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Everything posted by Tempest

  1. Thanks for letting me know that they've arrived, can tick the relevant box on my sheet then :lol: Now on to the 2 missing/damaged ones ... Tempest
  2. Going, going, gone, 9 parcels left our offices again, and should be winging their way to you :-) I am still waiting for an answer from Germany re: the damaged and the missing clear/red. Tempest
  3. Well, some of you have already seen the piccie of 2 big boxes with In.Pro tail lights in our office (honestly guv, we're an IT company :lol:) today, when a customer walked in, and I for a joke suggested he can have the lot for 3 grand :lol: The guy was a former lecturer of mine, teaching me the vrtues of TQM, ISO9000 and so on, back when I did my MSc (some years ago): Him: "What are they ?" Me: "Tail lights for a Corrado." Him: confused Me: "Aftermarket tail lights for a VW Corrado. Makes them look a bit nicer when replacing the original lights." Him: "Hmm, VW ... I don't rate that brand very well. When I had a beetle, I knew why Hitler was building them back then, and later I had a Passat, and in that one all the platicky bits seemed to come loose with age." Me: "Well, yes, don't get me wrong, I'm no big fan of the Passat or indeed any new VW these days either, but a Corrado! They only made approx. 95000 of 'm, quite exclusive." Him: "It must be an old car." Me: "Well 15 years, 1989 till 1995." Him: "That's not that old, I guess. Anyway, VW have that image to me of wife's car, the wife can't go wrong with one of those." Me: Thinks to myself "Forget it ..." :lol: Tempest
  4. Bit of a set-back: One set of clear/reds is still missing, and another set is damaged :-( As I was applying the address labels in no particular order, the last 2 in the pile of clear/reds have been PMed about this, as I am waiting for a response from the German seller as to when and how I'll be getting the 2 sets. All the other sets should go out today with a bit of luck. Tempest
  5. OK, folks, you might think we're an automotive parts company, but I can assure you (and JimsG60 will be able to confirm) we are actually an IT company :lol: OK, not the best piccie, but at the top of those 2 large boxes is one smoked lens :-) Will start shipping out today. OK, some info on how to fit these (even though it's been discussed before: DO NOT follow the enclosed fitment instructions!!! Those instructions suggest cutting the existing wiring loom. DO NOT do this! Instead look carefully at the plug that you take off your existing tail light, and you'll realise that you can insert some nice flat/blade crimp connectors (available from the likes of Maplins, mine came from my former university :oops:, on loan, of course :lol: ) into the plug. Crimp flat/blade connectors onto the In.Pro light wires, fit the lights to your Rado, and insert the connectors into the existing plug, voila, job done. Hope that makes sense :D Tempest
  6. Coming home today I found a DHL-delivery card, went to the depot (it was after 19:00) only to be told that they're open only from 9 till 5 ... typical. Woohay, could the taillights have arrived? Haven't ordered anything else recently, honestly ;-) Right, will go back tomorrow during my working hours then :lol: Tempest
  7. Yup, get a US-Rado, they have the smaller chin spoiler :lol: On a more serious note: The chin spoiler should be attached to the main bumper with 3 screws at either side (i.e. where it wraps around to the wings, at least on my US-Rado it is :-) ) Tempest
  8. Nope, nothing has arrived yet ... I know from past experience that it can take a good week to get parcels shipped either way unlike letters which typically make it in 3 days or so. Tempest
  9. Wouldn't mind having a Karmann-logo projected onto the road, far more exclusive than a mundane VW-logo that everyone seems to drive :lol: Let's not forget, we drive cars built by Karmann :-) Tempest
  10. Lee, I hadn't realised that the CCGB offer them so cheaply, yes I am a member, and no, I wasn't aware of them selling models at that price. (partially again because of my recent comment here on the forum, that the communication/transparency of the CCGB is a bit lacking in today's modern day and age of no snailmail, no telephone and email/forums :lol:) So, who do I contact (by email, PM or other modern means that cost me nothing :-) )? Tempest
  11. Just testing the water, as I could get hold of some 1/43-scale die-cast Corrado models (satin silver G60 and VR6 models) for approx. 25 quid or so (incl. postage). Ok, that might not be as cheap as some Ebay offers, but these models are new, and I was thinking of trying to negotiate a group discount, if enough people are interested. Tempest
  12. That's just what I was thinking Tempest
  13. Ah, the Speccy, yes, now funny that, as on the German Sciroccoforum, where I regularly hang out on (several times a day actually :lol: ) we're having a similar discussion, and longing back to the 80s when men were still men hacking away insanely long hex or Basic listings just to get some crappy game to run (that's after you'd debugged it, or simply waited one month till the next issue of Sinclair User or whatever told you where the mistake was :lol:). During my uni days I did quite a lot of Pascal and C, loved it, and got a kick out of every program that worked. Then Windows came along, and yes, that was great for tinkering, OS/2 was even better, Linux was much better, but these days it's all too bloody user-friendly, any stupid housedog can get a client-server network up and running ... :mad: Not on, as that's where I wanted to make money with all those skilled carefully acquired mainly through self-interest and teaching over the years. Oh well, can always drop back on my real roots, degree in electrical engineering, if it weren't for the Chinese being cheaper to make, erm, sorry, copy, eletronic devices and flog them in the EU :oops: . Nope, I don't want to become a car mechanic, as that could potentially ruin another perfect hobby, like I almost did with my computer hobby (running your own company places an enormous strain on what otherwise was your favourite hobby). Enough rant from me :lol: Tempest
  14. Pah, Darren at G-Werks does an almost equally impressive job whilst he does an overhaul. Mine isn't as bling as the top one, but we did agree that it stood out of the engine bay a little bit, once Darren had finished with it :lol: Tempest
  15. OMG! Jim! Get him to the (Rado)hospital quick. Before we know it, it's familyman time, sedan (that's a saloon for all you Brits :lol:) time, ... no further comment. I actually get on with my parts men at my local stealers quite well (always get greeted nicely :lol:), I suppose today's conversation was just to kill the time whilst making up the invoice. Just a shame about the topic the guy had chosen. He could have asked loads of questions on the advantages of a Rocco/Rado, and I'd probably still be there listing them all :lol: Tempest
  16. Erm, that would be nice, but alas it's just my crappy typing (now when can PCs finally read my mind instead of me having to fight with an inhumane thing such as a keyboard ? :lol:). Tempest
  17. Ok, folks, just had confirmation from my source in Germany: Lights are on their way to me :-) Might be sooner than later then. You might also be lucky that someone decides they don't like their lights (as happened with last year's group buy) and puts them up for sale shortly after ... Tempest
  18. As I've recently treated my Mk2 Storm Rocco to a nice shiny Supersprint 4-2-2 branch manifold, a little bit of tidying up is all that needs doing, amongst others replacing some clips to hold the front stabiliser bar (as I sheared off a bolt there :roll: ). Placed the order on Tuesday, some parts had arrived today, others hadn't, of course those that are most essential to complete the job. Anyway, during the invoicing procedure the guy behind the counter asked me whether I had 2 Roccos, to which I replied that I had 3 (as the Rado was initially branded a Rocco by herbert Schäffer and his design team as well), how old they were, to which I replied (rather proudly) 24, 21, and 15 years. Then the shock question: Whether I wouldn't want a newer car? :mad: Are parts counter folk now trying to flog cars? Is VW that desperate to sell their new cars? I just replied that I hate new cars because of their shape, lack of character, lack of DIY-friendliness etc. He then shut up :lol: I should have added, that I also hate everything that VW has come up with ever since they stopped the Rado, but didn;'t want to upset my parts counter man too much :lol: Tempest
  19. Ok, folks: Just to clarify the events here: Riley confirmed my offer today, Wednesday January 26th 2005 at 18:06 by PM stating payment is on its way. First confirmation by The Hub in response to Henny's offer to swap lights was posted here in this thread today, Wednesday 26th January 2005 at 19:04, followed by a PM to me at 19:44. That unfortunately technically means that Riley has come first, albeit by a mere hour or so. I have unfortunately due to work committments (yes I too do have a day job ;-) ) not been able to post any earlier, although the earliest that I would have been able to provide some feedback would have been shortly after 18:06 when Riley had sent me his confirmation to buy, being the first confirmation I have received for the remaining set. I'm sorry if this has caused confusion, but it's probably only fair to deal with the last set on a first come-first served basis, unless Riley and The Hub want to come to some arrangement as to who wants the lights most ... Then again, if I get another 10 or so together, I'm quite happy to organise another group buy, but let's get this one over and done with first. For the others: Money has been transferred, and should have arrived in Germany, so I'm waiting for the lights to arrive on my doorsteo :-) Tempest
  20. Yeah, no problem, will keep you posted :-) I'll let all 11 sets come through then, just wanted to know that I can get rid of the "spare" set of clear/reds. Cheers, guys. Tempest
  21. OK, folks, it had to happen: Someone pulled out at the last mo' (stupid me: Didn't wait this time till I had received EVERYONE's payment), leaving me with one set of clear/red In.Pros. So, who wants this set? PM me, if you do. :-) I'll leave this offer till tomorrow eve., as I'm hoping I still can cancel the 11th set, otherwise I'll be left out of pocket for one set :-( Tempest
  22. OK, so far I've kept silent on all CCGB issues, so here's my 2 Cents (Eurocents ;-)): I'd quite like to become a bit more involved within the CCGB, organise events, book stands (as I felt, especially since Utterly Veedubberly, that that could do with improving, some of you may recall my spontaneous booking of a Corradoforum stand as nothing was to be heard about whether there was going to be a CCGB stand, and it was all a bit vague as to who was allowed onto the stand etc.). The problem I have is that somehow I find the way to approach someone to see whether one as a member can help in any way is not transparent enough. I mean in today's modern age of email, forums and the Internet, I simply do not want to grab the telephone or send a mail (both cost money, BTW :lol:) anymore (unless it's a phonecall via VoIP which is free :lol:). I also do not quite understand the subtle "incompatibility" (shall we call it? ;-) between the CCGB and this forum, as I would only find it natural, actually mandatory, that both are pretty much one and the same, i.e. they ought to go hand in hand. A club in 2005 without a forum is a no-go, IMHO. As I say, just my opinion, but I would welcome to see my suggestions taken serious and implemented. Tempest
  23. As the peeps before have already said, watch out for the symptoms, and rather get the charger overhauled sooner than later. Mine was pumping out oil big time (well, I felt it was ;-) ), that seeped along the pipe leading towards the intercooler (as I have filters in those pipes to prevent any debris caused by a possible charger explosion from entering the engine, and there's a minimal gap, enough for oil to push its way out, so I spotted it earlier than later :-) ), and that was enough reason for me to go down and see the boys at G-Werks/Pitstop for a rebuild. Incidentally my charger had also last been rebuilt by Jabba, and it turned out that they had pushed in an oil seal to far on the mainshaft, which is why it started to pump oil prematurely. Tempest
  24. And this is what you can do to a German G60-Rado that's blatantly missing the magic "Supercharged" badge, courtesy of Trimsport and a contact in the UK :lol: Tempest
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