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Everything posted by Keyo

  1. James Campaign owner this sounds very similar to your 8V - his was rotten A pillar - if you search the threads he has documented and pictured in his findings. If its coming down the A pillar then it dont sound like the normal water ingress issues of blocked scuttle or failing airbox fan gasket- also failed door card. Could possibly related to the sunroof drains - is there any signs of corrosion around the windscreen ?
  2. Thanks Fla- I will put one on next year as well. Must admit owning a late VR I do actually love the early shape of the corrado with the 7 slat grill and boxy front- I have a huge want for an early G60 in red it keeps creeping back into my head. ha . The yellow nugget is lovely on the pics isnt she - owned by Sukhi from Leeds.
  3. I will have one of Kurzy looms as a spare if he makes them again.
  4. If anyone ever needs a plug for the sunroof or recaro loom I know the 996 has the same plug as well because it is obsolete from VW but still available from Porsche and pretty cheap.
  5. Can see they include the terminal and seals- it says in stock and can order on the internet so surely that is a goer.
  6. Aint this the correct plug. £2.74 https://www.auto-click.co.uk/357941165?tag=357941165
  7. Yeah I think they changed out the relays are fair few times and also on the Rayne loom Vince had to file down the plastic bits inside the plug as they were a tad to long to house correctly.
  8. I always thought Kurzy was Rayne automotive for some reason- its odd that Rayne sell the connectors but no longer seem to sell the uprated looms ?
  9. Hi , Just spoke to him and he got them from a contact in the automotive industry - he says you can call him for a chat and get some figures on numbers. I will PM you his number. They came with all the connectors and grommets male and female.
  10. I know you can get the plugs because my mate showed me a handful of some the other day that were new.
  11. Thanks for your support mate . Looking at the drawing I need to speak to the drafter as my front drive comes to the corner of the front bay and he has the garage wrong on the plot as the garage would be at least a meter or two closer to the boundary and garage not covering as much of the house - he hasn't helped matters to be honest as the drawing is in favour of the planning department not mine . I wouldn’t want to change the main house chap tbh I like her the way she is .
  12. Its a real grey subject in front of the building line though Dox- couple of positives is one of the neighbours complained about light at sunrise no bull even though their house is on the other side of the road three doors down and another about blocking view of reversing cars even though it's 1.5m back from the front wall- planning did say that these concerns were unfounded- so its that grey area of them saying not in keeping with the road scenery and me saying oh yes it is here are 6 properties with garages and my house has a larger front then a couple of them. One neighbour actually said its ok to build it as long as it has a flat roof - so thanks for the input but I don't want a cube on my front garden please neighbour.. Ironically opposite me they knocked down two huge Victorian mansions in the 80s and built a cul de sac up there and directly opposite me two fugly looking three story houses with cheapest badly designed houses ever built in the whole of mankind. % years ago they knocked down another mansion and built 12 flats although that build was done really well to be fair . Just don't understand Dox why they say its not in keeping house 4 doors away and another 5 on the other side. She said on the report that these garages were built before the government guidelines so tough titty for me. As in regards to the roof height I have even designed the pitch with low pitch that would have a membrane underneath as to shallow for just a clay tile - Ill concentrate on knocking up some more scaffolds and pay this appeal expert to sort out it as will have nothing good to say to them to be honest . B'ham refusal The siting and design of the proposed detached garage to the front would be out of keeping with the existing character of the street scene and as such would be contrary to Policy PG3 of the Birmingham Development Plan 2017, saved Paragraph 3.14C-D of the Birmingham UDP 2005, guidance in Extending Your Home adopted as a Supplementary Planning Document, and the National Planning Policy Framework.
  13. These lot need to rethink their name.
  14. Thats what they said mate - one way decision. If you had requested to speak at the Planning Committee, the guidance available on our website explained that the application might be decided on behalf of the Council by myself and this has been the case on this occasion
  15. Sure mate its a kick in the teeth paying for something that you might not get but at least its a fixed fee - ultimately at least 100 percent I will know that I tried everything I could- at the moment the council are not meeting and from what I can see off my refusal is they are letting planning decide at the moment without their say because it says that in the notes but worded differently - all covid related.
  16. On a brighter note I was looking at a VW 1991 accessory brochure earlier and was wondering can we still get VW his and hers shell suits ?
  17. 8 months that sounds very stressful - Ive got a fixed price off the appeal expert in my home town for £680.00 plus vat - I suppose I should follow it through because I really need to know where I stand if the house will ever be allowed to have a detached garage- seems a bit unfair when my neighbour has a shantey town nextdoor which I have to look at every morning and I cant build a garage which has been specced out with materials in keep with the age of the house . Sure Dox will have a job to do but I will get my appeal man onto them as they are the experts- I reckon its 50/50 - if not will have to sell the classics really as not going down the storage route or selling my house that I fully refurbished only a few years back - in hindsight I should of purchased a house with a large garage but at the time I had modern cars.
  18. Update on the planning permission it has been denied as says not in accordance with building in front of the building line to national recommendations. I have 16 houses on my road and six have garages in front of the building line. . My garage is not close to any neighbours house as I have a back garden next to where the garage is proposed to sit, as you can see the neighbours have gates into that garage- also across the road you see another neighbours detached garage - Im going to resubmit the plans which are free of charge and if that fails more them lightly appeal under the grounds of it is in keeping my neighbours have garages - I even sent pictures of the other garages to planning pre application - oh the joys ha ! Going to resubmit in block and render and painted white to match house and keep the oak beams at the front as that construction of building will be good for insulation much better than wood.
  19. So Sean would that be the red one I have in my shed ? 😉 We need this skilled corrado owner to make some of the galvanised rad supports also offered in alloy. http://testforum.co.uk/viewtopic.php?t=883 From his profile his name is Rob from Durham and owned a red G60 and was making these in 2016 - his car reg was J375CAO - I wonder if his still about !
  20. I think these rad supports are getting thin on the ground - the sooner an aftermarket one becomes available the better- the Mk2 golf you can but all the subframes and supports aftermarket - lets hope the Corrado follows one day and they rust to heel on the rad support- leaky coolant might not help them.
  21. When you use them after the rechrome you will be very happy mate I can vouch for that.
  22. From memory 180 .oo chap - its a fair bit of money but its almost like your headlight is new again- especially when you clean the lenses - everyone will have to do it eventually as i believe mots can fail on reflectors - my eyesight is very poor in low light so I jumped on it ha !
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