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Everything posted by Keyo

  1. Keyo

    Noob Checkin In

    Looks like the seller of the car has carried out some great renovation work to the car- pretty sure I can see a new rad in there. Looks like the paint if fresh to - I would say they have spent a lot of money on this car at least 7k plus/
  2. Perfect for Irish roads I imagine the awd- would love a go in one some day to see what they are like- love the box arches on them.
  3. From chassis F 50-L-000 00 Part NO 3A0955435 appears to be obsolete or part number 333955435A which is also obsolete. There is an early one as well still available up to chassis F >> 50-K-030 000 https://www.volkswagen-classic-parts.de/en/kappe-f4bf18.html
  4. I love the noise of the KR when you are 7k revs and above almost feels like a race engine working it ass off. They do feel really slow low down in the revs though compared to a modern turbo car.
  5. Im not sure if its true but someone told me the 16V was quicker than a rallye once it had worn the engine in.
  6. Cressa isnt this car your way - what a beauty. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/1989-Volkswagen-Golf-1-8-Rallye-3dr/233695581682?_trkparms=aid%3D1110006%26algo%3DHOMESPLICE.SIM%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D20131231084308%26meid%3Dd0c9c8417206460aa050ca2b3998b911%26pid%3D100010%26rk%3D2%26rkt%3D12%26sd%3D303667654207%26itm%3D233695581682%26pmt%3D0%26noa%3D1%26pg%3D2047675%26algv%3DDefaultOrganic&_trksid=p2047675.c100010.m2109
  7. Bonnet cable snap and the used a crowbar to open ?
  8. Keyo

    Meet up

    Yep will be there from 10.00 am 👍
  9. Keyo

    Radio wiki

    This is a cool site for classic car stereo info. Im fitting this to my Mk2 this weekend came with the car in a box.
  10. Guys remember the Corrado in this video= look what is for bloomin sale has no V5. Advert title says needs a tidy up ha ha . Hello, It was running when parked, It has 115000 miles on it. NO V5, all the serial and VIN numbers are on there to apply. Leather interior needs a complete clean and check to get back on the road, the back brakes are locked on. flat tires etc. no rust. It is what it is. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Volkswagen-Corrado-1996-spares-repairs/324267514585?hash=item4b7fd99ad9:g:~1oAAOSwGYFfPlPD
  11. Very sad story-Those fumes off a fuel tank could wreck anyone's life - so easy to get distracted when working on a car I can see how it could easily happen - another sucker are large lithium batteries when been charged for radio control planes etc- have heard of these sparking up as well. If you have never changed your halogen spot bulbs for led I would do this as well- I had one explode and it burnt my carpet - changed them all out now.
  12. Yeah it so easy to do if you just make a pattern of mistakes - horrific really so close to burning down the neighbours house .
  13. Waking my Airedale this evening and literally two minutes down the road stumbled across this devastation. The homeowner was outside and cheekly asked him what happened - he said he son was working on a cobra kit car on the fuel system - did not go into much detail but said it burnt down in 10 minutes his son did suffer some burns from plastic guttering melting on him- can still see the frame of the car in the garage- thank god nearly took the neighbours house as the flames have burnt the barge boards on the roofline- imagine if that had got through to the loft- I imagine the son left the cap off the fuel bottle and the car ignited the fumes.
  14. Hi Mate just a butyl tape - like this . Glazers use it alot. If you want the membrane come and grab it Sunday ha- I know how to get you lot out ! 😁 https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/BUTYL-GLAZING-RUBBER-FLEXISTRIP-TAPE-BLACK-WHITE-BROWN-6-METERS-x-12MM-x-2-5MM/223476419578?hash=item34083b8bfa:g:ziUAAOSwotZcrIOW Ibe been buying crap off VW and heritage then I realised why not use this stuff that is mega designed for high stress - have rolls of it sitting in my yard.
  15. If anyone coming to the meet this Sunday needs some door membrane I have a roll of seriously strong monarflex stitched membrane so it dont rip (used in my industry. Also has braced /seemed puncture holes for cabling. Just let me know if you need some free of charge. On my my mk2 golf.
  16. Sure guys Insurance will always try and wiggle out of their responsibilities you can only try and beat them at their own game.
  17. My valuation is based on purchase price and what I have spent on the car in the last few years and the documentation off professional garages/body shops with card receipts and all parts purchased My aim is get a car upto condition of a car that would be under a three/four years old. I believe Insurance is not fit for purpose unless it covered my loss. The corrado has had a complete new engine rebuild from Stealth and 6k of desirable options - crap loads of other stuff as well - so I'm going high on that one to match the costs involved - what I get I will get but damned if I wont try, Every part I purchase or garage receipt I log on to the car record and also send that to the valuation team so that they can see the maths involved. No did not provide any example of other cars on the market because I was confident my paperwork would do the job - they took 30 days to get back to me and agreed my figure without debate.
  18. Had my confirmation agreed certificate today off Lancaster Insurance for Mk2 Golf 16v issued after assessment of photographs and documentation supplied by myself. Happy to say they agreed a valuation certificate of 19K - Insurance including agreed value- 5k miles a year- breakdown cover- salvage rights. £240.00 a year. Next one Corrado going for 25k start high nothing to lose. The valuation is Valid for 2 years.
  19. Too right mate some of the imported Mercs from Japan pre AMG merger just have amazing items on them from the tuning houses- I suppose in the 80s and 90s they had the electrical consumable industry to themselves before other countries like China started manufacturing = in other words had mega cash ! Import cars have sort of been frowned upon in the UK for years but from what I can see they look a great buy if from Japan !!! P.s Fen this was not you that was spotted was it- post off facebook from the Stella who owns the green Khaki. ‎Stella Kee‎ to Vw Corrado chat 1d · Spotted silver Corrado heading to Lifford in Ireland, made my day ❤️ 3 Comments 55 Like Comment Share Comments Ryan Foster Got Family Ties in County Leitrim 1 Manage LikeShow More Reactions · Reply · 1d Stella Kee replied · 3 Replies Tim Jones It's nice to see another on the road. I've not seen one my neck of the woods for a couple of years now I reckon Manage LikeShow More Reactions · Reply · 1d · Edited Stella Kee I see a different one every year I come to Donegal ❤️
  20. Nice one mate I know who to ask for help ha !
  21. Yeah me too but I think these chargers are mid range and don't cover the flat spot- could be wrong though.
  22. Found some more evidence that the alloy wheels could be purchased direct from VWMS hannover in Germany from a car magazine advert - have all the vag alloy brochures here from the UK with price lists and can not find any trace of them in the Uk. I think they should just be called VWMS Speedlines to be honest as clearly were not just designated for Vento race cars. I don't think they sold many sets because they were so damn expensive at just under £1700 a set back in 1993 - to put it into context I have the UK alloy wheel brochure and back in 1991 you could purchase a set of BBS RM for £668.00 new.
  23. Exactly that a whining car and a lady one could not surely cope ha - joke ! Most important thing would be the when the range of power comes in for me- although the fact it just bolts on and is cheaper than a turbo does make it desirable.
  24. No worries mate- which website do you find your Japan Corrado on ?
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