!! (The boss is like a black ribbed cylindrical rubber gaiter between the back of the steering wheel and the cowling) So if the bloke says it fits inbetween them (which makes sense), then Robert's your Father's Brother! BTW, how much do they cost? Any pix?
  19. Yup, and tbh, unless u've got a major case of the shakes or somethin', u'll be fine! Take ur time, cover everywhere, move the headlight around in different angles in the light to check u haven't missed anywhere. As for the yellow, not sure mate - was tempted to do it myself but bailed!!
  20. Haven't got any pics but just take your time when painting - be fussy 8) The paint I used was Hammerite smooth garage door paint, only because I had it lying around. I think Sam is more concerned with going about getting the circular bit yellow? Could be wrong tho... Agree with u Dave, make sure u get in everywhere but be SUPER careful :D
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