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Robrado's rado she is staying

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So did I Mic . I haven't had a chance to check it yet . I'm going to check for fuel in the return hose before starting it on Saturday . Will also get the pressure checked . This has to be fuel related .

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This was replaced Fla . I will have to wait to get the pressure tested again , now until my friendly mechanic gets back from holiday .

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Been fettling with the car over the past few weeks . Thanks to Chris i have a great condition set of plastics to fit round the rear screen with no broken tabs . Ive fitted them all apart from the main cover as i have a leak from the spoiler seal. I managed to remove the top screws without damaging the bolts , put a silicone seal on the cover plate and screwed it back in place , hopefully this will stop the leak .Ive also had the filler cap seal off and cleaned out the drain hole , while it was off i removed all the crusty bits from the area. I bought a second hand radiator support a while back . This has been degreased rubbed down and prepped, i then sprayed it with five coats of hammerite , its come up really well . I will put a pic up later on . So the under side part collection is coming on , i still need front wheel bearings , the clips that hold the cables to the rear beam , abs rings , engine mounts and and maybe the cross member . As usual the main problem is time, money and a dry place to work , that and somewhere to store other larger parts that have to be removed. To fit everything on the underneath is going to cost me £280.00 which is not to bad considering this is two days wages for a mechanic and a ramp , i will be helping on a saturday and the rest will be finished on a monday , thats the plan anyway . Onto the paintwork .....dear oh dear its not looking good . I have small rust patches on various parts of the car , i can see a respray on the cards in the future .All in all i suppose its par for the course of owning a 25 year old car .I think if im honest I'm not happy at all with the car at the moment , it seems like one step forward , two steps back .The cover is on the car and ive walked away from it for a while . Depending on the weather i will be meeting up with Rog next wednesday for a mini meet of retro cars . Hopefully this might restore a bit of love !.

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Not yet Jon no . My friendly mechanic was on holiday , I've just come back from mine . So I haven't had a chance yet . I would check for myself , but it would mean buying a pressure tester , that would probably never get used again .

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Well its the end of the summer , not that i drove the car much anyway. Ive come to a decision to take the car off the road and start replacing parts that are long over due . The problem ive always had is i never want to not be able to drive it !. Once you start a big job , your into it and thats that , you cant wake up on a bright sunday morning and jump in for a drive . But after seeing so many refurbs going on on here ,which are great inspiration , i thought no , thats it take it off the road and finish the car . It will be done in stages and not all at once ,like most of us im not made of money . So the underside is the first job to tackle . With the rear bumper removed , i was pleasantly surprised at the condition of the car . Bar a few cobwebs its A1 . Armed with a screwdriver and a hoover i scraped the inside of where the bumper irons sit and removed a small amount of dirt and hoovered it out , i then cleaned it . I then masked the outside areas and sprayed underseal into the hole . Its all nicely sealed in there now . I have also supported the petrol tank and removed the straps . I purchased the stainless steel set of straps, Five new bolts and the bracket from Ebay , so it all should be back on by next sunday . Not much but its a start . Just need those last few parts so i have everything to replace underneath .










Just some pics of the work so far . Although i sent the rear beam to be dipped , blasted and powder coated , i could not afford to send the rad support , so i stripped it my self and gave it five coats of Hammerite . I think the pics speak for themselves I'm very pleased with the finish . So the next stage is more saving for the last bits . I ripped everything from the shed , all the new parts and refurbed bits , its now under the bed in the spare room and the wardrobe is full , you could not move in the shed for parts ! , its amazing what you collect in eight years and forget about .

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Looks really good mate, sure you'll do fantastic job. Looking forward to seeing this develop.

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great job rob, seen a few on here now where people are getting stuck in.....better get started myself

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Can I send you my rad support? :lol:


Looking really good, will follow progress keenly as I'm trying to do this to 2 cars at the moment, being held back by work(nice to be busy) and unreliable welders

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Thanks chaps . Easy pops , I was lucky that the rad support was in fair condition to start with , the one on my car is shot . Rog , always welcome mate , bring ya tool kit ! .

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Thanks again gents , it's great to get support on here , when your doing a job like this . I'm glad I'm doing it in stages , I'm not sure how long it will be before I get the urge to drive it lol .

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Nice one Rob, on the home stretch with the car now then?


I've got my underside to do which I've said I'll be doing for about a year now too. I will get there early next year though hopefully, but always a step behind you mate!

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I wish it was the home stretch Sean . Once the underneath is done , the front seats and cards need some tlc . I also have some small rust scabs in a couple of places , so a few panels will need re painting . But I will get there .

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It's getting there James . I'm hoping the parts I ordered will be here by Sunday , the nights are drawing in and it's getting wetter , if that's possible lol . I will be able to fit the straps and lower the car back down off the stands then . Yeah I do like nice new parts Graham . Lovely to get rid of the rusty stuff .

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Not much but its a start .



Nice and clean .

The new parts are dribbling in, as and when i can afford it . Bolts n bits n pieces . Like British rail , im getting there .

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The old girl is in on Monday for an oil change , new sump gasket and oil cooler rubber 'o' rings and maybe a new cooler if needed . The gearbox oil will be changed and a slight leak will be sorted as well . Ive organised a good clean of the bottom end to be included . This is normaly a job i would do myself but work is manic atm , i just dont have the time and its starting to drip on the drive which i obviously dont want . My birthday is coming up this month and i gave ''er in doors'' a little list , so im looking forward to new goodies for the underside . I bought a few more nuts n bolts the other day , inc the rear bumper iron bolts , so it will be nice to fit them as mine are shot .

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